My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 140 Ancient Culture Scholars and the Ancient Brahma Kingdom

Bai Ling spoke eloquently, and after listening for a long time, Lin Yan roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It is still related to the newly discovered ruins in Fengyang City. It is said that the ruins are also the ruins of a Buddhist temple and belong to an ancient civilization that has perished called the Brahma Kingdom.

Although almost the entire Qinglongyuan of the Demon-Suppressing Division fell into it, at the same time, it was also discovered that there were a large number of precious and rare objects in it!

Strength characteristics require rare items, especially mysterious items and jade items. The required items are extremely precious and can be called treasures of heaven and earth. They are extremely rare in the entire Qianzhou.

And in that ruins, rare objects can be seen everywhere, and there are many priceless high-quality rare objects!

So several forces joined forces and sent people to block the ruins, and sent people to explore and search. It is said that the first batch of harvest has been transported back to the capital.

The reason why this Ding'an Genius Battle Meeting is placed in Ding'an City is because the ruins outside Ding'an City are also related to the ancient Vatican Kingdom. The senior officials in the city believe that there may also be a large number of precious and rare objects in it!

That's why the Ding'an Genius Battle was scheduled in Ding'an City, in order to explore the ruins first and see if they were as profitable as the ruins near Fengyang City.

Liu Lanqing sneered twice: "I finally understand, what do you mean by being arrogant and domineering? To put it bluntly, isn't it because you are worried that our Demon Suppressor will monopolize the rare objects in the ruins?

"Haha, exploring the ruins and eliminating threats is the responsibility and right of our Demon Suppressor!

"When we were going through life and death, why didn't we see them jump out?

"When there are benefits, they swarm up and push us out of the game?"

Bering waved his hand and explained: "I just don't let you be the city lord because I'm afraid that your arbitrary actions will affect the fairness.

“We can still get a big piece of the ruins’ profit cake.

“And you know Hou Zun’s personality, he won’t let you suffer!

"This box of precious rare artifacts and secrets is the compensation given to you by Hou Zun. As long as you operate it well, the Suzaku Institute will be built soon. Isn't it more comfortable than being the lord of a broken city?"

Liu Lanqing snorted. She naturally knew that the Suppressing Demon Division could not go against the entire Qianyuan Mansion interest group. Hou Zun considered the interests of the entire Suppressing Demon Division and did not treat her badly.


She pointed at Ling Shuangxue: "Why does she have to replace me? Doesn't Hou Zun know about the grudge between me and her?"

Ling Shuangxue smiled faintly: "I don't want to come either. It was the Marquis who invited me personally, saying that you acted recklessly and made mistakes, and only I can make up for it. I was so worried that I had to come."

Flames and frost rose again.

"Teacher Ling, please stop irritating Ah Qing!" Bai Ling quickly pressed hard. The force was like a high iron wall, blocking the middle of the two of them. Lin Yan was also stunned. This force was solid and thick. Incomparable, extremely oppressive, terrifyingly strong!

It's just that Liu Zhang is usually quite calm, but why does he turn into a powder keg that explodes at the drop of a hat in front of Ling Shuangxue?

Bailing explained: "The status of Qianyuan Academy is detached and neutral. Teacher Ling is also a well-known ancient culture scholar in Qianyuan Academy. She has numerous records in various ancient books. This time the ruins involve the ancient Vatican Kingdom. She is here, It will definitely speed up our exploration of the ruins."

Ling Shuangxue said lightly: "White Palm Master is ridiculous. My main purpose of coming here is to preside over this waiting genius battle. As for the ruins, it is just a little hobby, the icing on the cake."

Bai Ling stopped Liu Lanqing and showed a helpless smile.

Even though Ling Shuangxue and Liu Lanqing are in the same boat, the grievances and grudges between them are entangled, they are like sisters and enemies at the same time.

This is why Hou Zun invited Ling Shuangxue here. He believed that if there was an accident, Ling Shuangxue would side with Liu Lanqing, the Demon Suppressor, at the critical moment.

Liu Lanqing wanted to say more, but Bai Ling quickly interrupted: "Teacher Ling, let's get to the point quickly. Let's talk about the origin of the ancient Brahma Kingdom."

Lin Yan immediately pricked up his ears. The ruins deep in the cracks in the ground were closely related to Xiaozhi's illness, so he was naturally extremely concerned.

"In that case, let me tell you briefly... Ah Qing, you are probably not interested in things recorded in writing such as literature and history, right? Otherwise..."

"Teacher Ling, please stop showing off!" Bai Ling quickly interrupted and urged Ling Shuangxue.

Ling Shuangxue showed a look of regret, straightened her expression, and spoke eloquently.

“The history of the ancient Brahma Kingdom is said to be about 400 years ago.

“But because of the well-known mass extinction, most of the historical records have been lost.

“I can only speak from what few records remain.

