My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 203: : Cemetery Behemoth

   When the five Chen Fang entered the tent, a lot of people were already gathered inside, sitting in two rows. The head of Luo Lie and his subordinates were entertaining them. Under the leadership of Jimo, Chen Fang walked towards Luo Lie.

   "Listen the leader." Jimo said hello.

   Luo Lie turned his head when he saw the five people from Jimo coming over, and immediately attracted them, and said very happily, "Miss Jimo, Miss Wenren, thank you for accepting the commission to come over."

   "The leader is polite." Jimo smiled, and Wenren nodded.

"This little brother looks familiar." Luo Lie was stunned when he saw Chen Fang who was holding Yaya and Yiyi by his side. He felt very familiar. After recalling it, he immediately remembered, "I remember, little brother. Saved my life when I was in Caohai. I am very happy to see you today."

   Listed out his hand to hold Chen Fang.

   "How happy are you?" Chen Fang let go of holding Yiyi's hand, stretched out and shook hands with Captain Luo Lie.


   It was a bit embarrassing to list the words of Chen Fang, which reminded him of the scene when Chen Fang also made him unable to get off the stage when he was in Caohai.

"Hey, do you remember me? Last time I did not prepare enough cores, and many things were not enchanted. This is a rare encounter. You can enchant me again. Money is not a problem." Situ Shu ran over to Luo Lietuan. Long relief, of course, in addition to understanding enchantment is also true.

Since getting the petal enchantment effect in Caohai, he feels that his style has risen several levels, and he is the most beautiful cub to attend various occasions. Since then, he has always wanted to find Chen Fang again, but he has not left any contact with Chen Fang. The way, I want to go to the Newborn City, but the task is very busy. When I have time, the Newborn City is gone, and the residents are evacuated everywhere. It is not easy to find someone. I am very disappointed. I saw it here today. Chen Fang was undoubtedly happy, and immediately asked for another enchantment.

"You guys chat."

   Leader Luo Lie took the opportunity to escape from embarrassment, left Chen Fang's side, and then led Jimo and the others into a seat.

   "Sorry, this business can't be done now." Chen Fang said, shaking his head.

   "Why?" Situ Shu looked at Chen Fang questioningly and asked.

   "That kind of enchantment uses a very rare material, and now I can't find it when I run out." Chen Fang said.

  The special effect enchanting has long been replaced by the seal technique, even if Chen Fang wants to make money, it is impossible.

   "What material, maybe I can find it." Situ Shu said.

   "I don't know any material. The master gave it to me when I was studying enchanting. He didn't tell me the name of the material when he died. I'm so sorry." Chen Fang casually made up a reason.

   "Oh, that's a pity." Situ Shu looked disappointed.

   "But I have a powerful enchantment now. Would you like to try it?" Chen Fang said unwillingly to give up the business, he wanted to sell the lightning talisman.

   "No, I have a suitable enchantment." Situ Shu was not interested in other types of enchantment and refused.

   Chen Fang didn't say anything when he saw this, and took Yiyi Yaya to Jimo Wenren and sat down.

   Many people gathered in the tent, all sitting in their seats and waiting. Many of them were surprised to see Chen Fang with two children sitting beside Jimo Wenren.

   "This person is sick, this time the head of the list is summoning everyone to discuss the crusade against the giant beast. Did he bring two little girls over for an outing?"

   "I am even more curious about the relationship between the man and the two goddesses. Would you say that the two little girls are the children of one of the goddesses."

   "How could it be possible? The younger one is ten years old, and the older one is ten years old. It can't be the children of any of them, and I haven't heard that they are married."

   "That man is so ugly, with a dead face, and still bald, do you think he is a follower?"

   "Can the entourage come in? Your brain is wattless. You haven't seen Master Situ and talked to him just now. It should be a member of the family."

   "Why does he sit so close to the two goddesses."

   Since Chen Fang sat next to Wenren, he attracted the attention of everyone in the tent, and many people began to whisper.

Some words Chen Fang heard, he didn't care, but as long as he said he was ugly, Chen Fang would stare at him fiercely. If the opponent stared back, he would stare at the person until the opponent was defeated. Chen Fangcai withdrew his proud gaze.

   "What are you doing, rest assured." Wen Ren pulled at the corner of Chen Fang's clothes.

   "They say I'm ugly, can't I let it go?" Chen Fang said.

   "Just treat them as farting, don't pay attention." Wenren said.

  Chen Fang shrugged, but he deliberately talked to Wenren in despair, and at the same time gave Wenren a hug, then deliberately took out some food and took care of Yiyi Yaya with Wenren to eat.

