My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 926: No need to say more about the battle

In just a few breaths, Li Fan, the holy fetus, climbed all the way up from a mortal to the early stage of Qi refining.

And, completely ignoring the existence of Tianzhi, he continued to move towards the perfection of Qi refining.

It wasn't until the lack of foundation-building rare items that it stopped.

This time I didn’t choose anything special.

Instead, Li Fan and his clone worked together to create a low-level human miracle out of thin air using swordsmanship, and used it as a material for the advancement of the Holy Fetus.

With this [Unyielding Sword] as the Dao foundation, the Holy Fetus can continue to accept the huge cultivation level passed down by Li Fan.

The method of turning the sword into a golden elixir is already familiar.

As for the cave needed for the Holy Fetus to be promoted to Nascent Soul, Li Fan directly cut out a small part of his own five elements cave.

In this way, it only takes three days.

Another early-stage Nascent Soul clone has been created.

But compared to Li Qing, the Holy Fetus is really ridiculously weak.

It's just an empty realm. If they really fight, the Holy Embryo may not even be able to match the Nascent Soul monks like the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

But it's enough to just dispatch consumables for dangerous missions.

All supplies were prepared for the Holy Fetus, and under Li Fan's control, the Holy Fetus flew out of the Spiritual Wood Realm unconsciously.

It wasn't until he was half a mile away from the entrance that he finally woke up.

The mission requirements emerged in his mind, and the Holy Fetus hurried towards the destination.

Li Fan looked at Li Qing at this time: "I have removed the marks left on your body by the new protective formation."

"But don't go out recently. Just concentrate on practicing the way of swordsmanship."

"I have a hunch that the chaos in the Xuanhuang Realm will not be far away again."

Li Qing nodded slightly.

Li Fan said this, but it was not without purpose.

But just now in He Zhenghao's memory, he saw a familiar figure.

Cong Yunhai Tianji Hall, Gongsun Qixuan.

This person's cultivation level is not very strong, and he doesn't seem to be very proficient in formations.

However, he happened to appear at the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance’s Celestial Formation Hall.

I have to say it's very strange.

Thinking back to the 115th life, this person was the trigger for the sudden change in the Mysterious Network.

Li Fan could almost conclude that there must be some subtle connection between this person and Tianxuan Mirror.

"Let's fight. The harder the fight, the better."

"Let me see what your trump cards are."

Li Fan's sight seemed to pass through countless spatial barriers and landed on the junction between the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, there are very few monks like Li Fan who look forward to a war between two behemoths all day long.

The vast majority of monks still hope to spend their lives in peace and stability.

They had never even imagined a complete battle between the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association.

After all, with the war, countless lives will be lost.

There are no irresolvable conflicts, so why would we insist on going to war?

However, on this day, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance directly found an excuse to declare war.

"The Five Elders will quickly return the treasure left by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. If not, the Immortal Alliance army will go and get it in person."

The Immortal Alliance monks all looked at each other in confusion as they looked at this confusing announcement.

"What is the legacy of the Immortal Alliance? And why is it at the Five Elders Association?"

"Isn't this excuse... too lame?"

Just when the monks were puzzled, a detailed explanation was soon announced.

It turns out that it was really not a random excuse.

When the Five Elders Association was still the Ten Immortal Sects, it launched a brutal and inhumane massacre against the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Not only many of the core senior leaders of the newly founded Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance died tragically.

It is said that many secret treasures in the alliance have fallen into the hands of the Five Elders.

Although later, the great disaster came, and the ten immortal sects collapsed without attack.

Thousands of years have passed.

But the blood feud will last forever!

Nowadays, the top leaders of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance have never forgotten the shame of that year, and have always been secretly accumulating strength, vowing to avenge the shame!

Of course, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is also reasonable. It’s not necessary to kill them all.

As long as the Five Elders apologize for what happened back then and return the secret treasure of the Immortal Alliance, this matter can be dropped!

The announcement quickly spread throughout the world, and most monks were indifferent to the authenticity of its content.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just an excuse for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to launch a war.

The Five Elders Association could not react for a moment to the unreasonable move of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

There seems to be internal disputes over this, and there has never been a clear official answer.

So, exactly one day after the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance announcement was issued.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance launched a brazen attack.

Moreover, he seems to be very confident in his own strength.

This war was not as secretive as before.

Instead, it was displayed in real time to all the monks of the Immortal Alliance through the Tianxuan Mirror.

Of course, although it is said to be real-time, it is actually delayed for a period of time.

But it did not hinder, all the monks of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance came to the Tianxuan Mirror excitedly and watched the scenes of the war.

The first one to go into battle was Tianzun Dharmaxiang, who had not shown up for some time.

The change from the last appearance is almost visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the ground below, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Then he stretched out his right hand and pulled it towards the airspace of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Suddenly, thousands of sky patrol arrows that were patrolling the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance were all pulled in front of him by the Heavenly Master.

These sky survey arrows glowed with silver, like thin threads woven into a large net.

Tianzun Faxiang waved the net gently in a circle, and then threw the net towards the Wulaohui!

Five different rays of light rose from everywhere in an instant.

Trying to stop this falling giant net.


Tianzun Dharmaxiang snorted lightly, and his body turned into countless streams of light, and suddenly launched an impact towards the five rays of light.

The five rays of brilliance were blocked by these dharma-like streams of light and stagnated slightly.

And at this moment, another dharma image of the Heavenly Lord appeared quietly!

He stopped directly in front of a purple light from the Five Elders Association.


Amid the violent vibrations, the picture from the Tianxuan Mirror was interrupted for a moment.

When the scene was restored, what countless monks saw was a scene of five deities with different expressions confronting each other with five rays of light!

The entire Xuanhuang Realm seemed to be trembling due to the impact of this power.

And Li Fan in the Spirit Wood Realm had vaguely felt before that Wei Qizheng, one of the Thirty-three Mystical Masters who was possessed by a final dissociation disk, was losing his life breath rapidly!

Now the oil is completely exhausted, the lamp is dry, the body is dead, and the path is gone!

"This is……"

A light flashed in Li Fan's eyes.

In his mind, the terminal dissociation disk glowed faintly.

A large amount of data is being received.

Those are the scenes Wei Qizheng experienced during his lifetime.

"Whether the Immortal Alliance can unify the Xuanhuang Realm, all hope rests on you!"

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