My ship girl, my world

Chapter 962 Iron and blood are above all else!

The sea was endless as far as the eye could see, Bismarck's eyes were staring directly at the sea, and the previous scene was constantly playing in her heart.

Although it is not what she has experienced, but now, her perspective seems to be the one who has experienced everything.

"Has the grudge between Jagged and the Royal Family not been wiped out in this world?"

After this idea flashed in my mind, the situation in front of me seemed to be changing again. Darkness enveloped the sea, and she suddenly realized that she was no longer on the sea.

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in front of her. Although she had never seen that figure before, she had seen the same type of ship uniform several times.

Coupled with the figure sitting on top of the ship's suit, a name flashed in her mind.


Her mouth moved, but not what she said, but what another she said.

"Why should we trust you?"

The observer sitting on the huge ship in front of him chuckled slightly, "Based on Iron Blood's current situation."

Bismarck fell silent, but the voices of observers did not stop.

"According to the course of history, Iron Blood will soon be wiped out from this continent, and your opponents will enjoy the wine of victory in the homeland that originally belonged to you. What a humiliating scene it is.

Think about your comrades-in-arms, think about your sister who has not yet served. Do you still want to taste the humiliation of Section 11 again? "

"Shut up!" Bismarck shouted angrily!

"How can the inheritance of thousands of years of iron blood be extinguished because of one or two failures? I will lead my comrades and people to glory again, and drive you back to the dark seabed completely!"

The observer chuckled lightly, turning a deaf ear to Bismarck's anger, "There is a proverb in human beings, people are like trees. The more they yearn for the sunshine at high places, the more their roots will stretch into the dark underground.

Don't you yearn for the sunrise? "

"It's useless to talk, Feuer!" Bismarck said, thinking of the observers in front of her, her ship uniform spurted out flames. But the cannonball did not hit the observer as she expected. Instead, it stopped relatively close to the observer.

Observing the approaching cannonball, he gently reached out and tapped it, and the warhead of the cannonball fell into the sea.

"Such weak weapons cannot bring a future to the nation. Think about it carefully, what interests do you have that we should covet? Technology, wealth, or the ocean?

You have nothing! "

Observing the contemptuous tone, Bismarck was in a daze and couldn't say a word for a while.

"The Royal Fleet is several times more powerful than you, and has even blocked the ocean that originally belonged to you. Your opponent is not me, but them who are separated by the sea.

Compared with those stupid barbarians, I believe you understand the importance of the overall situation better. I give you the key to the future, which can bring you destruction as well as hope.

As for whether you want to become a victim of science or become a residue under the giant wheel, it depends on your own choice. We will meet again. "

As the observer said, the ship suit she was sitting on suddenly opened her mouth, and a Rubik's cube emitting black-red light gradually floated out of the mouth and landed in front of Bismarck.

Looking at the observers who were about to leave, Bismarck was stunned, "The gap is too big, and there is not even any bargaining chip on the agreement table...? Prime Minister, if it were would you choose..."

"How should I choose?"

As if this thought was responded to, Bismarck stretched out his hand to stop the observer who was about to turn around.

"Wait a moment!"

The observer turned sideways again and looked at Bismarck, who looked eager, "Huh? Do you have any more questions, Bismarck?"

"I want to know, among the countless possibilities you have observed, whether there is..."

As soon as Bismarck said this, he was ruthlessly interrupted by the observer, "Not really."

Although he already had an answer in his mind, Bismarck was still stunned when he heard the observer's answer.

“In the long history that stretches for thousands of years, you as an individual are just a drop in the ocean, so small that you don’t even have the right to choose your own destiny.

From birth to death, I never had it. Whether you survive that critical battle or not, the direction of the times will not change. ” the observer chuckled.

At this moment, Bismarck shook his head, "No... you are wrong. What I want to know is not about my fate, but about my nation, my people, my colleagues, my sister, their future." Is there any possibility of redemption..."

The observer narrowed his eyes, was silent for a moment, and then laughed, "Haha, you are really an interesting sample. You can actually achieve a conversation beyond our predictions. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. It seems that you have understood I understand the meaning."

Bismarck's face showed a resolute face. She looked at the observer in front of her, "To truly experience life, you must stand on top of life. Our individual lives die when we are born, and are replaced by something called Iron-blooded body of steel, iron-blooded will eventually be above all else!"

"In that case, then go ahead and use your small and humble life to influence the world, turn the gears of stagnant time, let the sea waves roll for you, and let the wind and cloud change color for you.

By then, your small life will have made you successful, you will have found another self, and then you will be able to find the answer...

But the premise is that at that time, you can recognize another self, hahahaha..." The observer laughed as he spoke, and then disappeared in front of Bismarck.

Just before Bismarck came back to his senses, the sea and the rotating black magic weapon in front of him had disappeared, replaced by a place like a podium.

Flags were fluttering in front of them, and the iron-blooded ship girls were separated on the left and right, while below were rows of iron-blooded soldiers. They were all silent and looked towards the podium.


Ironblood must accumulate his own strength and hold it in his hands in order to take advantage of the opportunity.

However, this opportunity has been missed several times...

Failure is only the final test of tenacity, truth is only within the range of the cannon!

For those who persevere, there is no such thing as failure. Our living space should not be achieved by begging and protesting, but by iron and blood!

This is exactly the mistake we made...

Iron-blooded people have no other way to go but struggle!

Eisen und Blutüber alles! "

"Eisen und Blutüber alles!"

"Eisen und Blutüber alles!"

Looking at the passionate shouts from the audience, Bismarck felt something hatching in his heart.

"Eisen und Blutüber alles, is iron and blood above all else? Perhaps it was once so, but what I have now is what you have dreamed of!

However, I will not stop, such beauty is worth defending at all costs!

Including, iron and blood! "

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