My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 58: : Electric bikes are also mounts

  The people from the flower-like jade squad, riding in the two public vehicles of the three jumpers, appeared at the venue of the afternoon rematch-the north gate of the new city.

Extreme speed competition is similar to the field rally in Chen Fang’s previous life. The official designation route is divided into four stops. Each stop will have a team member waiting. The first team member will start at the starting point and then bring each stop Teammates, just reach the finish line. The fifteen teams with the shortest time will participate in the next competition and decide the top three.

  The rules are very simple. In addition to not rushing out of the track, you can only use your own mount on the track. You can run without a mount. You can't attack the opponent on the track, but you can destroy the terrain and create obstacles.

   The entire track will pass through the periphery of the green water forest, the nearby Miluo Lake, the small red rift valley, and the windy sandy land. The final road is smooth, and the starting point is the ending point.

   Before the start of the game, the team allocates the order of the teammates at the four sites. This is very important. After internal discussions with the Ruhuasiyu team, the arrangement is as follows:

   The first stop is Lvshui Forest Station, our lovely buds are easy to blow up.

   The second stop is Miluo Lake Station. Since I don’t know whether to go around the lake or enter the lake, I arranged a smeller with the best water quality.

   The third station of the Hongyan Small Rift Station, the terrain is complex and requires human command, and the team leader Jimo is arranged.

   The last stop on the sandy land, our Yiyi pressure array.

   Before the start of the game.

   "Don't fall behind too much, if you can't make the top fifteen, I want you to look good." Wenren.

   "Be careful on the road, pay attention to safety after receiving the buds, don't be reckless." Jimo.

   "Chen Fang, you must come to pick me up." Yiyi.

   "Uncle, come pick up buds."

   "Don't worry." Chen Fang.

   After the personnel distribution is completed, register, and the vehicles arranged by the Adventure Guild will send people to various stations.

   Immediately before the race, forty-one people stood at the starting point waiting for the start instruction.

   Chen Fang looked at the bunch of crooked melons and jujubes around him, with disdain on his face.

   "It's finally the day, my little donkey is already hungry and thirsty, hahahaha."

   There is nothing wrong with Chen Fang’s electric car on pulling the wind, but Chen Fang is not ashamed of everyone when it comes to speed. Today, he wants to justify his electric car and brighten everyone’s eyes.

   The game hasn't started yet, everyone is observing the opponent, but the mount needs to be ordered before it can be summoned, so it's useless.

   Chen Fang yawned boredly, a big man beside him looked upset, so he said to Chen Fang.

   "Boy, get out of the way, I have a bigger mount, so don't say I didn't remind you when it gets crowded."

   Chen Fang looked at the two people at a width of three meters apart. He was speechless. You can't even drive the bulldozer so wide.

   Forget it, too lazy to fight.

   Chen Fang moved a step aside and ignored the big man. Seeing that Chen Fang was so awkward, the big man didn't say anything.

   "Audience friends, what you are broadcasting now is the rematch of the Adventure Guild title race, the wild rally, I am a pigeon."

   "I am Qike."

   The two sat on the commentary stage to greet the audience. Their commentary level was questioned in the last preliminary game. Today they plan to be ashamed.

   "The field rally has always been a reserved item of the Adventure Guild. The excitement is comparable to that of the ring. It is very popular with everyone. I think everyone is familiar with the schedule, so we won't say more." Pigeon.

"Here mainly introduces the topography of the summer track. The first section of the starting point to the Lushui Forest Station, the terrain is flat; the second to the third station is woodland, deciduous decayed soil; the third section of the lake, the fourth section of the rift, The cliffs and ground are full of gravel; the fifth section of sandy land, and the last section of normal road." Pigeon.

   "Qike, what do you think of this terrain." Pigeon.

   "Compared to the high-end events, the terrain arranged for this competition is much less difficult, but no matter what the terrain, it is very important to arrange the teammate at that site reasonably." Qike.

   "For example, in the third section of the lake, if the station arranges water elemental awakeners, it is likely that the journey will be smooth and there will be a great advantage." Qike.

   "Okay, thank you Qike for your analysis. The game is about to start. We will turn our eyes to the starting point." Pigeon.


   With a whistle, the game is about to begin.

   "Call to prepare." Starter.

   "hou" "whoop"

   Following the starter's decree, forty-one players summoned their mounts.

   Earth dragons, wolves, horses, tigers and other strange land mounts appeared on the starting line.

   Chen Fang also summoned his electric car.

   Putting on his helmet and gloves, Chen Fang rode on the electric scooter with a solemn expression, and stood ready.

   When Chen Fang appeared on the electric bike, he felt strangely quiet at the scene, so he looked around and saw that almost everyone's eyes were on him.

