My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 133 Genius seed selection and strength characteristics

Opening "The Devil Tiger Swallows the Mountain", Lin Yan read carefully every word.

"I didn't expect that just the Xuanpin's strength characteristics could have such terrifying effects..."

The characteristic of the Devil Tiger Swallowing Mountain Power can make the Power have extremely strong devouring power. Just like a Devil Tiger emerging from the fence, it can swallow the enemy's power, flesh and blood, essence, blood and origin, and feed it back to itself.

If you are unprepared and hit with the power of the Demon Tiger Swallowing Mountain, most of your flesh and blood may be swallowed up in an instant, which is extremely domineering.

Of course, this strength characteristic is not without its flaws, that is, the flesh, blood and essence that are swallowed back do not come from you after all. It is similar to a strong rejection reaction. If you accidentally exceed the limit, it will cause a strong backlash to yourself. ,life threatening.

So this is an extremely domineering, but also extremely dangerous power characteristic.

The method of achieving this powerful characteristic is also extremely complicated.

First, you need to go without eating or drinking for seven consecutive days, and then eat and drink a lot to experience the state of greedy devouring.

Repeat this, maybe several times, or dozens of times, or even longer.

After the mood is matched, and then in the wild mountains, visualize a ferocious beast devouring mountains and rivers, and match one of the corresponding strange objects, then you can achieve it.

Lin Yan put down the Demon Tiger Swallowing Mountain Power feature and picked up the Infinite Power feature instead.

The description of this characteristic is much simpler. Its function is to increase the total amount of energy stored in the body, increasing the amount of energy that can be stored in the body by ten times. It really matches the energy characteristics of "Whale Hong Fist".

Its method of achievement is a bit simpler compared to the Demon Tiger Swallowing the Mountain.

You need to first sit quietly in the ocean tide and realize the vast state of mind, then visualize something as huge as possible, and then use one of many wonders to achieve it.

Therefore, the strength characteristic is, to a certain extent, a manifestation of inner courage.

You need to go through specific rituals, experience specific moods, visualize specific artistic conceptions, and cooperate with specific magical objects to achieve success.

The process took a long time, and it was not what Lin Yan imagined. It could be done in one go once all the resources were available.

Of course, what Lin Yan is more concerned about is the [Nightmare Tiger Swallowing the Sky] characteristic that emerges from the fusion of the two powerful characteristics.

After "Infinite" there is a page dedicated to it.

This characteristic of the Nightmare Tiger Swallowing the Sky retains some of the advantages of the Demonic Tiger Swallowing the Mountain and Wuliang, and its strength has a more powerful devouring power.

But the devoured flesh, flesh, essence, no longer feeds back to itself, but can be stored tenfold and then released all at once.

Guo Fan's guess is that this is because he was focused on completing the experiments on the Giant Spirit Soldier and the Giant Divine Soldier, and especially needed the ability to store flesh, flesh, and essence before releasing them. Therefore, his mind extended outwards, allowing the two to merge into such an ability. Although his combat power did not increase much, it happened to be of great help to his experiments.

Lin Yan frowned slightly: "However, this Nightmare Tiger Devouring Heaven's strength is not very strong in combat power. It is also a jade, and it is no match for Liu Lanqing. It is not suitable for me.

"If the characteristics of strength are really related to the will and temperament, then Wuliang is more compatible with me. The devil tiger swallows the mountain and the nightmare tiger swallows the sky. I have no common ground at all. I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve."

If he had no choice, Lin Yan would naturally have no choice but to bite the bullet.

But now, with the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" and the golden finger of the Bodhi Gold Medal in his hand, he has more room for choice.

"So, next, we have to find a way to get more spiritual marrow, more strength characteristics, and more martial arts skills, and then try it on our own to find a way to integrate strength characteristics!"

The road is long and difficult, so we need to start step by step.

Lin Yan immediately opened the book "Tiger Shape Fist", read it carefully word by word, and practiced every move in the courtyard alone.


At noon on the second day, Song Tian came to the door of Lin Yan's courtyard and knocked on the door: "Sir, the time has come."

Lin Yan stopped what he was doing and exhaled.

