My ship girl, my world

Chapter 977 Durable Overload Module

As the attacks poured in, the shield that looked like crystal was directly submerged in the gunfire.

Such an unreserved attack made the flying dragon on the side slightly stunned. Once upon a time, she also cooperated with ships from some worlds, but the attacks of those ships were far less powerful and not as intensive as the current attacks.

Maybe it's because that person is different?

Feilong could only think this way, and seeing these offensives in front of him, it would only take time to break through Stelenkus's shield.

And the most important thing is that most of the attacks they have made so far have been containment, and the main output has been given to Qin Ge's ships, which is naturally part of the plan.

Such thoughts only lasted for a moment. Soon, cracks appeared in Strenkus's shield. As the cracks gradually expanded, finally after a burst of attacks, her entire shield series opened. Come.

"Now, keep this attack rhythm. After Stelenkus's shield breaks, there will be a short period of weakness. At this time, her gravitational field and gravity field cannot be used, so now is the best stage to attack!" Gneisenau watched the shield shatter and said quickly through the communicator.

"Understood, everyone, Target Arbiter Strenkus, attack with all your strength."

Bismarck's voice sounded in the communicator, and even though he was as calm as her, there was a hint of excitement at the moment.

This was the first head-on duel between their port fleet and the Arbiter, and this was after the Arbiter had been strengthened. If they win this battle, they will have greater confidence in the subsequent battles, and it can also help them successfully establish a foothold in this peripheral sea area and advance towards the core of the Pacific Ocean at a faster speed.

And more importantly, the result of the quick recommendation is that it can support Qin Ge's fleet faster.

Her commander trusted her too much. Faced with this trust, Bismarck felt that she should seize every possible opportunity.

As the target of the cannonballs changed, a large number of cannonballs directly hit Strenkus's hull. Although her gravity field and gravitational field lost the possibility of control, it did not mean that the gravity surrounding her The field disappeared, but some shells still fell to the water around her.

But even so, the attack carried out in this short period of time has made Strenkus's ship equipment somewhat unbearable. It can even be clearly seen that cracks have appeared in some links, and the entire hull has been in the middle. It's in a broken state.

As the weakened state passed, Strenkus resumed manipulating the gravity field to fight. However, everyone can clearly feel that this time there is a significant difference from the pressure they felt initially.

"She seems to be a lot weaker." Musashi said keenly.

"Didn't Gneisenau just say that loading these enhancement modules can improve his own combat effectiveness, but these enhancement modules also require energy to operate. When the hull is under such a strong attack, it will certainly not be able to provide energy as before. The pressure given by these enhancement modules is not as strong as before, which is inevitable.

And I think as the current battle continues, this state will become more and more obvious. This is our opportunity. If we defeat her, it means we are one step closer to the core of the Pacific and to the commander. "Bismarck explained.

"Indeed, I'm looking forward to the commander seeing our expressions again, and we will definitely not let down such a powerful force by letting us command. We will definitely not let down such trust." Musashi said with a smile while attacking.

"Not just Commander, if we win this time, it will definitely be a great boost to morale." Veneto said.

"Yes, but the attack is still important now. All expectations should be left after this battle. Strencus on the opposite side is attacking again. Everyone, pay attention." Richelieu was unfazed and was not at all affected by the situation in front of him. Affected, he said very seriously in the communicator.


Everyone nodded tacitly, and soon turned their attention to Strenkus.

As they adapted to Strenkus' attacks, the frequency of emergency repair tools used by the ships became significantly less frequent. Moreover, the vanguard fleet mainly focuses on harassment, leaving the entire output responsibility to the main fleet.

The hit rate of the main fleet obviously improved a lot as the battle continued. Soon, Stelenkus deployed a second shield.

This was what everyone was waiting for. All the stunts and artillery fire poured down, like raindrops, hitting the shield cut open by Stelenkus.

Soon, cracks appeared on Stelenkus's shield. The speed was much faster than before. This was obviously because Stelenkus's endurance became weaker and the energy consumption in his body increased, and combined with Everyone is familiar with her attack methods.

"Very good, that's it. As long as we seize the opportunity later, we can seriously injure her." Gneisenau said excitedly. Although she also knew the inside story of this matter, her performance was different from Feilong and others. People are completely different.

It cannot be said that he likes Qin Ge, his current commander, from the bottom of his heart. The real reason is probably the iron-blooded acceptance here and the excitement brought by fighting with Bismarck.

For her, nothing seemed more exciting than this.

"Well, if everyone keeps working hard, victory is in sight." Bismarck nodded and said, commanding his Geryon to approach and launch a full attack posture.

As the shield shattered again, as expected, Arbiter Strenkus stiffened. At this moment, the firepower did not weaken at all. When the witnesses saw that her ship body was almost unable to withstand the attack, a green light flashed from Stelenkus's body, and then the cracked ship armor quickly began to recover. With.

"What...what is this?" Bremerton, who was standing at the front, naturally saw this scene clearly in his eyes, and his eyes suddenly flashed with disbelief.

"Why did her ship suit actually start to recover on its own! This, isn't this equivalent to all the previous fights being in vain?"

"Don't be surprised, this is her endurance overload module. When the damage to the hull reaches a certain limit, the endurance overload module will be activated to repair a large amount of hull damage in a short period of time to maintain its combat effectiveness at a certain level. ." Ember's Arizona explained.

"Ah! Doesn't that mean we can never defeat her?" Jiuzao asked doubtfully.

"The overload module has a limit. It can only be triggered once per battle, so if the damage control recovery is used this time, it will be gone. Don't worry about it triggering it a second time." Arizona said again, "You can attack with confidence She'll be fine, but it's very possible that she's equipped with other overload modules, so be careful."


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