My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 98 Hunting the Spirit Essence and the Stone Buddha

Think about it, with the number of insect monsters and their strength close to the Gang Realm, if they burst out in one fell swoop, not even a single living thing in the entire Guangchuan Mountains would be able to survive, let alone Ding'an City!

But outside the poisonous fog, the existence of this kind of insect monster has never been heard of.

Therefore, it is very likely that they can only survive in the poisonous mist!

A flash of light flashed across Lin Yan's eyes. He suddenly flashed and stood in the poisonous mist. Seeing this, several insect monsters waved their sword arms and rushed forward, hoping to hook Lin Yan and kill him.

But Lin Yan took advantage of the situation and stepped back a few steps. The sword struck the ground in front of him, but not a single insect monster jumped out to outflank its path of retreat.

Lin Yan's eyes widened, and he jerked his wrist and pulled!

The rope originally wrapped around the blade arm immediately straightened, and it flew back directly with the blade arm, spinning in a circle, and wrapped around one of the abdominal legs of the insect monster on the left!

The rope was wrapped at an awkward angle, and the insect monster couldn't hit it with its own blade arm. It suddenly screamed, and several insect monsters around it immediately stepped forward.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and Lin Yan swung out a punch, severely damaging both the enemy and us!

The air suddenly exploded, and the air flow rolled wildly, blowing away the poisonous mist. A cavity was created in the poisonous mist, wrapping the entangled insect monster and connecting it to the outside world!

This place is directly connected to the outside world. Once the poisonous fog blows away, it cannot be filled quickly.

The surrounding insect monsters that were about to step forward to support him immediately stopped, hesitated, and neighed violently like incompetent rage.

The entangled insect monster was even more frightened. It swung its abdomen and legs wildly and fled into the poisonous mist. The rope was immediately stretched straight and was about to break in an instant.

But Lin Yan had already taken advantage of this obstacle to sneak up to the back of the insect monster's butt. He opened his hands and pinched the four tentacles that bounced behind the insect monster's buttocks under his armpits.

Then the force poured into the soles of the feet, crushing the ground. The force poured into the waist and abdomen crazily. The brute force suddenly broke out. His hands twisted along with the waist and abdomen, and he shouted: "Get up!"

Forcibly, he pulled the insect monster up in the air and threw it high into the air!

The insect monster struggled wildly in mid-air and danced out a pair of blade arms, but without any leverage, it fell outside the poisonous mist without any accident.

As soon as it landed, the insect monster seemed to feel great fear and ran away like crazy into the poisonous mist.

But in the next moment, a leg was like a spear made of steel, flying in the air, stepping on its iron-colored head, causing countless fine cracks, and also kicked it farther away from the poisonous mist. The place.

Lin Yan put his feet back and landed on the ground, his figure flashed, he caught up with the insect monster, ducked to the back of its head, stepped hard with his right foot, and stepped on the green iron-colored flesh bun on the top of the insect monster's head, completely trapping its head. into the ground.

Then he moved his hands left and right, directly from behind, grabbing the blade arm joints on the left and right sides, and controlled the two sharp and dangerous blade arms.

The insect monster struggled wildly, but its tail tentacles were not long enough and could not hit Lin Yan. For a moment, he was firmly controlled by him on the ground.

The other insect monsters actually huddled in the poisonous mist, screaming threateningly, but none of them came forward.

After a short time, the strength of the insect monster's struggle weakened, and even the two blade arms drooped, losing their strength.

Lin Yan raised his foot and kicked the insect monster's head over, only to see that its four scarlet compound eyes had all turned into dark gray at the moment, and large mouthfuls of dark green pus were pouring out of its ferocious mouthparts. liquid.

"Sure enough, it is not adapted to the environment without toxic fog!"

Lin Yan actually didn't put much force on his feet. It was the external environment that killed the insect monster!

With a strong twist of his wrist, he directly twisted off the insect monster's blade arm, and swung it violently. The insect monster's head immediately split into two halves, and the insect blood scattered everywhere.

