My Sister is a Big Star

Chapter 33 I will hand in the task

The torrential rain gradually subsided. The torrential rain in summer can last for more than two hours, which is already very strong.

It was late at night, the ward was quiet, and the sound insulation effect of the glass was very good. Qin Ze slept next to his sister, and Baby Qin's back was facing him. The two of them were separated by about a finger's distance, and the faint fragrance of hair poured into the nostrils. Although the beauty lying next to her was her older sister, Qin Ze still felt a little strange about her big waist, slender legs and long legs. He doesn't have a girlfriend yet.

After thinking wildly for a while, he was deeply ashamed of the evil thoughts in his heart, and he fell asleep in the middle of the night.

The next day, at 7:30, Qin Baobao woke up on time with his biological clock, opened his eyes, scanned the furnishings in the ward, and remembered that he was staying with his younger brother at night and slept in the hospital all night.

The back is attached to the warm body, which is comfortable and warm. The corners of Baby Qin's mouth curled up. He slept very comfortably last night. At the same time, I feel a little embarrassed. I laugh and play a lot on weekdays, but sharing the same bed has never happened since I was ten years old.

When Qin Ze slept with her when he was a child, she had to tuck him in the quilt and stroke his head, like taking care of a doll.

In order to avoid further embarrassment later on, Qin Baobao moved his body gently, trying not to disturb his sleeping brother. But at this moment, she suddenly felt something hard between her thighs. When she slowly moved her body, the brother behind her instinctively held her waist and hit her butt a few times hard.

Qin Baobao's face turned pale, and he didn't care about embarrassment. He lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed screaming, feeling that he had been defiled.

Qin Ze woke up with a start, saw his sister's face full of shame and anger, and then looked at his firm crotch. Embarrassed, he wished he could travel back in time to last night and kick Qin Baobao out of bed. He had a scarlet dream last night, and this morning it was inevitable that he would be uncontrollable.

Qin Baobao blushed, and looked at his crotch with disgust: It's disgusting, even my sister can be hard.

Ten thousand points of critical damage!

The corner of Qin Ze's mouth twitched.

Encountering such an embarrassing situation, Qin Baobao didn't want to stay too long, so he changed out of his hospital gown, went home to get his dance clothes, and had to go to work later.

Two days later, Qin Ze changed into his hospital gown, was discharged from the hospital with his notebook on his back, and called his mother to explain the situation. The doctor said that his wound was recovering very well. Remember, do not exercise strenuously in the past month.

Qin Ze wanted to wave his hand and say, That's an ordinary person, it's unusual for the uncle to have cheats on him.

After all, Qin Ze's wound didn't heal quickly, and he shouldn't sit for a long time, so he didn't go to school and asked the old man to take a long vacation. Direct exam at the end of term. He was fiddling with Professor Li's modeling at home, making money by studying was secondary, and doing tasks was the most important thing.

Qin Baobao doesn't like to talk to him these days, maybe it was too embarrassing that morning, no matter how good the relationship is, they are siblings, and if the old man knows about such things as hitting his younger brother on his sister's ass, Qin Ze will end up being divided by five horses.

On this day, at 6:30 in the morning, Qin Ze got up on time, washed his face and brushed his teeth. Because he couldn't do strenuous exercise, he had to stop his morning exercise. Played a set of internal exercises in the living room.

Qin Ze checked the martial arts information and found that the Twelve-Duan Jin presented by the system is very similar to Neijiaquan, and has a common characteristic: it is neither sick nor slow, and it is intended to nourish Qi.

An hour later, I was in high spirits and trembling.

I went downstairs to buy two breakfasts, and finished my share silently. Considering that my sister was in a cold war with me, I stopped knocking on the door to remind her to get up. I wrote a note and left it on the table. plate, leave the house.

At eight o'clock, Baby Qin got up, put on pink flip flops, and wore wombat pajamas. He looked around the empty living room, and when he saw Qin Ze's people, he murmured: Where did he go again?

When she came back after washing her face and brushing her teeth, she found that there was breakfast on the table, with a piece of paper on it, Baobao Qin had a bangs sticker on his forehead, grabbed a steamed bun and bit it, picked up the paper and looked at it:


I went to the hospital

Eat well and sleep well, leave early after eating, don't be late. Chicken stew with mushrooms will be prepared for you in the evening.

Qin Ze!

Qin Baobao snorted, his face was full of disdain, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth betrayed her.

This is my younger brother's disguised form to please and admit his mistake.

In fact, Qin Baobao stopped being angry a long time ago. After all, she was the one who insisted on sleeping in Qin Ze's bed that night, and her younger brother, who has never had a girlfriend since he grew up, was the only time he messed with her. It is normal to have a reaction in the morning when the Qi and blood are fresh. She just felt embarrassed, and recalled that day when Qin Ze's little brother pushed her hard a few times, her face burned with embarrassment.