After practicing night and morning, he has already mastered the "Tiger Shape Fist" and his proficiency has reached 7%.

Looking at the sky, the sun was already rising high. Lin Yan put back his airs: "Wait for me to clean up."

Back in the room, Xiaolu had already prepared a basin of bath water.

Lin Yan rinsed briefly, used his strength to shake off the water droplets on his body, then put on his official uniform, opened the door and said, "Let's go!"

The two of them went out together, not riding in a carriage or anything like that. They galloped all the way, and soon arrived at the entrance of Longmen Pavilion.

I saw about a hundred people waiting at the entrance of Longmen Pavilion. The crowds were crowded. In addition, some food trucks and small vendors also moved here, making the whole place extremely noisy.

"Lord the Demon Suppressor is here!"

Someone shouted, and everyone fell silent. They turned their heads and looked at Lin Yan with fiery and nervous eyes.

Lin Yan led Song Tian to the entrance of Longmen Pavilion, stood on the steps, and turned around to face everyone.

He nodded slightly. These people who came were quite well-behaved and did not mess around.

He immediately said loudly: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Ding'an City suffered a great disaster this year, so this Ding'an Genius Battle will be arranged by our Demon Suppressing Division.

“I understand everyone’s eagerness to compete for places.

“But I’ll say the ugly things first.

"First of all, everything in this talent competition will be simplified. The quota selection will be based on the selection of our Demon Suppression Division. It will be impossible to be absolutely fair, but I will strictly control it and try to ensure fairness. I hope Everyone understands.

“Second, if there are any plots, sneak attacks, conspiracy, or those who do not abide by the rules or accept the results, they will be disqualified!

"Third, once the selection quota is decided, no changes will be accepted. Do you understand me clearly?"

A sparse voice responded.

Lin Yan's eyes were indifferent as he swept across the whole place. He suddenly took a step forward and shattered the entire stairs. The terrifying aura on his body suddenly erupted, like a wild beast suddenly taking a heavy step and yelling: "I heard you all clearly." !"

There were many people who had unconvinced expressions on their faces, but when overwhelmed by his terrifying aura, their faces immediately turned pale, and they all lowered their heads and shouted: "Listen clearly!"

Lin Yan's aura subsided and he became harmless to humans and animals again.

But everyone in the audience showed a sense of awe in their eyes and did not dare to look at him.

Lin Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Such a selection, especially such a hasty selection, would definitely not be absolutely fair.

If we don't make such a show of force at the beginning, later on, some people will definitely be dissatisfied, and then spread the word to ten, and if it develops into a passionate crowd, it will be too troublesome to clean up.

So let's just be ruthless from the beginning and shock everyone. It's a pity that I didn't stab the head to cause trouble, otherwise the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys would be better.

"Now, all those who participate in the selection are divided into two sides according to their strength and strength. The strength is on the left and the strength is on the right."

Everyone arranged themselves according to their positions.

Lin Yan glanced at it and saw that there were many people in Lijing, accounting for four-fifths, while Gangjing only accounted for one-fifth, about twenty people.

He said expressionlessly: "There were originally ten places for this selection, but four places have been selected within the Demon Suppressing Division. So there are only six places left for you! Four from the Strength Realm and two from the Hard Realm. people!"

Everyone below changed their expressions, but Lin Yan's shock just now had an effect, but no one dared to question it.

"Those who are in the realm of strength should enter first. Follow them and go to the corresponding place. Someone will tell you what to do!"

Song Tian immediately stepped out of the queue and shouted: "Follow me!"

The people in Li Realm immediately followed Song Tian in a bustling manner and filed in.

Wait until all the force realms have entered.

Lin Yan glanced at the people from the Gang Realm present and said calmly: "The selection for the Gang Realm is very simple. I will be your opponent, and I will also choose the final spot!"

The more than twenty people below were all awe-inspiring. They had experienced Lin Yan's terrifying aura just now, and they were naturally panicked in their hearts.

Lin Yan didn't give them any time, and pointed at Gang Jing in front of him: "You come in first."

The person who was clicked turned pale and followed naturally.

The place where they competed was in the Longmen Pavilion. It was only blocked by a screen wall, so it was impossible to see what was going on. The only sounds that seemed to be shouting and fists were heard inside.