“According to legend, this ancient Brahma country believed deeply in Buddhism and believed that death is not death, but the beginning of new life.

“They believe in the existence of a Buddha in the world and believe that the Buddha has a pair of supreme Buddha eyes that can illuminate the past and present life and see through the world of mortals.

“Therefore, they also worship the eyes very much, are superstitious about the power of the eyes, and regard the eyes as totems.

“In their buildings, there will always be some weird Buddha statues with huge eyes, which is the image of Buddha in their imagination.

"So, the name of the most noble emperor's temple in the ancient Brahma Kingdom is Tianmu Temple!"

Lin Yan remembered the big-eyed Buddha sculptures on the top of the palace embedded in the cliff, and what Mr. Xu told him at that time, "Tianmu Temple, Guanshan Monk."

No wonder the senior officials in Fucheng think this ruins is profitable!

“Of course, the ancient Brahma country’s belief in Buddhism was different from what we imagined, and was much more barbaric, bloody, and primitive.

"They believe in Buddhism and pay attention to observing the precepts, but the precepts are extremely strict. Once the precepts are broken, they will have their noses cut off, their hands cut off, beheaded and tortured, or even burned alive, euphemistically called worshiping the Buddha;

“They are extremely obsessed with the worship of eyes. It is said that many nobles have the habit of eating human eyes raw, thinking that this can increase their eyesight.

“On the battlefield, they would dig out other people’s eyeballs and embed them in their own faces to make their faces have multiple eyes. They believe that the more and bigger a person’s eyes are, the more noble their status will be;

“Also, the name of the Corpse Buddha Cockroach also comes from the ancient books of the ancient Brahma Kingdom.

“One record says that those who blaspheme the Buddha will be possessed by evil spirits and turn into corpse cockroaches;

"Another record says that the nobles of the ancient Brahma Kingdom liked to raise corpse cockroaches. If someone blasphemed Buddhism or violated Buddhist laws, they would be thrown into a group of corpse cockroaches as a living sacrifice.

"The last statement is even more bizarre. It is said that the corpse cockroach is the mortal enemy of the Buddha. Man tried to make a Buddha but failed, so the corpse cockroach was born. It is believed that the corpse cockroach is man-made.

"However, the Ancient Society generally believes that this sentence is a fantasy novel fabricated by later generations and cannot be accepted.

"Scholars who study demons and evil beasts classify the corpse cockroach as a type of evil beast because it has a clear method of reproduction and may produce spiritual marrow, although it is just miscellaneous.

"However, judging from the description you sent me, the corpse cockroach here is different from the corpse cockroach elsewhere.

“First, the corpse cockroach here lives in the poisonous mist, but the corpse cockroach in other areas does not have such characteristics.

"Secondly, in the information you reported, the size of the corpse cockroach is inaccurate. What do you mean, it is larger than the ordinary corpse cockroach?

“How big is that?

"I don't know if there is something wrong with your expression skills, or if you... don't understand measurements and arithmetic at all, so you came to such a ridiculous conclusion."

A vein bulged on Liu Lanqing's forehead: "It's bigger than the ordinary corpse cockroach, just bigger! Isn't this clear?"

Ling Shuangxue said unhurriedly: "The recorded common corpse cockroaches can grow up to two feet tall, and some of the special elite species can grow up to four feet tall.

"When you say bigger, how much bigger do you mean?

"Four and a half feet? Five feet?

"If such unclear news is sent back, I don't know how the Marquis can trust you to be the master?"

"Ling, Shuang, Xue!"

Bering quickly smoothed things over: "Aqing, I'm also curious, how big is that corpse cockroach?"

Liu Lanqing took a deep breath. This was indeed her fault.

Because she knew the name of the corpse cockroach, when she listened to Wu Qinglei's report on the corpse cockroach, she simply asked him to recount Lin Yan's battle process.

From the retelling, she had a vague feeling that the corpse cockroach that Lin Yan fought against was not small in size, but because she had a fixed impression of the corpse cockroach, she had not confirmed the size in detail.

He waved his hand: "Lin Yan, you are the one who discovered the corpse cockroach, tell me!"

Lin Yan stepped forward, but his expression was quite strange.

Ordinary corpse cockroaches can only grow up to two feet?

The elite are only four feet tall?

One foot is about 0.3 meters, and the elite corpse cockroach is only less than 1.5 meters?

But each of the corpse cockroaches he encountered, as well as the tide of corpse cockroaches, were three meters long, which started out as one foot!

Lin Yanhuai was a little uneasy as he detailed the size of the corpse cockroach.

"One foot tall...are you sure?"

Ling Shuangxue and Bai Ling both had suspicious looks on their faces. Isn't this size nearly as tall as two adults?

"I am sure!"

Seeing Lin Yan's serious face, Ling Shuangxue's face gradually became serious.