This is not nonsense, can you not concentrate on him, forty-one people, only he is riding an electric bike, and the others are all powerful and domineering creatures. Only he is riding an industrial product, so he can be more generous to others. The rider was tall and big. Once he was riding an electric bike, no one had a high chassis. The height of a row was close, but it was recessed abruptly here. Could it not be noticed.

   "Uh, Qike, does this count?" The pigeon.

   I have never seen this in a field rally, and the pigeons are a little uncertain.

   "Nothing wrong, electric bikes are also mounts, I am happy you can do anything." Qike's mouth twitched.

   The spectators of the game are having fun at this time. In the past years, there was no such thing. Maybe today it will be unexpectedly exciting.

   "Everyone is ready to go." The starter didn't care. He was in a row with the players and couldn't see the specific situation.

   The starter's shouts drew the attention of several players around Chen Fang, who were not paying attention to Chen Fang, a strange flower riding an electric bike.


   The game started after the starting gun was fired. The players waved the reins in their hands to drive the mount forward. At this time, one of the players, like an arrow from the string, rushed out first, leaving behind only his back.

   Everyone is dumbfounded, who is this, so fast.

"The race has started, and all the players have started... What I have seen, an electric car has already rushed out first, and when the other players are still starting, he has gone all the way, my God, which electric car is so awesome. "

   "Audience friends, you can think that among all the mounts in the venue, the cheapest electric car rushed out first, and when all the players were still advancing side by side, it was in a huge lead. Not surprisingly," the pigeon shouted excitedly.

   "Don't get excited. Although the electric car is for civilian use, it is certain that it will start quickly. After all, the creatures use legs, not tires." Qike pulled the pigeon with helplessness.

   "Ahem, I'm sorry, the gap between the two is too big, I am a little forgetful, I hope everyone understands." Pigeon.


   "Understand, after all, there is a pig in a group of elephants, and it is so good, it will inevitably feel a little weird."

   "Although your metaphor is not appropriate, it is quite vivid, and pigs do start faster than elephants."

   "How do I think this rider is so familiar."

   "Why don't you be familiar with it? This kid has been on TV twice. It is not a trivial matter each time, and his electric car is probably more famous than others."

   "I bought one after the game the day before yesterday, but I just don't know if it is the same brand."

Others start slowly. After all, their mounts need to accelerate slowly, and they cannot increase to the highest speed in a short amount of time like an electric car. This fast and slow slow down, Chen Fang is very far away from them. A bit open.

   With one person leading in the field rally, there is a big advantage, that is, without interference from other players, Chen Fang can drive the electric car without any distractions and drive all the way to the first station without hindrance.

The contestants behind him are not very friendly to the competitors around him. Do they interfere with the ground, use their skills to make a hole in the ground, burn the ground with flames, or pave the ice? The methods are endless, so that some players who have no time to avoid , People turned their backs on their backs, and when they stood up, they had already stretched a lot of distance. In this way, forty-one contestants were divided into one front, the middle part and the bad luck three.

The power of an electric car is unlimited, but there is a limit to the speed. The speed limit of Chen Fang's electric car is different from that of ordinary electric cars. It will be much faster, but it still hasn't been separated from other players too much. The mutant mount is not a joke. , Some people who naturally add points to the speed may start slowly, but once they start running, it is different. Afterimages appearing on the feet during running are normal.

   Chen Fang rode an electric bike to the first stop, where there are gathered other players besides the staff. He needs to register and bring buds to enter the second stage.

After Chen Fang rode an electric bike into the site, it attracted the attention of other people. However, because of Chen Fang's ancient history of riding an electric bike, they thought he was a staff member and didn't pay attention to it, and they didn't take it seriously. Don't mark the player in Chen Fang's crotch.

   At this time, Ya Ya was being held in her arms by several young ladies from the staff and fed. When she saw Chen Fang, she politely thanked the young ladies and ran to Chen Fang.

   "Uncle, you are number one." Ya Ya said happily.

   "Well, uncle first, come and check in with uncle, let's go to the next stop to find sister Wenren."

   Chen Fang took Yaya to register after speaking, then put away the electric car and entered the forest intersection behind the site.

   "Um, that person is also a contestant?"

   "No, I just saw him riding an electric bike."

   "What are you doing so much."

   Some people were surprised and unexpected on the site, but it didn't attract much attention.

   Two or three minutes later, another player entered the station.

   "How long did the first one come in and leave." The man asked his companion at the site.

   "Who? Are you not the first to teach?" His companion was a little confused.

   "A rider on an electric bike."

   "You said he, just walked for two or three minutes, why is he also a contestant?"

   "Well, don't talk about it, hurry up, another large group of people are coming."

   "Oh, it's amazing."


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