My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 956: The remaining ghosts of a thousand realms

Master Yin's originally gloomy and dilapidated eyes suddenly became full of hope.

He suddenly said, "I understand!"

"The only ancient and new twin gods in the Xuanhuang Realm, such a kind and beautiful person..."

"He must be a very smart person too!"

Master Yin's voice became louder and louder: "That's it, that's it..."

"Back then, after he successfully defied logic and was destroyed by the Immortal Miasma, he didn't fall on the spot. Instead, his strength gradually declined."

"This period of time is enough for him to arrange many back-ups! All the doubts and confusions may be answered by these back-ups!"

"It must be like this!"

When Li Fan heard this, his heart suddenly moved: "Mr. Bai's back-up plan?"

He recalled his experiences in the Fallen Fairyland, and every scene was related to Mr. Bai's experience back then. Obviously, this is a guide.

In the Fallen Fairyland, the goal that Mr. Bai really wants to convey should be hidden in the end.


Li Fan thought that in his 115th life, he would be able to achieve a certain degree of resurrection based on the traces he left in the world.

Who knows whether the real "Su Bai" will be truly reborn in some way thousands of years later?


While Li Fan was thinking, Master Yin in front of him became more and more crazy.

"That's right! He's still waiting for me! I'm going to chase him!"

The cracks in the center of the body caused by practicing my foundation-building method have become more and more obvious.

The other body hidden inside Lord Yin's body seemed to be ready to crawl out.

And in Li Fan's ears, the faint sound of pattering rain could be heard.

It was subtle at first, like an illusion.

But soon the rain became heavier and heavier, like a torrential rain pouring down on the earth!

In this illusory heavy rain, the originally stone floor of the laboratory also softened.

Even gets muddy.

Li Fan remained calm on the surface, but in fact he was already floating in mid-air and continued to retreat a little.

Out of the muddy ground.

Li Fan's pupils narrowed as he looked at the countless arms squirming and stretching out from the ground.

And Master Yin's body was also twitching strangely.

His voice also became choppy and indistinct.

After a moment, those pale arms, like fish swimming underwater, quickly swarmed towards Mr. Yin.

The moment it came into contact with Master Yin's body, it inserted itself into his flesh and blood.

At the point of contact between the two, the arms dissolve.

Then he got into Yin Shangren's body.


The sound was as clear as a bubble bursting.

Then those thousands of pale arms continued to rush towards Master Yin at a rapid speed.

In an instant, Master Yin's body was like boiling water, constantly churning strangely.

Even the surrounding space became a little distorted.

Li Fan looked solemn when he saw this frightening scene.

Now he is considered to be well-informed, and his strength is even comparable to that of Hedao strong men. But the vision that was happening to Master Yin at this moment was something he had never seen before in his years of reincarnation, and he had never even heard of it.

Li Fan closed his eyes, and the strange scenes in front of him seemed to disappear in an instant.

It was so peaceful that it didn't exist at all.

Even the noise in my ears disappeared.

Divine consciousness cannot sense it at all.

When he opened his eyes again, horrific scenes suddenly appeared one after another.

The "water" was boiling more and more violently, but the expression on the face of Mr. Yin, who was at the center of the incident, became calmer and calmer.

Like a monk who suddenly attained enlightenment, all pain and confusion disappeared from his body.

In this scene, the only thing that remains unchanged is the rib belonging to Mr. Bai hidden in Master Yin's chest.

So abrupt, yet like a rope.

Firmly connect the increasingly illusory Yin Shangren with the real world.

Master Yin glanced at the ribs with some reluctance, and then his eyes became determined.

Throw it in the direction of Li Fan.

Li Fan took the ribs, and the sound of rain in his ears suddenly became louder.

Suddenly, as if a certain threshold was reached, all sound ceased.

In the absolute silence, a ray of light emerged from Master Yin's body.

When the light shines on it, it's like a hole cutting through space.

Li Fan squinted his eyes, trying to see clearly the scene in the white light.

But despite all his efforts, he could only see that in addition to Master Yin, there seemed to be many figures floating in mid-air with no specific appearance and different heights.

They all seemed to be staring at Master Yin, urging him to do something.

The light became more and more dazzling, and finally completely overwhelmed Li Fan's sight.

When the white light faded, Master Yin had completely disappeared.

Li Fan pondered for a moment, and then came to the underground secret room of Yin Yin Island. It was discovered that the corpses originally placed here had also disappeared.

In this life, Master Yin did not choose to burn himself.

Because Li Fan's few words beside him attracted his attention. This prevented Mr. Yin from going to the extreme of self-destruction.


"Choose to return?"

The scene in the white light made Li Fan think of this word for some reason.

"Recover my rain..."

There was something strange about Master Yin's body. Li Fan also checked the relevant records of the heavy rain when countless corpses fell from the sky.

But except for Master Yin, no other clues were found.

"It's not weird, but it's weird everywhere."

"Even if it's just a foundation-building monk, it would be difficult for me to kill him without using the [Chaos] technique."

Li Fan frowned as he recalled the scenes when he came into contact with the other party.

"Could it be that……"

A guess couldn't help but come to Li Fan's mind.

"Bu Tian Lu" describes and explains in detail the mechanism of the movement of heaven in the world.

The book once mentioned that just as monks can practice and improve their realm by absorbing spiritual energy, the world itself can also strengthen itself by plundering and swallowing other worlds, thereby achieving its own upgrade.

The heavenly doctor calls it the [eating] of the world.

But just as humans leave behind food scraps when they eat, the world also leaves behind indigestible things.