Lin Yan picked out the spiritual essence and looked at the insect monster roaring angrily in the poisonous mist. His eyes flashed with a rich light unconsciously.

This is not an insect monster, it is clearly a sparkling spiritual marrow waiting for him to pick!

After thoroughly confirming the fact that the insect monster could not leave the poisonous mist, Lin Yan instantly became bold and rushed straight into the poisonous mist!

First, he followed the same pattern, punching several times in a row, violently penetrating the air to form a cavity, forcing the insect monster formation to collapse, and then he rushed up unexpectedly, grabbed an insect monster and ran away!

The ferocious insect monster, in Lin Yan's hands, seemed to have turned into a lamb about to be slaughtered in the sheepfold. It struggled wildly, but could not escape, and was dragged out by Lin Yan's brute force!

A violent output, easily killed.

"I've got another spiritual essence...huh? Want to run away?!"

Two insect monsters died tragically in a row, and the remaining insect monsters finally began to be afraid, and even shrank back and ran away desperately!


Lin Yan didn't even have time to dig out the spiritual marrow from the insect monster's head. With his hands stained with insect blood, he angrily chased into the poisonous mist.

Wait for him to catch up to some distance.


The insect monsters suddenly stopped and turned around one after another. The sword light burst out and they pounced towards Lin Yan.

"A trick to feign surrender and ambush? It's really cunning... but it's a pity it doesn't work!"

Lin Yan snorted coldly. If it weren't for the non-toxic "natural danger" behind him, he would never dare to trust him.

But now that he has his back to the safe zone, he has no care at all. Do you think these insect monsters can chase him around?

Lin Yan's figure was ethereal and flickering. He took a few steps back to avoid the light of the sword. He used the sword arm in his hand as a hidden weapon and swung it out, forcing back several swooping insect monsters. Then he ducked out and stepped on a Only the insect monster's carapace fell off, and he jumped on its back.

"Exchanging injuries for life layers, a critical moment!"

The violent force surged, and the fist suddenly gathered infinite power and slammed down.

The green iron-like carapace was like being hit by a giant hammer falling from the sky. The entire body of the insect monster suddenly sank downwards, cracking layer by layer starting from the back, and several streams of smelly insect blood spurted out. An extremely shrill sound of insects.

"This is not dead, the carapace is so hard..."

Lin Yan waved his backhand, the cold light of the blade arm suddenly appeared, and the insect monster's head was immediately split in two.

After killing four insect monsters, Lin Yan already had experience. The insect monsters' carapace was extremely hard, but concentrated on the back.

The inner part, especially the front of the head, is relatively soft. As long as its balance is broken and the blade arm cuts in from the front, it can be easily split in half.

Killing another insect monster, Lin Yan inhaled the poisonous gas. While recovering from the backlash injuries caused by Qianjun Break, he waved his blade arm and rushed towards another insect monster.

Relying on the speed that surpasses the insect monster, dodge and avoid it, and then look at the right moment, pull the tail tentacle to make it lose its balance, hit it with a heavy hammer again, follow the law, and kill another one!

Two insect monsters died tragically one after another, and the remaining three insect monsters finally realized that they could not defeat the creature in front of them!

Two insect monsters turned around and fled.

Another one huddled up into a ball, curled up like a bronze squid, its four tentacles and its carapace vibrated wildly, and burrowed directly into the ground.

Lin Yan had no choice but to give up the other two, and ran to the insect monster that was burrowing into the ground, and kicked it out of the ground.

It was already well aware of Lin Yan's power, so it curled up in its carapace and did not open it at all. It only waved its tentacle bone spurs to attack Lin Yan.

It wasn't until Lin Yan kicked him out of the poisonous fog range with two consecutive kicks that the insect monster really panicked. It couldn't open, close, or burrow into the ground. It was firmly held in place by Lin Yan.

In the end, Ruanruan relaxed, vomited dark green insect blood and died.

After taking out the spiritual marrow from its head, Lin Yan turned around and dragged out the corpses of the two insect monsters within the poisonous fog. He took out the spiritual marrow and stacked the corpses together.

