My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 149 The Devil’s Container and the Magical Weapon of Victory

"What happened to the little girl who couldn't wake up?"

Zhang Yangzhou smiled miserably, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he spat: "What is it? It's your mother!"

Lin Yan frowned slightly, not because he felt scolded, but because this Yangzhou didn't say any nonsense about me being a genius and why you did this to me. Instead, he acted like a dead pig that is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. I will admit defeat if I fall into your hands. It seems that I completely accept the fact that I have lost my arms and legs.

This a bit troublesome.

Lin Yan's face turned cold: "Your hands and feet have just been severed. If you rely on strength to connect them, there will still be..."

"Hey! Don't waste your efforts! If you want to get information out of my mouth, you can do it in the next life!"

Zhang Yangzhou suddenly had a face full of determination, and strength surged through his body. Lin Yan's expression changed. He was planning to commit suicide with all his strength!

There was nothing he could do to stop her. In desperation, Lin Yan shouted: "Don't you want to know the whereabouts of that little girl who couldn't wake up!"

After the words fell, Zhang Yangzhou's surging energy stagnated slightly. Lin Yan instantly bullied him and struck ten times in succession, driving his own energy into the ten orifices of Zhang Yangzhou's body, scattering the energy he had gathered.

But Lin Yan's brows were even more furrowed. This method could only temporarily block Zhang Yangzhou's control over his strength, and it wouldn't last long.

Zhang Yangzhou obviously knew this, and laughed wildly: "It's useless! It's useless! Tell me, is that little girl dead or alive?"

Lin Yan raised his wrist slightly, as if raising a wisp of dust.

Then he walked back slowly and sat down, eyes narrowed: "You are not even afraid of death, why do you have to know the whereabouts of that little girl?"

Zhang Yangzhou spat again: "What a shame! You still want to get information from me?"

Lin Yan was unmoved: "In that case, I will tell you... that little girl is dead!"

Zhang Yangzhou's face became obviously nervous, and a trace of thick worry appeared on his pale cheeks. He didn't know whether he was worried about Xiaozhi or something else.

Then he was startled again and glared at Lin Yan: "You lied to me! You must be lying to me!"

Lin Yanzai carefully recorded the changes in his expression in his eyes, and said without mercy: "What did I lie to you for? I watched that little girl die with my own eyes."

"You lied to me! You don't know her at all! No!" Zhang Yangzhou became even more furious.

"I destroyed a gang called the Black Tiger Gang, and got the Thunder Order and news from it. By chance, I found the little girl."

Zhang Yangzhou's face turned pale: "The last hope, the last hope... No! No! You lied to me! You lied to me!"

A burst of joy slowly rose in Lin Yan's heart. Zhang Yangzhou finally revealed some information. His expression remained unchanged and he continued: "You don't believe it? I can also tell you the specific illness of the little girl.

"When she was dying, her whole body was covered with jade scars, and her whole body turned into jade. Finally, she accidentally fell off the bed and was broken into pieces. I have never seen such a weird disease in my life... …”

However, the more Lin Yan talked about it, the more serious his eyes became, because Zhang Yangzhou's expression slowly changed from despair and pain to one of extreme ecstasy.

"You said, that little girl transformed into jade? Hahahaha! Success? Success! This batch really succeeded... I hope, our hope, my way will not perish, my way will not perish!"

Lin Yan's expression remained unchanged, hoping that Zhang Yangzhou would tell more information, and continued: "Is this the hope you are talking about? A broken jade statue?"

But there was a hint of weirdness and sarcasm on Zhang Yangzhou's face: "Just keep lying to me like this!"

Lin Yan's face was expressionless: "Why did I lie to you?"

"The jade statue transformed by the goddess is indestructible and invulnerable to water and fire. Only time can make it decay. Break it by accident? Even if you and I try our best, it will not be damaged at all!"

"Is that so..."

It turns out there is a flaw in this place, Goddess, they call Xiaozhi the Goddess. Sure enough, Xiaozhi is inseparable from the sculptures in the Goddess Temple that they have seen before!

"So, the little girl didn't die even if she turned into a jade statue?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on Zhang Yangzhou's face: "Even if you die, she won't die either!"

"Then how to save her?"

"Save? Save who? Who saves who!" Zhang Yangzhou was suddenly stunned and laughed wildly, "I understand! I understand! You know that little girl! You want to save her! Are you her friend? No, a relative? !”