Either because a certain law in other worlds is incompatible with the original world, or because it is a "foreign object" that is not conducive to the development of the world and has been abandoned by nature.

These "ghosts" of the old world will not blend into the new world.

It can only exist forever in the cracks.

"Ghost" is not the same as "eerie".

Weirdness is the product of the fusion of worlds. Strictly speaking, they are still part of the intrinsic world.

Although they may seem incompatible with the laws of the intrinsic world, in fact they are slowly integrating into the new world over time.

If after tens of millions of years, when the time span is long enough.

So the weirdness may not be completely integrated into the original world.

And "Ghost"...

It is an existence that has been completely abandoned by heaven and earth.

Even if the world is destroyed and time ends, the world will never turn back.

Contacting the groups of ghostly figures he just saw, Li Fan thought thoughtfully: "Could it be that the Xuanhuang Realm is the collection of world ghosts left behind after devouring many other immortal realms?"

"The ghosts of the old world do not hope that they can only exist in the cracks of the world forever. They also hope that one day they can make a comeback."

"But as the defeated ones, they can only make some small moves in secret. Perhaps Master Yin was selected by these ghosts through an accident that year."

"No wonder it can't be killed by ordinary means. But it can be destroyed with random words..."

"Because he is equivalent to the broken world rules."


Li Fan continued to analyze according to the records of Butianlu.

"For some reason, Master Yin still retained the mark of the Xuanhuang Realm before, and the transformation was not yet complete. He was a half-human, half-ghost existence. But just now, he completely fell into the embrace of the ghost."

"Well... as a being of the same standard as Xuanhuang Tiandao, he does have the ability to peek into all kinds of mysteries."

No matter what actions Master Yin takes, he will not be surprised.

Even if Master Yin is so persistent with Mr. Bai, there may not be the influence of the ghost of the world behind it.

"Hmph, they are just like a dog and a dog. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Li Fan snorted coldly and didn't take it to heart at all.

It's not that Li Fan is arrogant, but the only way these ghosts can really pose a threat to the Xuanhuang Realm is when the Xuanhuang Realm itself is severely damaged and is not far from destruction.

Only then would the Xuanhuang Realm be extremely weakened, and the ghosts of the world have the slightest chance to turn against the guest.

But then again, by that time, even if the World Ghost can finally win and reoccupy the Xuanhuang Realm, what awaits it will be the ending of continued destruction.

To put it bluntly, ghosts are like a virus that only breaks out and takes over the body before death.

By the time they explode, nothing will matter anymore.

"It's just a pity Master Yin. This person's understanding is even higher than mine. I originally expected him to help me deduce the method of Hunyuan Golden Pill."

Li Fan shook his head slightly.

Looking at the island in front of him, Li Fan flashed his eyes and destroyed all the monsters cultivated by Master Yin on it in an instant.

In the underground secret room, Master Yin's collection was collected and preserved in the Five Elements Cave.

On the entire island, except for Li Fan, the only one who survived was the weird puppy with human hands as its legs and eyes all over its abdomen.

This beast's spiritual sense is also very keen. The moment Li Fan had the intention to kill, it immediately ran up to Li Fan.

Stick out your tongue, trying to please.

Li Fan smiled and spared the other party's life.

Also take it into the Five Elements Cave Heaven.

After leaving Yin Yin Island, Li Fan thought about his harvest on the way back.

"As the only ancient and new heavenly master in the Xuanhuang Realm, Mr. Bai's strength is undoubtedly beyond doubt."

"It may even be the reincarnation of the former King Xuantian..."

"It's no wonder that the Emperor San Tapir placed it in the center of the museum's sacred collection. It's no wonder that the eternal memory left on his skull is so attractive to you."

"Eternal thoughts must contain the obsessions from life. I wonder what exactly Mr. Bai's obsessions are?"

"It can't be about saving the Xuanhuang Realm, right?"

Li Fan couldn't help but think of this.

Now that he knew the true value of the skull, Li Fan had already begun to plan how to get Mr. Bai's skull into his pocket.

"Eternal memories cannot be brought back into reality, they can only be absorbed on the spot."

"However, fortunately, I don't really need to take away Mr. Bai's skull. The purpose is just to keep the eternal memory attached to the skull..."

"Just get close to the skull and let Huanzhen complete the absorption."

"Of course the whole process cannot disturb the Emperor San Tapir..."

"It's best to find a reason to remove him from the museum..."

After thinking about it, I finally traced it back to how to collude with Mo Rubin.

"I think Emperor San Tapir should be a little bit mean to the person who spreads the law."

Li Fan felt slightly that the number of monks practicing [God's Presence] has now reached an extremely impressive number.

It has become a major headache for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Presumably Mo Rubin should already know about this.

By sensing the experiences of the believers, Li Fan discovered that there were indeed several different forces in the investigation team of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

"It seems it's time to take the initiative to contact him."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his instructions passed through the thoughts of gods and demons, affecting the thinking of the believers.

Back in the spirit wood world, Li Fan waited for things to change.

While waiting, he took out the "Record of Mending Heaven" and studied it.

"Bu Tian Lu is indeed profound and profound."

"If it were in the past, I would not be able to uncover the origin of Master Yin. Even in the entire Xuanhuang Realm, there may not be many monks who know the existence of the world ghost."

"This is why it is important to have guidance from famous teachers."

After re-reading the Record of Mending Heaven, Li Fan had different insights in his heart.

Really read it often and keep it new.


Just one chapter. Tears.

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