"There are five spiritual essences in total, and they are not small in size. They are comparable to the one Li Qu got..."

At this moment, Lin Yan didn't bother to think about what the spiritual essence was and why it appeared on the insect monster.

He looked back at the poisonous mist, his eyes extremely hot.

"So many insect monsters! I can definitely lure them here one by one and kill them one by one!

"The insect monsters are rioting now, and the way back is full of dangers. If you want to go from the valley, you have to go around a big circle.

"It's better to kill the insect monsters first and get more spiritual marrow first!"

Thinking of this, he stood up, walked to the five piled insect monster corpses, and dragged them deep into the dense forest on the side of the valley, hiding them so that the insect monsters could not see the same kind of corpses.

Then he turned around again and rushed into the depths of the jungle.


Three hours later.

The sky is dim, the sun is setting in the west, the valley is quiet and peaceful, everything is in harmony, and everything is golden and red.

On the other side, the half-red and half-red setting sun coated the poisonous mist that filled the mountains with a layer of scarlet color, making the poisonous mist billow and appear increasingly weird and thick.

In the poisonous fog, about a dozen terrifying and tall insect monsters were hidden in the shadow of the fog. They screamed and swam back and forth, staring intently at Lin Yan, who was breathing heavily in the valley ahead.

Lin Yan didn't even look at them.

He put one hand on his knees and sat on a severed insect monster's head.

Just under the buttocks was the Buddha's bun, which was in the shape of an insect's head. It was blue-grey and had sharp edges, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

So I moved to a position so that the force could be more evenly distributed. I adjusted my breathing one by one and looked at the lush mountains under the setting sun, enjoying this rare moment of silence and tranquility.

Physical exertion was only part of it, but the constant running and fighting and the high-intensity confrontation made his spirit tense all the time, making him unable to bear it any longer.

As he watched, Lin Yan suddenly felt that the valley scene in front of him felt somewhat familiar to him.

He has definitely never been here before, but it seems like he has seen it before.

After the transformation of Qi and blood, his memory and thinking ability have increased, which is definitely not an illusion.

Where have you seen it?

Lin Yan didn't look for answers, he just let his thoughts wander around in a relaxed manner, wherever he thought.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. He reached out and took out a piece of yellowing cloth from the inner layer of his armor.

This cloth was obtained from the Du family when the Du family was wiped out. He put it in the gap between his inner scales and ignored it ever since.

When he opened it at this time, there were two more holes in it, which were probably punctured when he was stabbed by the insect monster's tentacles before.

He spread out the cloth and took a look at the surrounding mountains and rivers.

"Sure enough, the red dot destination marked on the map is in this valley!"

This map records a certain area in the Guangchuan Mountains. It was closely collected by the Du family and seems to be related to the Hong family where Du Ting worked.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be pointing to this valley.

“I don’t know, what is hidden in this valley?

"If you have time, you can explore it."


In the poisonous mist, the insect monster screamed again and continued to provoke Lin Yan.

"I know, I know." Putting away the cloth, Lin Yan stood up on his knees, the bones in his body crackling.

He kicked the insect head away from his feet and looked back at the dozens of insect monsters in the poisonous mist: "Don't worry, I'm here to entertain you!"

There were more than a dozen insect monsters. Lin Yan would not have dared to attract so many three hours ago.

Even though he was strong, nearly thirty sword arms were slashed at his head. Even if he managed to dodge half of them, he would still be chopped into pieces.

but now……

He concentrated and called out the Bodhi Gold Medal.

basic information:

[Skills]: Devouring (100%), Five Bird Hands (100%), Dragon-shaped Fist (66%), Iron Buddha (42%), Qianjun Break [Incomplete] (30%)

The vigor in Lin Yan's body surged, and soon spread in mysterious ways throughout every inch of his body.

A rich gray-white tough color appears on the surface of the skin, as if a dense protective film clings to the body.

"42% of the "Iron Buddha Temple" is enough to operate the Stone Buddha Temple..."

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