My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 100 Xiaozhi’s Disease and Spiritual Essence

On the trunk of a broad-leaf tree, I wiped the blood on my fingers.

Lin Yan quickly rushed to Jijiazhai and arrived in front of his house.


The eldest brother had a wary face and rushed out of the room. He glanced at the insect blade arm and the broken jade statue behind Lin Yan, revealing a hint of horror in his eyes.

"Lin Yan?! You, what are these things on you?!"

Lin Yan pulled the rope and unloaded the items on his back: "These are some sundries I found in the Guangchuan Mountains."

He looked serious, because the wooden house was brightly lit, and when he heard his breathing, Xie Lingyan and Pang Feiyan were actually there.

"Elder brother, something happened to Xiaozhi again?!"

Zang Wei sighed: "I can't explain clearly, it's a bit strange. Please go in and have a look."

Lin Yan hurriedly entered the house.

"Lin Yan, are you back?"

Xie Lingyan and Pang Feiyan stood beside Xiaozhi's bed with frowning faces, while Xiaolu sat beside the bed, wiping Xiaozhi's sweat with a wet cloth and wiping away her tears from time to time.

"Xiao Zhi..."

Lin Yan walked to the bedside, and suddenly his whole body was shaken. His pupils instantly condensed into needles, and he froze on the spot, unable to say a word.

Xie Lingyan thought Lin Yan was too sad, so she stroked Xiaozhi's arm. There was a hideous white spot on it, like a birthmark.

He sighed: "From just now, Xiaozhi's body suddenly froze. Her hands and feet, as well as her cheeks and back, all began to grow hard white spots, which expanded outward little by little."

Pang Feiyan bit her lip: "I, I have tried all the methods, but none of them work..."

Lin Yan could no longer hear any sound. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice hole, and his whole body was freezing cold.

Xiaozhi's cheeks, arms, and calves were all covered with dots of white marks.

Some babies have big palms, and some have sporadic spots, just like living things, spreading and expanding bit by bit.

The color of this scar is milky white with a hint of luster, like a piece of white jade...

This is clearly the same luster as the two female sculptures found in the palace!

The contents of those seven engravings instantly flooded into Lin Yan's mind.

Especially at the end, when two of the three women turned into jade sculptures and one turned into a strange evil spirit, his eyes suddenly turned red and a terrifying aura erupted from his body!

no! Xiaozhi must not be allowed to fall into that situation!

Xie Lingyan and Zang Wei's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at Lin Yan with extremely horrified expressions. They couldn't believe that Lin Yan could send out such a terrifying momentum!

Pang Feiyan and Xiaolu turned pale, unconsciously stepped back and couldn't even speak.

"Lin Yan!"

Lin Yan's aura slowly subsided.

"Lin Yan, don't worry, you will always find a way."

Xie Lingyan and several others comforted him one after another.

Lin Yan's face turned pale, and he reluctantly said, "Thank you, Miss. Senior Brother, I want to stay alone with Xiaozhi for a while."


Xie Lingyan grabbed Pang Feiyan, shook her head, and said: "Okay."

After that, he took a few people and left.

Lin Yan sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out and gently brushing the scar on Xiaozhi's arm.

Sure enough, it feels completely different from the jade texture.

Is Xiaozhi's disease really a disease?

What connection does she have with the earthquake in Guangchuan Mountains?

What does she have to do with the three women and the people lined up all over the mountains and plains on the mural?

In his exploration this time, he had obviously found the right clue.

But the question is, how to solve Xiaozhi's illness?

Lin Yan recalled that in the third mural, the soldiers hunted the laughing ghost and cut open the chest and abdomen to obtain bone objects.

At that time, he had already realized that the bone thing might be the spiritual marrow.

He had obtained spiritual marrow from the bodies of Li Qu and insect monsters, and they were all cut out from the bodies.

So, can Xiaozhi’s illness be alleviated with spiritual marrow?

In the mural, the three women fell asleep in the second picture.

Is it the same as Xiaozhi’s previous symptoms?

Then in the fourth picture, the decoction made from spiritual marrow was poured into it, and the whole body began to transform into jade...

Did the decoction turn them into jade, or was the decoction used to alleviate their jade transformation?

Lin Yan's forehead gradually became hot, and countless clues and thoughts were surging in his mind like a violent storm.

His hands had already gone deep into his pocket and grasped the essence of his soul.

But he didn't dare to take it out.

This is already his only life-saving straw. If the spiritual marrow still doesn't work, Xiaozhi really has nothing to do!

Especially when he thought that even if the mural was really spiritual essence, it had gone through a series of cooking and replacement processes before those women could drink it...

The white jade scar is still expanding.

Finally, Lin Yan stretched out his hand and pulled out a piece of spiritual essence.

The spiritual marrow looks like bone fragments, with golden leaf veins on them.