   This scene annoyed the few lads in the tent who admired and heard people, but because of the occasion, they could only hold back and could not attack, and simply turned their heads as they could not be seen.

   has been waiting, and after being bored, Chen Fang began to look at the people in the tent.

On the left, closest to the top of the head, is a serious old man, and on the right are three men and a woman. The head is a majestic middle-aged man. The men and women around him are about twenty-two. Looks like men are handsome, and women are also very beautiful, especially the hooked eyes, which seem to discharge from time to time.

"The old man at the top is Master Peterman, a famous war musician. I didn't expect Captain Luo Lie to invite him over. It seems that the giant beast this time is very tricky." Jimo watched Chen Fang curiously watching the people here. , And simply introduced him one by one.

   Peterman is well-known in the war music industry. He uses wood-flow wind instruments and is good at restoring war music. He has composed dozens of war music, three of which were rated as S grade, and he was awarded the title of master by the War Music Association.

   "He once helped a battle group independently and survived a wave of mutant beasts in the wild, and no one died."

   Amazing, one person can help a battle group, and no one has died yet, Chen Fang really thinks it is amazing.

Chen Fang has experienced the beast wave and knows the horror of the beast wave. Even though he was also a person who used the drum to help defend the city and turned the situation around, it was because there were thousands of awakened people and the city wall blocked most of the mutant beasts. under.

But Master Peterman was in the wild, surrounded by mutant beasts, and helped the battle group survive the beast tide. You must know that the federation’s battle group generally has no more than two hundred people and faces thousands of mutant beasts. It is not an ordinary difficulty to keep two hundred people, and the most exaggerated is that no one died, which is amazing.

   Chen Fang listened to Jimo's words, his eyes returned to the old man again, and he looked curiously at this old man who was about 60 years old, energetic, and rigorous.

Peterman may have noticed his gaze, so he looked at Chen Fang. At first he just glanced at it casually, but when he saw Yiyiyaya's two children, his brows frowned, his expression unhappy, as if he wanted to speak. But in the end, he didn't say anything, just turned his head and stopped paying attention to Chen Fang's side, closed his eyes and became calm.

"On the opposite side of the master is Kuo Liu's family, Kuo Liu Zhong is in front, and his two children are in the back. The female is his sister Ku Liu Yan, and the male is Ku Liu Hai. Their family was born as a pharmacist." Jimo Introduce the three people on the right at the top.

   "Why are the pharmacists here? They can't fight." Chen Fang was puzzled.

   "You are stupid, they can't fight, but they can provide potions in a targeted manner." Wenren looked at Chen Fang like a fool.

Some mutant creatures release special poisons, which cannot be eliminated by using ordinary antidote. At this time, it is necessary for the pharmacist to identify the poison and prepare the antidote. A competent pharmacist can identify the poison and quickly make the antidote in a short time to reduce the risk of poisoning. The loss of death, this is why they are here.

   "Oh." Chen Fang suddenly realized.

   "That is Lin Hailou, the captain of the Adventure Guild's five-star adventure team The Hague, and the few adventurers behind him are the team captains of the Hague Adventure Team." Jimo vaguely pointed to the five people sitting opposite each other and said.

Chen Fang looked in the direction pointed by Jimo and saw a big man with a bruised with a scar on the corner of his eye. Two men and two women were sitting at the back of his body. Two men were facing him. Here I am pointing and talking.

I was watching the people on the bridge. The people on the bridge were watching me. Chen Fang found it interesting, but for a long time he saw a thin man with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill. He made an expression of disgust at him and gave him a look. Provocative gesture.

   I'm sick, this didn't provoke him, Chen Fang was in a bad mood, and wanted to reach out his hand in reply to international greetings.

   "Leave him alone, that person is known as a poisonous snake, and often deliberately provokes others, and then tells the truth." Jimo also saw this scene and pulled Chen Fang to persuade him.

   introduced a few more people, Jimo stopped, because Luo Lie walked to the top position and started talking.

   Seeing that people are almost there, the list has achieved the top position and started the theme of this meeting.

   "Everyone, you have read the content of this commission, so I won't say much here. Let me introduce the situation of the monster first."

A giant cemetery beast, 10 meters high, 30 body length, on all fours, without a tail, a triangular head like a snake head but no scales, a huge body like a ball, dense vent holes on the ventral side, and stone monuments on its back , It looked like a cemetery in the past, so it was named the cemetery behemoth.

For the time being, there are only two types of monster attack methods. One is spraying venom. This venom is extremely corrosive. The parts of the body that are contaminated will instantly melt and spread throughout the body; the second is ventral discharge. The stomata will emit paralytic poisonous mist, and people within the scope of the poisonous mist will be paralyzed and unable to move, and finally die of respiratory failure. The Knights of Scales suffered heavy losses because of the extremely poisonous beasts.



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