My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,134 The Sun family’s legacy

Li Fan lay on the bed with his eyes closed, as if he didn't hear Wu Ninglu's words at all.

Wu Ninglu's beautiful eyes turned, and she was about to take off her clothes and climb into bed.

However, just when her body was about to get close to Li Fan, a bone-chilling chill made her shiver involuntarily and instinctively move away.

Upon closer inspection, Wu Ninglu was shocked to find that a layer of frost had condensed on the surface of his skin just at that moment.

If she hadn't avoided it subconsciously, Wu Ninglu had no doubt that she would have been frozen into a popsicle by her husband!

She was both happy and angry.

There are thousands of words that have not yet been spoken, but Li Fan suddenly said calmly: "I have just made a breakthrough, and I still can't control my power perfectly. It's better that you don't approach me casually recently."

Wu Ninglu was no longer angry at the moment when he was rejected after sending warmth.

He beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay. I didn't expect you, Mr. Sun, to be such a big surprise when you reappeared after disappearing for more than half a year. Such a big event must be notified and made known to the whole clan."

Wu Ninglu was about to go out, but she saw a wall of ice blocking the door and blocking her way.

Turned his head and looked at Li Fan.

Li Fan still didn't open his eyes, but said something seemingly unrelated.

"Have the three elders in the family decided on who will take office in the Dharma Protector Hall?"

Wu Ninglu was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.

"Of course the head of the family can't leave. The uncle and the third uncle have been pushing each other for a while. Not long ago, it was said that the uncle finally compromised without fighting..."

Having said this, Wu Ninglu couldn't help but retract the foot he had taken.

"Our group is not very popular in the clan. If word spreads about my promotion to Hedao, I might have to go to the Dharma Protector Hall on their behalf. I am not allowed to go out for at least three hundred years..."


"If I hadn't been injured during the promotion process, my realm was unstable, and I was afraid of being noticed by outsiders, so I picked the fruit. I wouldn't have come back rashly."

Li Fan sighed slightly.

"Although when I go to work in the Dharma Protector Hall, both the clan and the Immortal Alliance will give me a certain amount of material compensation. But those are basically useless to me, and besides, three hundred years is really too long."

Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Wu Ninglu.

"So my promotion should not be leaked to anyone for the time being."

When Wu Ninglu met Li Fan's eyes, his body trembled suddenly and he couldn't help but nod.

Li Fan closed his eyes again and rested.

The room fell into silence again.

The looming frozen stance made Wu Ninglu use almost all his spiritual energy to maintain his body's temperature.

Huddled in the corner of the room, Wu Ninglu felt both aggrieved and envious.

"Is this the power of Hedao? I didn't expect that one day he would be promoted to Hedao. I originally thought that Sun Weizhou would be the first to break through among the younger generation."

Wu Ninglu looked at her husband who was recuperating and practicing, with many thoughts in his mind.

Until the ups and downs of the other person's breath gradually calmed down, he still spoke and meditated with his eyes closed.

Wu Ninglu then got sulky and quietly walked out of the house.

"If my guess is correct, this stupid woman will soon reveal that her Taoist partner is already a strong Taoist."

"It's just because of the little profit Sun Luchang promised."

"We can't say how stupid she really is. After all, the benefits that are really in her own hands are the real ones. As long as Sun Ang is a strong Hedao, no matter where he is, others will treat her as a Hedao. Madam, please be polite." Li Fan's eyes were dark, as if he could see through time.

It was just as Li Fan expected.

Half a month later, Wu Ninglu couldn't help but feel a little moved when she saw with her own eyes the various favorable conditions that her uncle and her third uncle had promised each other in order to avoid taking a job in the Dharma Protector Hall.

You know, she and Sun Ang didn't live a very good life in the past.

There is no say in all the decisions made in the family. If anything good happens, it will always be someone else's turn first.

However, because of Li Fan's previous instructions, she did not speak directly.

But Wu Ninglu's somewhat unusual expression could not escape the eyes of several members of the Sun family.

In addition, Li Fan deliberately exuded a trace of fluctuation when he came back before.

This made them vaguely guess.

After some questioning, Wu Ninglu reluctantly told the matter.

Sun Luchang was immediately overjoyed and quickly pulled his two brothers to the door together.

Li Fan pretended to have a helpless and angry expression and looked at Wu Ninglu.

Sanwei Hedao elder took the initiative to excuse her.

Then he persuaded Li Fan in turn with emotion and reason.

For the sake of the overall interests of the family, he finally had to agree to serve in the Dharma Protector Hall instead.

"Don't worry, Lu'er. During your absence, we will definitely take more care of Ninglu and won't let her suffer any injustice." Sun Luchang promised.

Lu'er is Sun Ang's nickname.

Logically speaking, it is not appropriate for fellow monks, even elders, to call each other by their nicknames as in the past. However, Sun Luchang still shouted like this, just to remind "Sun Ang" that he was still a descendant of the Sun family.

In order to ensure that Sun Ang could pass the review of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, the three members of the Sun family joined forces to test Sun Ang's actual combat power.

Li Fan only focused on defense and occasionally used one or two spells that were not very powerful.

After persisting for hundreds of rounds, it gradually became exhausted.

"Lu'er, the soul of heaven and earth you devoured is really quite impressive. Although your offensive capabilities are a bit poor, the field that freezes everything around you is able to block most of the offensive methods."

The three Sun family members were very satisfied with Li Fan's performance.

Even if he is a newly promoted Hedao, his strength is enough to compete with the Immortal Alliance.

Before Li Fan went to the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, he quietly called Wu Ninglu to his side.

"I know you have been avoiding me recently. Are you afraid that I will blame you?"

"how could be?"

"Actually, I also know that even if you don't tell me, my promotion to Hedao won't be hidden for long. Some things are unavoidable."

"Besides, you and I are one. I have worked hard for three hundred years to get some benefits for you. It's nothing."

Wu Ninglu was greatly surprised by Li Fan's remarks and couldn't help but be stunned.

Even a little moved.

"While I'm gone, you still have to be careful on your own."

"The old guys at home say it sounds good, but it's not certain how it will actually turn out."

"I made a good friend during this trip. This person helped me a lot to make a breakthrough."

Li Fan said and handed over a communication jade talisman.

"If you encounter something that can't be solved, just contact him."

"He should help you resolve it."

"However, this person is also a Taoist practitioner and has a somewhat weird temperament. I won't ask him unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Remember, remember."


The next chapter is due around 1 o'clock. My hand is injured and I am a bit slow in typing.

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