Lin Yan hesitantly stretched out his hand and slowly placed the spiritual marrow against the scar on the side of Xiaozhi's right forearm where the teeth and five claws were.

The moment the spiritual marrow came into contact with the white jade scar, the golden leaf vein patterns on the spiritual marrow instantly brightened!

Immediately afterwards, the place where the spiritual marrow came into contact with the white jade scar actually showed the appearance of a melted wax block, slowly fitting together with the white jade scar!

Lin Yan's eyebrows suddenly rose, his eyes shining brightly: "It works!"

However, the next moment, the connection between the white jade scar and the spiritual marrow actually turned a little dark green!

Like a drop of ink dripping into water, the dark green followed the white jade scar and gradually expanded from a point to a piece the size of a fingernail. It was embedded in the center of the white jade scar, showing a texture like a chitinous carapace!

Suddenly, Xiaozhi frowned tightly, her little face scrunched up.

Lin Yan tightened his wrist and resisted the urge to retract his hand.

That dark green carapace is still expanding, threatening to occupy the entire white jade scar.

As it continued to expand, Xiaozhi's reaction became more and more intense.

The muscles all over his body were tense and small veins were bulging.

His hands and feet twitched involuntarily, and the blood vessels throughout his body swelled, as if they wanted to explode.

In the end, the whole body was covered in sweat, violently twitching and bouncing, as if being hit by an evil spirit, and the hands and feet were hitting the bed board crazily, making a "dong-dong-dong-dong" sound.


Lin Yan tugged at the spiritual marrow. The spiritual marrow that had originally melted into the scar was pulled out by him and turned into a thick waxy arc. Then the dark green carapace quickly shrank and disappeared, reintegrated into the spiritual marrow, and was Lin Yan pulled it out.

Xiaozhi's whole body symptoms stopped instantly, and she lay quietly on the bed, leaving only her face pale and sweating profusely.

The white jade scar on his arm was pure white, and the spiritual marrow in Lin Yan's hand was already in pieces, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

Lin Yan felt great disappointment and anger in his heart, and held the spiritual essence tightly in his hand: "No! It can't!"

The spiritual marrow can indeed affect Xiaozhi's symptoms, but Xiaozhi has to endure so much pain. Maybe it has killed Xiaozhi first without solving Xiaozhi's symptoms!

"Lin Yan, are you okay?"

Xie Lingyan's knock on the door came to mind again. She had been waiting at the door.

Lin Yan seemed to have lost all strength and sat down softly on the bed.

Xie Lingyan came in again.

"Lin Yan, what just happened?"

Lin Yan struggled to hold on, showed his spiritual essence, and recounted his failed attempts just now, hoping that they could give him some opinions.

"In other words, spiritual marrow has an effect on Xiaozhi's symptoms?!"

Xie Lingyan clapped his hands: "Since it works, why are you disappointed!

"If one method doesn't work, find a way and try another one! Lin Yan, Xiaozhi needs you just when she needs you, you have to cheer up!"

Lin Yan was silent for a moment and took a deep breath: "Miss Xie, you are right, thank you..."

Xie Lingyan left again.

Lin Yan took deep breaths continuously, suppressed the hesitation in his heart, and began to think rationally.

“The spiritual essence is effective, or in other words, influential.

"But during the process, Xiaozhi will be in great pain.

“Also, during the integration process of spiritual marrow, a dark green carapace will appear, just like those insect monsters.

"And this spiritual essence is obtained from the insect monster...

"So, the dark green carapace is definitely inseparable from the insect monster!


"In the spiritual marrow, there is foreign spiritual matter...

“The illusion of the Buddhist temple underground at that time is enough to show that this foreign spiritual substance is by no means as simple as a dead thing or a breath.

"Is it this kind of foreign spiritual matter that allowed the spiritual marrow to grow into this kind of carapace when it was integrated into Xiaozhi's body?

"Is it because of this carapace that makes Xiaozhi suffer so much?!

"It is a logical inference that when foreign objects invade the body, it is like a sword piercing the body, and people will naturally suffer!

"As long as this spiritual quality is removed, as long as there is no such spiritual quality..."

Lin Yan stood up quickly.

This was an extremely simple question. He should have thought of it a long time ago, but he was confused because he was concerned and was overwhelmed by the huge emotions!

He reached into the area dedicated to the spiritual marrow and quickly took out a piece of spiritual marrow that was as shriveled as a dead tree!

This is the piece of spiritual essence he first obtained. The Bodhi Gold Medal absorbed the foreign spiritual essence, and he has been keeping the remains left behind.

As if on a pilgrimage, Lin Yan held his breath and pressed the dead wood-like, garbage-like debris against Xiaozhi's arm.

The next moment, the remains, like the previous spiritual marrow, melted like a wax block and invaded the white jade scar!

"God shows mercy!"

Strange, there is another chapter today...

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