My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,121 I’m really in front of the immortal

Jiushan Prefecture.

"Today is a good day." Zhao Xian wrote his name on the golden contract in front of him. When a ray of golden light flew into his body and the contract was established, he laughed happily.

The Wu Laohui group in the store put away the deed, and also looked happy and spoke in agreement.

For most of the next day, Zhao Xian conducted more detailed negotiations on the trade agreement with the Five Elders Association. It wasn't until they were sent to the city to rest in the cave that Zhao Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead of returning to his cave, he turned back to the shop and entered the underground secret room.

Looking at the faceless stone statue hidden in the darkness, Zhao Xian looked complicated and had a lot of thoughts.

Since the Federation of Ten Thousand Realms was annihilated by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and was included in the permanent killing list, Zhao Xian, as the federation's secret agent in Jiushan Prefecture, has been living in fear.

I feel restless every day, and I often have hallucinations that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will come to my door and suddenly arrest me.

Without the federation to provide supplies, the store's supply of goods has also been greatly affected. The passenger traffic is declining every day, and it is almost impossible to hold on. In the end, he begged his grandfather and grandma everywhere, and spent all the money he had accumulated over the years, and then managed to rebuild the supply chain.

"Fortunately, everything is over." Zhao Xian said in his heart.

The turmoil at the federation has subsided.

In the days when the Ten Thousand Immortals League was the most severe in hunting, they failed to discover Zhao Xian's true identity. There should be no danger in the future.

After several years of hard work, the store's business has returned to normal. Recently, a business agreement was reached with a caravan from the Wu Lao Hui. The fixed trading materials alone are worth tens of millions of contribution points every year.

"Although there is no real immortal reward, the profit from the store alone is enough to support my practice all the way to the realm of god transformation."

"The Federation is destroyed. I don't have to hand over the profits. I keep all the profits. Life is even better than before..." Zhao Xian thought with some pride.

"Sure enough, good and evil depend on each other, and everything in the world is unpredictable."

Taking one last look at the faceless stone statue, Zhao Xian decided to seal this underground chamber forever.

From now on, no one will ever know the secret that he was once a member of the Federation of All Realms.

"The true immortal is merciful. I think he won't blame me." Zhao Xian respectfully gave the last salute and then sealed the secret room.

After completing all this, Zhao Xian felt relieved and felt like he was new to life.

But on the way back to the cave, he looked up at the blue sky of the Xuanhuang Realm, and for some reason he suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.

Zhao Xian, who had always been very confident in his intuition, immediately stopped in his tracks.

Carefully recalling every bit of his recent life, Zhao Xian couldn't find anything wrong after thinking for a long time.


The chaotic feeling in his heart became more and more intense. Zhao Xian suddenly felt something in his heart and looked towards the people around him.

One look made him break out in a cold sweat.

It turns out it’s not just me.

In Jiushan Prefecture Free Trade City, all the monks wandering on the street at this moment seemed to be vaguely aware of something wrong. Feeling confused and nervous.

What's more, cold sweat breaks out on the forehead and the steps are sluggish.

"This..." A picture of ants moving together before a heavy rain suddenly appeared in Zhao Xian's mind.

"Is there a catastrophic disaster going to happen?"

Zhao Xian suddenly remembered the origin of Jiu Shan Trading State.

Originally, this place was a chaotic state where dragons and snakes were mixed, and nine mountains stood side by side. Because the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association were at war, the mountains and rivers turned into plains under the gaze of the Heavenly Master.

Only then did the prosperous Jiushan Prefecture come into being.

"Is it possible that what happened that day will happen again?" Zhao Xian could not help but shudder when this thought came to his mind.

Although reason told him that neither the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance nor the Five Elders Association would start another war in Jiushan Prefecture for the benefit of both parties.

But the strange situation in front of him made him convinced that a disaster was about to happen!


After just a moment, Zhao Xian made a decision.

Yes, he loves money.

He also wants to become a great monk who transforms into gods and suppress one side.

But the premise of all this is that you can save your own life.

With the abilities he has honed over the years in Jiushan Prefecture, even if he returns to poverty, he can still rise again in another place.

Moreover, Zhao Xian has always kept the most valuable items in the store under his personal care.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xian immediately changed his direction, ignoring the ban in the city, and fled towards the border of Jiushan Prefecture at high speed.

His abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of the monks in Jiushan City. As if it caused a chain reaction, without any reason, they also fled together.

