My ship girl, my world

Chapter 974 Enhancement Module

Musashi and others were shocked when they faced Feilong's explanation. The Arbiter's strength was already very strong, and now it is getting stronger. How can we fight against it?

"Gneisenau, you explain to them first, and I will hold Strenkus back."

Feilong did not continue to explain, threw a few words and rushed forward.

Although the ships of the Vanguard Fleet are now very powerful, they are still not close to facing Strenkus. Because Strenkus itself is the arbiter of the special attack on the vanguard fleet, not to mention that she is now equipped with so many enhancement modules.

"We went too."

Canglong, Scharnhorst, Yamashiro and others who were traveling with Ember also followed Feilong's footsteps.

The figures of several people disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, and they rushed towards Arbiter Strenkus directly under the gunfire.

"So what's going on with the loading module? Why didn't you mention it before?" Musashi frowned.

Gneisenau shook his head, "Because we didn't expect that those guys from the arbitration agency would actually load the main body with enhancement modules."

"The main body is loaded with enhancement modules? Does that mean you have encountered their clones before?" Veneto asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Gneisenau nodded, "The arbiters of the Arbitration Agency are different from the Antiques of the Experimental Agency. They can be said to be products of iteration.

Antix's consciousness exists within the host machine, which means that what appears in front of you at ordinary times is just an armed individual that appears when Antix uses the machine to carry her consciousness.

The Arbiter is closer to the ship. It is an individual born after using the principles of the ship to realize consciousness, construct and cultivate. Different from the ship, she does not need to respect the consciousness of history, but is more artificially shaped.

In this way, there will be more room for operation and their respective growth directions. So no matter which arbiter you meet, they are all very unique. Each one has unique abilities, but they can make up for each other due to shaping reasons.

Due to their characteristics, they cannot use various machines like Antix. The appearance of clones is just like the counterfeit of your ship. It is a counterfeit clone with characteristics but no consciousness.

But even these clones possess power that ordinary ships cannot match. On this basis, enhancement modules can also be loaded to strengthen the power of these clones, making them far stronger than ordinary agents, reaching a level second only to the arbiter.

However, because these enhancement modules will put a certain burden on the ship body, these enhancement modules are often used on replicas. This time Stelenkus brought these enhancement modules, obviously to fight with all his strength, so Feilong just said There is some trouble. "

Bismarck suddenly asked, "So these enhancement modules can increase its power without limit? Until the ship body can no longer bear it?"

"No, the use of any power is not unlimited, including these enhancement modules. Just like the shocking debut of this enhancement module that you were shocked by before, although it can enhance her strength by 10% every ten minutes, the upper limit of this module is also That's when it reaches 50%.

The enhancements of some artillery and lightning enhancement modules are relatively small, which is about 30%. Although it has been relatively enhanced a lot, it is not invincible, especially under the current situation.

You have met Strenkus before, so there is no need for me to tell you more about some of her characteristics. She is now much more powerful than when you met her before. Don’t resist any attack. Just hide if you can. It’s best to let some ships with shield or smoke stunts go to deal with it. As for other attacks, People, just attack from a distance. "

Gneisenau spoke in great detail, and these explanations could already allow Bismarck and others to understand the current situation.

After all, in general, I have already understood the situation of the arbiter before, and now I am just supplementing what I have learned before.

"Understood, that is to say, Strenkus is the arbiter of specialized attacks on vanguard ships, and does not have much influence on us main battleships?" Musashi asked.

"No, it's just that the impact on you will be smaller, and you also know that Stelenkus has a powerful shield skill. When she finally activates it, you must concentrate on eliminating her shield, so that you can Always causing effective damage to her." Gneisenau said, "So always listen to the information coming from the public communicator and always reserve your own stunts.

Although you are not as powerful as her now, your current strength is not weak at all. As long as you concentrate your power on one point, even Stelenkus' special skills will not be able to withstand your firepower.

In addition, in addition to Strenkus, testers also appeared. Our strength will temporarily hold her back, so your goal is to take down the tester as quickly as possible.

If we let her provide some convenience to Stelenkus in the form of support, it will be very difficult for us to carry out the subsequent battle. "

"I know, then let us work together to win this arbiter!" Bismarck nodded.


The dark sword energy crisscrossed the sea surface, and countless black chains restricted the direction of Stelenkus' movement. The cannonballs filled the sky, but there was no panic expression on Stelenkus' face.

She has already understood the control of regional gravity, and fighting against Ember is a common occurrence for her.

Obviously there are more embers now than before, but she is also stronger than before.

A super-gravity field and a weightless field have been superimposed in front of her. Every time an attack is directed at her, it will be pulled by this completely different gravity field, changing its aim and deflecting the power of the attack to the other side. aside.

I only saw countless explosions rising from around Stelenkus. Although these explosions were enough to damage ordinary ships, to Stelenkus, these explosions were just drizzle.

The fierce battle on the field became fierce from the beginning, and the battle between Ember and the Arbiter once again started in this special world sea area.

This time, the two sides no longer had any scruples. They simply stood on the standpoint of the two major forces and engaged in a duel in terms of strength.

And just like what Gneisenau said before, Bismarck, Musashi and others focused all their attention on the tester not far away.

This is their first collaborative battle with Ember, and it is also the most critical battle in conquering the core waters of the Pacific Ocean. They will not let themselves be held back in this battle.

Too many people have devoted too much energy to this battle, and they do not want to lose, nor are they willing to lose.

"Battlefield, I, Bismarck, am back!"

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