My Sister is a Big Star

Chapter 29 The Importance of Public Opinion

At 6:30 in the afternoon, Qin Baobao and the old man came to the hospital to visit Qin Ze. The old man was exhausted during the day and sat on the sofa, watching Weibo comments. He didn't have a Weibo app on his phone, and he used Qin Baobao's phone.

In a country, it is impossible for all the public servants of the people to be just and impartial. There are always black sheep. Young people nowadays are still too extreme. The old man shook his head and sighed while reading the comments.

What is disappointed with the country, what is the uprising, what is not to blame me for immigration.

Dare to say, in our time, we can only say: Communism is good.

Qin Baobao stood beside the hospital bed prettyly, smiled at his younger brother, and said coquettishly, Dad, there are a lot of extreme keyboard warriors now, and my brother often swears back and forth on the Internet.

Qin Ze gave her a hard look, If you don't blackmail me, I will die.

The old man put away his cell phone, looked Qin Ze up and down, made his hair stand straight, and said indifferently: You are quite scheming.

Qin Ze smiled dryly: Didn't I say that, how could that woman come to the ward and insist that I beat his son? This must have been leaked by the police. I just thought, whether it is useful or not, I will record it first. Come down as evidence, it’s always true.”

The old man sighed: I'm old, but you young people are smart.

Qin Ze chuckled secretly. With the development of the Internet, information spreads too fast. How important is public opinion? Chairman Mao once said: The Central Propaganda Department is the palace of the king of hell. Now, Internet public opinion is a weakened version of the Central Propaganda Department.

The old man sat for a while and then left. Leaving his wife and daughter to take care of his son. Qin's mother went out to buy fruit for her daughter, leaving the siblings in the ward.

Qin Baobao sat on the bedside, pressed the remote control boringly, and muttered: Today, I refreshed my sister's three views.

Qin Ze replied: Go online more often if you have nothing to do, don't keep watching the news broadcast. The three views are more impacted, and you will get used to it.

Fuck you, I don't watch the news broadcast.

Qin Ze said: It must have cost a lot of money.

Qin Baobao immediately frowns, looking like he is about to cry: All the deposits have been put in, woo woo woo, starting today, we don't even have money for vegetables, and we can't even afford instant noodles.

Nimma, it's over now. I don't want to eat instant noodles with you. I want to tell my parents that you don't want to do your serious work and want to be a star.

Qin Baobao turned around with a pale face, ready to pounce.

Qin Ze quickly waved his hand: Hey, I'm a sick patient now, don't mess around.

Qin Baobao snorted, and sighed: It's okay, I can still borrow money from my college classmates, and I will deal with it for a while, and when the salary is paid, we will have enough living expenses.

With his right hand, he squeezed Qin Ze's arms a few times.

I told you to save some money earlier. Qin Ze hated iron but steel: If you have money, you can buy cars, bags, cosmetics, facial masks, and clothes. Let's see if you will still be a waste in the future.

Qin Baobao shouted: I want to buy it, I want to buy it.

At this moment, Qin Ze felt an urgency to urinate, and he hardly went to the toilet in the afternoon. Going to the toilet is also very embarrassing. There is no mobile stand in the ward, and the drip is hung on the bedside. If he wants to go to the toilet, someone has to help him carry the bottle.

I want to pee. Qin Ze poked his sister's waist with his elbow.

Lazy people poop a lot. Qin Baobao countered angrily.

When the two of them reached the toilet, Qin Baobao held up the bottle and saw that he hadn't taken off his pants, so he said impatiently, You pee.

Qin Ze said sadly and angrily: Before you speak, can you turn around first, you look at me, why are you peeing?

Qin Baobao spat, his face flushed slightly, and his smart and beautiful phoenix eyes glanced at his crotch: It's not that I haven't seen your little earthworm when I was young, I even played it.

Don't mention things about your childhood. Qin Ze rolled his eyes: Can you show me your big white rabbit now?

Qin Baobao stared: Do you dare to look at it?

If you dare to take it off, I will dare to look at it.

Qin Baobao took a deep breath, just when Qin Ze thought she was being brave and said something like If you dare to look at me, you dare to take it off, she saw her sister screaming: Mom, Qin Ze wants to see my breasts.

Qin Ze's whole body trembled, his liver trembled with fright, and he cried with a mournful face: Sister, I was wrong, don't scream, don't scream.

When mother heard it, she would scold at most, but if it reached the old man's ears, she would definitely be beaten to death.

Qin Baobao snorted twice proudly, then turned his head away: I'm too lazy to look at you little earthworm.

Qin Ze didn't bother to remind his sister that it was not a little earthworm, but a dragon stick.