It's like the instinctive struggle of a beast after sensing a life-and-death crisis.

And it turned out that these monks' hunch was not wrong.

They didn't escape far before a terrifying wave came from behind.

The sky suddenly became dark.

Countless monks didn't even have time to scream in agony before they were swallowed up by the unknown terrifying existence.

Feeling the thousands of breaths disappearing behind him in an instant, extreme fear occupied his brain.

At this moment, his mind was running wildly at an unprecedented speed.

"Some terrible disaster must have befallen Jiushan Prefecture."

"My strength is obviously not enough to survive this disaster."

"We are still a long way from the Jiushan Prefecture border. We don't have enough time to escape to a safe place."

"The reason why there is no teleportation circle in Jiushan Prefecture is because the space structure here is extremely unstable. If you initiate teleportation without authorization, not only will you not reach the target location, but you will be randomly teleported to other places. You may even get lost in the void. …”

"But there is still hope of survival after all..."

Zhao Xian's thoughts turned sharply, and his body reacted instinctively.

Directly activated the random teleportation array in the storage ring.

The surrounding scene became distorted and blurred.

After a brief dizziness, Zhao Xian fled Jiushan Prefecture and came to a strange place.

But the scene he saw before him gave him no joy at all in escaping from death.

Instead, it was like falling into an ice cave, and my mind went blank.

It seems to be floating high in the sky, looking down at the Xuanhuang Realm.

Thousands of black spots appeared densely on the ground.

Like a dark abyss, swallowing everything around it.

The whole world seemed to be torn apart by these black spots and formed into curled pieces of shredded paper.

The monks on the earth, no matter how hard they struggled, could not persist in the black realm for a moment.

They turned into distorted light and disappeared into black spots.

"So the disaster didn't just happen in Jiushan Prefecture?"

"What's this?"

"Is the end coming and the world going to be destroyed?" Zhao Xian was stunned.

But soon, his attention was attracted by another strange scene that complemented this doomsday scene.

In the sky above the Xuanhuang Realm, which was torn into thousands of twisted pieces of paper in an instant, a picture that looked like countless random splashes of paint suddenly appeared.

In the splash-ink paintings, countless scenes change rapidly at every moment.

In front of this strange painting, a figure stood with hands behind his back.

As if aware of Sun Xian's distant gaze, the figure turned his head.

Before he could see the other party's face clearly, Zhao Xian's body and soul exploded into countless pieces because they could not contain the powerful pressure.

There is no whole body in death.


After a while, Li Fan already knew why this unlucky guy came here.

Shaking his head slightly, he no longer paid attention to him, but focused on the thousands of changes in the world that were gushing out from the Xuanhuang Realm in front of him.

Those countless black spots were naturally the power of the immortal that was aroused by the bait puppet flying to the Immortal Ruins after he launched the plan to destroy the world.

The power of the Immortal Xu Immortal is transmitted to the Xuanhuang Realm along the induction of those puppet connections.

Caused boundless world-destroying disasters.

As expected by Li Fan, the moment the immortal power of the Immortal Ruins appeared, it caused a spontaneous reaction from the faceless immortal statue next to the bait puppet, which was arranged by Li Fan.

These faceless immortal statues have no physical form. Instead, Li Fan Cuncui condensed the source power of the Faceless Immortal.

When the world-destroying power of the Immortal Ruins swept towards them.

An indescribable force emerged from the essence of source power inexplicably.

Just like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, or like a flower falling and fruit emerging.

The essence of source power disappeared directly like ice and snow melting. Only the power that the world cannot understand is left, taking its place and colliding with the immortal power of the Immortal Ruins.

It's like two huge waves colliding with each other, causing thousands of waves.

In an instant, the Xuanhuang Realm was torn into thousands of pieces.

But it seems that it was precisely because of the struggle between the two that the Xuanhuang Realm, which was already riddled with holes, was not destroyed immediately.

"It seems that I have nothing to worry about."

"The Faceless Immortal doesn't seem to be aware of my existence."

Li Fan thought so in his heart.

"Pull out the marrow of heaven and earth to obtain its spirit."

As he muttered words, he absorbed all the strange splash-ink paintings in front of him into the shadow of the five-element cave behind him.

In front of Li Fan, scenes of the Xuanhuang Realm's past, present, and future scenarios unfolded like a revolving lantern.