Both of them have grown up and will never return to their childhood.

At the same time, Professor Li received a leader of a private equity company in the ward.

Mr. Su, you see that our contract was written before nine o'clock in the morning, you are waiting, waiting. Professor Li said cautiously, his expression could not hide his anxiety.

The woman was wearing a black dress, a pair of red-soled shoes with stiletto heels, her long hair coiled on top of her head, a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, and a pair of plain white long legs that were well-proportioned and straight. She pointed to Vacheron Constantin's 37 time zone world time watch on her wrist, and said expressionlessly, It's half past eight.

This woman is young, beautiful in a mess, high-end workplace suits, coupled with her cold and indifferent expression, the aura is particularly strong. Professor Li, who has a lot of experience, was quite upset. After Mr. Su entered the room, his wife poured a cup of tea and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

After a stalemate between the two parties, the woman took out a breach of contract from the document bag at hand, walked to the bed with high heels and put it on the bedside table.

The digital model can't be built in half an hour, although I'm not a professional in this field. The woman looked down at Professor Li condescendingly: Breach of the contract is a breach of contract, so sign it. I didn't expect that I would be late at the end of the month, and the attendance bonus would be 500 yuan.

Prof. Li's brow was dripping with sweat, he picked up the phone and called, Xiao Wang, are you all here?

Alright, professor, you have ordered us to come to school an hour early today.

Then quickly gather the things together, I am in a hurry to get a complete digital model.

It's being formed, professor, don't worry.

Can't you be in a hurry, it has to be done before nine o'clock, remember to change the test, don't make mistakes, if you make a mistake, it's all useless.


Professor Li hung up the phone and said with an apologetic smile, President Su, wait a little longer.

The woman didn't speak, but crossed her legs. It would be great if Professor Li could complete the modeling, because it involves an investment that the company is about to make, stock market funds, one change a day, one step slower, it will be a huge loss.

A few days ago, Professor Li was full of hope and pinned on Qin Ze or Lao Qin, but through the WeChat teacher group, he knew that Lao Qin was busy with final exams and his son's lawsuit these days. There is no time to play with his digital model at all.

At 8:45, Professor Li's cell phone rang.

Professor Li answered in a hurry: Xiao Wang, please send the things to my mailbox quickly, hurry up, customers are waiting here.

An anxious, crying voice came from the other end of the phone: Professor Li, I'm sorry, we made a mistake, we made a mistake...the digital model was not verified successfully, and we don't know what went wrong.

Professor Li's head boomed, his heart stopped beating a few times, and he said anxiously: What's the matter, what's the matter, I call you every day to guide you, why did something go wrong in the last section of building the combination? .”

We...we don't know either.

Then quickly find the problem, and check each link. Is the formula wrong, or is there a problem with the calculation, or is the function curve wrong? Professor Li was sweating anxiously.

Professor... sorry, we will try our best, but it must be too late before nine o'clock, and it is already 8:50.

Professor Li hung up the phone and was in a daze.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work.

His wife was a little annoyed: Didn't you say that Lao Qin would help? Didn't you swear by it. Now it's all right, if you don't make a penny, you will still lose a hundred thousand.

Professor Li is more sad than heartbroken, and said with a blank face: President Su, we will pay.

The woman nodded, and took out another document from the briefcase: This is the compensation contract, you sign it, and transfer the money to our company's account. Then, she took out the official seal and inkpad.

The woman signed her name, tapped the official seal, and handed the contract to Professor Li: Pay first, then sign.

Professor Li sighed, manipulated the phone with his left hand, entered the company account of the other party, and paid the compensation...

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door at this time.

The woman smiled slightly, got up and went to open the door.

Qin Ze was standing at the door with his computer bag on his back. When he saw the woman who opened the door, he was taken aback, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The woman in front of her has a nine-point face, her hair is as shiny as silk and satin, with thin curls at the end, and she is wearing an OL suit that is several grades higher than Qin Baobao's. Three inch black high heels.

Her looks were a little bit worse than Baby Qin's, and her figure was not hot enough, but she was well-proportioned. The most eye-catching thing was her temperament. There was no reason for Qin Ze to say a word: elegant and refined.

Who is this beautiful sister, Professor Li's daughter?

The woman nodded slightly at him, then turned and walked back to the ward.

Professor Li, if there is no problem, just pay. I'm going to work. The woman stood at the foot of the bed and urged.

Qin Ze followed into the ward and said hello, Professor, I'm here.

Professor Li was about to pay, and was stunned: Qin Ze, why are you here?

Qin Ze was taken aback by his question: I'll hand in the task. The digital model is ready. Didn't you hand over the client today? I'm not late.

Turn in the task? Is the digital model ready?

Professor Li looked at him blankly.

The woman looked at him in astonishment.

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