If the corpse cockroach was really ten feet tall, its threat would be ten times more dangerous than she imagined!

"Is there any evidence?"

Lin Yan thought for a while, and he remembered that at that time, he still had several corpses of corpse cockroaches that he wanted to deliver to the Demon Suppression Division.

But Wu Qinglei said that thing was useless, so he refused when he didn't see it.

Later, he gave two to the Song family and discarded the rest.

"At that time, I hunted the carcasses of corpse cockroaches and sent two of them to the Song family, but I don't know if they still have them."

Ling Shuangxue looked at Liu Lanqing.

Liu Lanqing snorted and called Fan Xiaopeng, telling him to go to the Song family to ask.

In fact, the best candidate is Song Tian. However, he, Yu Qian, Xia Tang and other genius seeds went to bury the spiritual essence with an inspector five days ago and have not returned yet.

Not long after, Fan Xiaopeng walked in with a rather horrified expression, holding a round object wrapped in black cloth in both hands.

"Isn't this very big..."

Bai Ling took a look and saw that the package in Fan Xiaopeng's hand was only two feet long and wide at best.

Fan Xiaopeng hesitated to speak, and simply lifted the black cloth.

Bai Ling, Ling Shuangxue, and Liu Lanqing all looked at each other intently.

Wrapped in the black cloth, there was a dried head of a huge corpse cockroach, with a bun on top of it, and four dark red compound eyes as big as eggs inlaid on the shriveled insect head.

Below, there is a four-petal mouthpart like a guillotine. One of the pieces has been broken open, and you can still see what a ferocious killing weapon it was during life.

Fan Xiaopeng said: "Song Yuansi said that the whole body was too big and rotted quickly. He only took this one head to dry and keep it as a collection."

Ling Shuangxue's face turned solemn: "Trouble... I visually measured the head to be two feet long and wide. According to the head-to-body ratio, the size of this corpse cockroach... is indeed one foot tall!"

After saying this, her, Liu Lanqing, and Bai Ling's expressions all changed.

In their imagination, corpse cockroaches were no more than two feet in size, and a strength realm warrior could kill one.

Even if there are thousands of insects forming a swarm, it is just a bit dangerous and very troublesome to clean up, and it is far from being scary or extremely dangerous.

But what if every corpse cockroach in the insect tide is like the one in front of me, reaching a height of one foot?

That would be a...horrifying disaster!

"I remember that corpse cockroaches can occasionally produce spiritual marrow."

Ling Shuangxue looked at Lin Yan: "Have you found the spiritual marrow from the corpse cockroach?"

Lin Yan nodded, stretched out his hand, and took out a piece of spiritual essence. This was the only first-grade spiritual essence that he kept specially to prevent Liu Lanqing from asking.

"First-grade spiritual essence..." Ling Shuangxue recognized it at a glance, "Is there any more?"

Lin Yan said calmly: "I have stored the rest of the spiritual marrow. This is the only one I carry with me."

"In other words, there are still more?" Ling Shuangxue looked serious, "How many corpse cockroaches can produce one spiritual essence?"

Lin Yan looked at her strangely and replied: "Every one. Every corpse cockroach has this kind of spiritual essence!"

After the words fell, Bering stood up abruptly, his eyes widened, and he was surprised and delighted: "Are you sure?!"

"I am sure."

Bering's breathing suddenly became rapid, and he walked up and down: "Each one has a first-grade spiritual essence... Doesn't this mean that countless spiritual essences will be produced in this ruins?!"

This is a huge fortune!

Ling Shuangxue and Liu Lanqing looked much calmer at this time, and both looked at each other with a hint of shudder.

"Old Bai, every corpse cockroach can produce a first-grade spiritual essence. In other words, each of them has at least a stronger level of strength!

"That's thousands of rigid realms. Not to mention you and me, even Hou Zun will be torn into pieces once he falls into it!

"This is both wealth and... a terrifying disaster!"

Ling Shuangxue rarely nodded in agreement with Liu Lanqing's words, then turned to look at Lin Yan: "Your name is Lin Yan, right? Are you sure that corpse cockroaches can only survive in poisonous mist?"

Lin Yan could only tell how he used the valley to kill the corpse cockroach.

Ling Shuangxue's beautiful face showed some depth: "These corpse cockroaches may have mutated due to long-term survival in the poisonous mist, or some other reason, causing their size to increase dramatically.

"Fortunately, they are trapped in the poisonous fog and cannot come out...poisonous fog, poisonous fog...why fog?"

The word "fog" seemed to arouse a common reaction among Liu Lanqing, Bai Ling and Fan Xiaopeng present.

Their bodies tensed subconsciously, and their breathing also held tight for a moment, as if they had recalled some common fear, and they all showed a look of deep worry and fear.

Thanks to the book friend for his silly fantasy and ak85 for the 500 coins! Thanks man!

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