In addition, Li Fan also felt a strong desire to survive.

The picture rotates rapidly like a whirlpool, as if something is about to be born from it.

After careful consideration, Li Fan actually noticed Xuanhuang Realm's intention to beg for cooperation.

"The world will die, just like people."

"It's obvious that I'm lying about the way of heaven, but for the sake of a possible chance of survival, not only did they not blame me, but they were even willing to cooperate with me..."

"This is something I never thought of before."

Li Fan snorted coldly and did not agree to Xuanhuangjie's request.

There was no direct rejection either.

Instead, it accelerated the speed of removing the marrow of heaven and earth.

With countless changes in life, it is integrated into the body. The Five Elements Great Cave Heaven also began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

In sharp contrast to the Xuanhuang Realm, which has reached the end of the world, there is unprecedented prosperity in the Five Elements Cave Heaven.

The five elements flow and tend to merge.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were unified, and the originally extremely obvious barriers within each cave slowly ceased to exist.

A new world full of infinite vitality is taking shape.

But at this moment, Li Fan, who was about to successfully advance to the state of becoming a god, felt a hint of danger for no reason.

A beam of light came from outside the void in an instant.


After seeing clearly the current appearance of the Xuanhuang Realm, he let out an angry roar.

Then in an instant, Li Fan was locked across the long distance.

Their eyes met, and both of them had a look of astonishment on their faces.

What surprised Li Fan was that he originally thought that the one who came back would be the Dharma transmission.

But I never thought that this figure would appear in this life...

It is a heavenly doctor.

What surprised the Heavenly Doctor was that Li Fan, the last descendant of the Heavenly Dharma Realm in name only, appeared here for some reason.

Moreover, he was ruthlessly extracting the marrow of the Xuanhuang Realm's heaven and earth.

"You came back so quickly." Li Fan sighed inwardly.

"It's true."

Li Fan didn't hesitate at all and immediately thought silently in his heart.

Affected by the immortal power of the Immortal Ruins, Li Fan sensed that the restraint of the True Immortal Network on him had loosened.

The Heavenly Doctor has also discovered himself.

So I stopped being greedy and launched it directly.

The surrounding scene suddenly became void.

At this moment, Li Fan clearly saw the shock on the Heavenly Doctor's face and the sudden burst of light in his cloudy eyes.

"What did he find?" Li Fan's heart suddenly tightened.

But the surrounding scenery has become almost static.

Even though he was as powerful as the Heavenly Doctor, his movements were extremely slow in Li Fan's eyes.

Thick fog enveloped everything.

All things in the world will turn true into false and reality into virtuality.

at this time……

Among the thousands of black spots in the Xuanhuang Realm, a bright light suddenly burst out.

The immortal power of the Immortal Ruins, which could easily tear the Xuanhuang Realm into pieces, was actually suppressed at this moment.

Among all the still images, this brilliance was the least affected.

Even in Li Fan's view, it was still in slow motion.

But still rushing towards Li Fan at an extremely fast speed.

"The Faceless Immortal!"

Li Fan's heart suddenly seemed to be tightly grasped by a hand.

The threat of the Heavenly Doctor was instantly forgotten.

"I was discovered after all..."

"All the spirits of heaven and earth and all living beings are refining gods!"

A giant bloody net spread out around Li Fan.

Layers upon layers, densely packed.

Just like countless ferocious human faces.

The giant red network rose from Li Fan and expanded crazily around him.

There are hundreds of billions and trillions of creatures in the net, and they all let out their dying cries at the same time.

The bright light ignored the giant red net and headed towards Li Fan unswervingly.

Li Fan had never felt that the activation time was so slow.

Seeing that bright white light, it was about to rush towards his eyes.

His body couldn't help but become stiff and cold.

Even thinking can't help but freeze.


After all, the giant red net had some blocking effect.

The moment before the bright light locked on Li Fan.

Li Fan successfully launched Huazhen.

All the scenes became illusory.

Only the bright white light was still dazzling.

Anchor for 1 year.

Dissociation mountain top.

Li Fan, who had narrowly escaped death, was covered in sweat and was breathing heavily.

"Is this the power of a true immortal?"

"The thoughts of trillions of living beings are so pale and powerless in front of it."

Just as Li Fan was thinking this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with his body.

He is not seeing things with his eyes at this moment, because...

Li Fan reached out and touched his face, and his body trembled slightly.

His face disappeared.

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