In the evening, Qin Baobao sent Qin's mother back and patted his younger brother's head: Have a good rest. I'll come back tomorrow and bring you a change of underwear.

Bring me my notebook too, I'll be bored all day long.

Know it.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Ze hung up the last bottle of IV, called the nurse to come in and remove the needle, went to the toilet, and fell asleep.

Wangmin got up early, ate the meat porridge cooked by his wife, and put on a neat uniform and leather shoes. The gentle wife came over and helped him straighten his collar.

Going out so early today? His wife turned around to get his bag on the sofa.

Yesterday, the family kept going. I'm afraid they will go to the police station to make trouble early in the morning, and they have to go to check it in person. Wang Guoming said.

The wife sighed: It's not good for you to be like this all the time. You can't let your nephew rest? He's not your son. Wipe his ass for the rest of his life? He's in his twenties and doesn't even have a serious job. I know it's causing trouble.

Wang Guomin glared at her impatiently, What are you talking about? I'm just such a nephew, can I ignore it? Don't be so verbose, it's none of your business.

The wife said displeasedly: I have never seen you care so much about your daughter.

If it wasn't for the connivance of your uncle and his mother, how could he cause trouble like this?

Wang Guomin didn't want to discuss this matter with his wife, so he took the briefcase and went to work.

At 8:30 in the morning, the staff of the police station clocked in one after another. Before Wang Min entered the office, he told the receptionist, Xiao Liu, if someone reports the crime later, please pay attention to me. If there is someone named Qin Jianzhang, please call my office immediately. Telephone.

The receptionist Xiao Liu repeatedly nodded, looked at Wang Guomin in a strange way, opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak.

Wang Min turned around and entered the office. He is the police chief and has his own exclusive office.

At nine o'clock, the public officials of the police station whispered in private: Sergeant Wang is really calm, he must not be unaware of this.

It's very possible. He told me today, let me pay attention to the person from Qin Jianzhang to report the case, and notify him immediately.

The director doesn't know? There's a lot of trouble on the Internet, and I feel like something's going to happen.

That's not necessarily the case. After all, it's just public opinion. Our public relations are also very strong. Just post a clarification on Weibo. Netizens will be popular for three minutes, and they will settle down after a while.

To be honest, I'm quite upset. His nephew often causes troubles. He often goes to the police station. It's better to make troubles, so that he can suffer.

Wang Guomin's behavior has long made some people dislike it. Not everyone has a sense of justice.

It just so happened that Wang Min came out of the office, and everyone was silent for a moment, busy with their own tasks.

What are you talking about? Wang Min glanced at him.

Nothing, nothing... Everyone said perfunctorily.

Wang Min entered the director's office. The director and Wang Min were college classmates, classmates and friends for more than ten years. He has today's status thanks to the help of his old classmates. Wang Guomin threw a soft China to his old classmate, lit one himself, and swallowed the clouds.

The director glanced at him, frowned and said, You are so calm.

Wang Guomin was stunned: What's the matter?

It's not just yesterday.

Hey, don't worry, they'll just dance around for a few days. I'll detain that kid another day, and their family will immediately give in. Wang Min waved his hand nonchalantly. He has done this kind of thing a lot, and no one died. An ordinary family It won't be entangled endlessly, and after a few knocks, it is basically admitted.

The director was also stunned, You still don't know?

What do I know? Wang Guomin asked doubtfully.

The director clicked on the Weibo app and slid the phone in front of him: Look for yourself.

Wangmin picked up the mobile phone on the table in a daze, looked at it intently, and his face suddenly changed. What was playing on the phone was a thirteen-minute video. The scene in it was exactly the conversation he had with the family in the hospital the night before, including the harsh words he dropped when he left.

This little red guy dares to bully me. Wang Min's face was livid.

The director said in a deep voice: Don't panic too much. The higher-ups have already asked me this morning. I replied that this is a civil dispute. It's just that the person who was injured was your nephew, so your words were a little extreme.

After all, he has been a classmate for so many years, it is impossible for him not to help. As far as this matter is concerned, although it is troublesome, it is not impossible to solve. First, if no one is dead, it is not a big deal. Second, those who stab people are also injured, so there is a lot of room for maneuver.

For example, the incident of beating people to death at a police station the year before last could not be suppressed even if you tried, and the torrent of public opinion could drown you to death. In today's situation, the reason why netizens are angry is that law enforcement officers use their power to suppress others.

However, the director will not talk to death, he will not do such a thing as pat his chest and make a promise. He is waiting and watching, watching the situation of online public opinion, whether it is getting worse or gradually subsiding.