Lin Yan showed a flaw in his expression at the right time, allowing Zhang Yangzhou to see a little bit of the relationship between Xiaozhi and him.

Seemingly seeing something extremely ridiculous, Zhang Yangzhou laughed so hard that tears were about to flow out: "Are you actually related to them? Are you still thinking of saving them?

"Ha ha ha ha!

"The container of evil spirits, the magical weapon of victory, you actually want to save these evil spirits so arrogantly?!"

Lin Yan frowned slightly, and Zhang Yangzhou gradually began to speak incoherently, but Lin Yan keenly heard that he said the words "them" and "these" twice.

Could it be that there is more than one person like Xiaozhi?

Suddenly, Zhang Yangzhou's laughter stopped abruptly, and a look of extreme despair and horror gradually appeared on his face: "What did you do to me!"

He suddenly realized that he had unknowingly leaked an unknown amount of information just now.

Lin Yan raised his hand, and there was a handful of white-ash-like powder in his palm: "A highly toxic hallucinogenic mushroom is dried and ground into a powder. Logically speaking, it has no effect on you, but you are too seriously injured. There were too many wounds, so I got hit.”

The powder made from dried mushrooms was used by Lin Yan to restore his qi and blood. During this period, he often went into the mountains and tasted all kinds of herbs. He found that this kind of mushroom was extremely toxic and easy to pick, so he specially The mountain people in Jijiazhai were entrusted to help pick some, dry them and grind them into powder for recovery.

Unexpectedly, it happened to have an effect on this Yangzhou.

Zhang Yangzhou was trembling all over, obviously in extreme panic, but this panic was definitely not a fear of personal safety. After all, he was not even afraid of death.

This is a deeper level, like a panic about some kind of desperate reality and doing something wrong.

He trembled: "You, have you ever planted spiritual essence?"

Lin Yan frowned slightly, wondering why he suddenly asked about this, and said patiently: "No."

Zhang Yangzhou let out a long sigh of relief and was covered in sweat: "I, I beg you! Lin Yan! I beg you! Don't leak what I said. I beg you, keep it a secret for me!"

Zhang Yangzhou's eyes were filled with tears, but they were not fear of death or the loss of life, but a deeper and more profound inexplicable emotion that Lin Yan could not understand yet.

Before a person dies, he is not afraid of death, but afraid of the secret being leaked?

Lin Yan was confused and thought of Guo Fan.

"I can promise you, but you must answer me a few questions. What is the goddess? How to return to normal? Who are you? What is your purpose!"

But Zhang Yangzhou suddenly showed a look of realization. The panic on his face slowly disappeared, and he laughed with tears in his eyes. He looked at Lin Yan: "I understand, she is really your relative, and you want to save her! Hahaha , you will keep it a secret for me, right?

"You don't want anything to happen to her!

“My way will not perish, my way will not perish…

"Remember! Never plant spiritual essence! Absolutely!"

Lin Yan's eyes suddenly sharpened, "Not good!"

The figure flashed to Zhang Yangzhou's side in an instant.

But Zhang Yangzhou's face showed a hint of extreme determination, and his heart and muscles were shattered as his strength surged.


Lin Yan clenched his fists and slowly let out his momentum.

A brilliant look of relief appeared on Zhang Yangzhou's face, his eyes blurred as he looked into the distance, tears filling his eyes: "Master, will it succeed? I believe, I believe..."

His head drooped and became motionless.

Lin Yan touched his neck and sighed slightly, he couldn't die anymore.

"Zhang Yangzhou, who are they, and what are they doing? Xiaozhi...who do they think they are!"

Lin Yan remembered what Zhang Yangzhou said, "the container of evil spirits, the magic weapon of victory." Could it be that Xiao Zhi was also burdened with some kind of mission and responsibility?

There is also the spiritual marrow. Before Guo Fan and Zhang Yangzhou died, they all warned him not to use the spiritual marrow.

But Lin Yan carefully observed Tai Qian, Xia Tang and others. They used spiritual marrow. Apart from the rapid increase in strength and qualifications, there were no sequelae or problems at all in other aspects.

What problems are hidden in the soul?

Thanks to the book friend Silly Fantasy for another reward of 500 coins, thank you boss!

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