Not long after, a Longmen Pavilion disciple ran out and casually named another Gang Realm: "Second."

Everyone was stunned. Where is the first person? Why didn't you come out?

After a while, the third person was called.

This man had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a strong back, and an extremely strong physique. After entering the door, he breathed a sigh of relief. The two people who had just entered were just panting and standing on the side of the hall to rest.

However, their faces were pale, and they would secretly glance at the adult from time to time, as if they had seen something incredible.

"Sir." The man bowed respectfully.

Lin Yan nodded: "Let's do it."

"Sir..." The man looked hesitant.


"Sir, I'm good at using guns. If I use my bare hands, I won't be able to show my strength." After saying this, he carefully looked at Lin Yan while holding his breath.

"Use a gun?"

Lin Yan glanced at him. In Ding'an City, there were not many weapons-related martial arts skills. This person could practice spears to a strong level, so he should not be mediocre.

"There are eighteen kinds of weapons on the weapons rack. You can choose them yourself."

Lin Yan pointed.

"Sir, I brought my own weapon, can you..."


The strong man breathed a sigh of relief. This gentleman is not as strict as he seems on the surface, and he is quite easy to talk to.

He immediately ran out, picked up a big gun from an accompanying attendant, and returned to the courtyard.

When Lin Yan saw the big gun in the strong man's hand, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, showing a hint of surprise.

No wonder he had to go get the gun himself. This big gun was made of an unknown material. It was completely black and extremely thick, like an iron rod with a sharpened head.

The key is, its weight is obviously extremely high!

The air stirred up and whirred as it was waved, and it probably weighed several hundred kilograms!

But the strong man held the spear in his hand, played tricks flexibly, and said seriously: "Sir, be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the spear suddenly struck, and a huge force seemed to explode from the tip of the spear, piercing the air!

"What a gun!"

Lin Yan sighed in admiration and turned sideways to dodge the shot. The cold wind passed through his chest. The force was obviously extremely heavy, almost exceeding the level of Gang Realm!

Immediately afterwards, the spear danced into a black cloud, which continued to shroud Lin Yan, but Lin Yan just dodged, his figure was like a lonely boat in the sea tide, but he always stood firm.

The strong man tried his best to explode, but seeing that he could not touch Lin Yan, he couldn't help but shouted: "Sir, be careful!"

The spear was instantly retracted at the waist, and all the strength in his body seemed to explode, as if a layer of mist was spreading. The next moment, the spear suddenly thrust out, and his body moved with the spear, and in an instant he suddenly appeared in front of his eyes: "Cloud-piercing strike!"

"Good marksmanship!"

Lin Yan's eyes were filled with solemnity. The [Little Green Dragon] state instantly unfolded, and his strength exploded. He swung his arm with a fist and struck it on the side of the spear point, pushing it away. Then he buckled the spear. Snap it, then pull hard.

The strong man felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth and could not hold the spear at all, and was immediately pulled away by Lin Yan.

It wasn't until Lin Yan took away the spear that he looked at his hands in confusion, and then looked at Lin Yan in horror.

He finally understood why the expressions of those two people looking at Lin Yan were so incredible!

Only after real contact and combat did I realize that the adult in front of me was actually in the Gang Realm!

He himself knew that he was born with divine power and had never had any opponent in the rigid realm.

But in the same realm, not only could I not hurt him at all, but in the end, I even took away the weapon from him?

Is this also the Gang Realm?

It’s too perverted!

"May I have your name?"

The strong man smiled bitterly: "Sir, my name is Xia Tang."


Lin Yan casually threw the dark spear weighing more than three hundred kilograms back to Xia Tang, then turned around and pointed to the one on the left of the two people standing stunned: "You have been eliminated, you can gone."

The man's face turned pale, but he did not refute, and sadly held his hands in his hands: "Thank you, sir, for your advice."

After that, he left alone.

"Xia Tang, go and wait over there."

Lin Yan exhaled. This Xia Tang's strength is quite astonishing. In terms of strength, he is as fast as Fan Xiaopeng and has surpassed the Gang Realm. He must be able to occupy one of the two places in the Gang Realm this time.

"Call the next one in!"

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