As a result, no one expected that there would be a wave of ups and downs on the Internet, and another wave would rise again. After Wang Guomin's video, another person published a video.

In the video is a young man in his twenties. He held his ID card and took this video in the form of a video:

My name is Xu Chunhui. This is my ID card. The reason for recording this video today is that I want to report with my real name. Wang Guomin, the police chief of the Jiangwan District Police Station, is covering up relatives and trampling on the law. In March last year, I was in the xx bar and Shi Qifeng had a conflict, and it was Wang Guomin's nephew. The cause was a trivial matter. I bumped into his girlfriend, let's call it his girlfriend, or a woman who was taken out by the bar. I apologized at the time, but he It was totally unreasonable, and beat me up with a few companions, which caused my right arm fracture. I called the police afterwards, but the police didn’t even watch the surveillance video. They insisted that I beat people first, and that it was a civil dispute, and I took full responsibility And I refused to issue a power of attorney for injury identification and refused to arrest people. I firmly believed in the fairness and fairness of the law, and filed a complaint with the higher authorities and the procuratorate. However, I have not received a reply for more than a year. At that time The policeman in this matter is Wang Guomin. Until I saw the video on Weibo yesterday, I decided not to remain silent. Everything I said was the truth, and there was absolutely no falsehood. If you say that I spread rumors, just come, I have a real name.

Xu Chunhui in the video took a deep breath: Because I always believe that the law is fair, I don't believe that wolves in green skins can cover the sky with one hand all the time. I want to seek justice and let those who hold high the people's public servants Beasts of the flag, get what they deserve.

The video was only two minutes long, but it went viral on the Internet within a few hours. It complemented the article #杀卫不得死,小小警字手打天#. If there were people who thought they were rational and questioned that video, Now it is one-sided public opinion.

In just three hours from morning to noon, the official Weibo of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau had a staggering one million comments.

Countless people @上海公司局局.

There was a lot of scolding.

When Wang Min knew about it, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and the chief of the police station called him to the meeting room.

Wang Min pushed open the door of the conference room, and there were three or four people sitting at the long oval table, all of whom were the leaders of the institute.

Everyone is here. After all, Wang Guomin is an old fritter who has been in the system for many years. His face is still very calm, and he habitually smokes a few colleagues, but today everyone did not pick up the cigarettes, which made him feel a little resentful.

The director stared at him: Do you know everything on the Internet?

I've seen it, Wang Guomin nodded, Old Xu, although this matter is tricky, it's not troublesome, isn't it? First, that Xu Chunhui has no evidence, and no case has ever been filed in the office. His words are groundless. , What can you do with me. This is a society ruled by law, no matter how big the public opinion is, we must pay attention to evidence, right?

A few leaders who have a bad relationship with him have playful eyes, you still know about the legal society, we are not unaware of the things you did, if you hadn't had a good relationship with the director, you would have reported you a long time ago. But everyone is not a high-spirited and upright official. Who has never done anything like using power for personal gain? If nothing happens, it's tacitly understood, and if something happens, we won't hide it from you.

A veteran leader slapped the table: This matter is such a big deal, you can settle it in a few words? Now there are so many eyes watching from outside. In case someone jumps out to accuse you again, let's see if the director can give you money on.

Wang Min didn't take it seriously: There is no evidence to do anything to me.

The director's expression changed: Old Zhang, I don't know what you mean by that.

Nima, what does it mean that I have been carrying around for him, what do you mean? You want to get me down, right?

Wang Guomin was taken aback, and looked at his old classmate in astonishment: Old Xu...

The director waved his hand and said expressionlessly: Old Wang, you and I have been friends for more than ten years, but I really didn't know that you did so many things in private. Even if I want to help you, I can't do anything.

Wang Guomin was stunned, and said slightly angrily: No, what do you mean, isn't it just some rumors on the Internet, what's the big deal.

What's the big deal? A certain leader sneered: You have to remember what you said, the official Weibo of the superior is scolded by people, good guy, usually no one pays attention to it, now it has millions of comments, You haven't seen those people's comments, every word is heartbreaking.

We don't know about this matter. It's all your fault. When we ask, we'll tell the truth. We don't blame you. Don't implicate us. Another leader said lightly.

What's involved? Are you guys hiding something from me? Wang Min's expression also changed.

Old Wang, you should get ready. The sub-bureau has sent comrades from the Disciplinary Committee over to investigate, the director shook his head, You didn't destroy the monitoring of the Internet cafe, or it would be another serious crime. Hey, don't blame me for not helping you, I It's troublesome now, and I think I will be punished.

The cigarette in Wang Min's hand fell to the ground, and he leaned on the chair in despair.

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