My ship girl, my world

Chapter 932 Self-destruction

Amidst the sky-wide gunfire, the Siren fleet in the stronghold waters was almost wiped out, leaving only a few agents and executors to resist the last firepower of the ship girls.

But judging from its continuous retreat, it is only a matter of time before it is annihilated.

On the other side of the main battlefield, the situation at this time has drastically changed compared to before.

When the main fleet did not arrive, the testers relied on the number of aircraft to absolutely suppress Musashi and others. For some time, they even allowed a group of ships to retreat without being able to fight back.

But now that the main fleet has arrived and the number of people has doubled, the situation has changed dramatically.

With the support of most of the ship girls in the main fleet, and in cooperation with Musashi and others, they formed a line of defense. Under an overwhelming attack, several testers' bodies were quickly wiped out.

Immediately afterwards, everyone relied on their superior firepower to carry out individual kills. In a short period of time, they killed seven or eighty-eight of the testers' bodies. Such a situation could be said to be comprehensive. Suppressed.

"Tsk, we should retreat, otherwise we will really be doomed if we stay here." The liquidator is now in a very embarrassing condition, with traces of cannonballs all over his body, and even one of his arms has been broken off at some point. .

"Haha, do you think they will let us go? Didn't I tell you before, we have to be wiped out once today." The tester said, "And now we can't leave. They had already blocked the stronghold when they came. , and do you think they will give us a chance to prepare for teleportation?"

"Well... it's really a headache." The Purifier rolled his eyes, "Then let this end quickly. I'm not a lunatic like the Purifier."

"Haha, she is living a much more relaxed life than you now." The tester said with a smile, "Then let's make a final charge, use all the power to burst out, and at least cause some damage to them. "

"That's what I mean. Although I have to die once, my death must be worthwhile. If you want my life, you have to pay a price."

The purger laughed crazily, then faced the artillery fire that was constantly fired at her, and rushed forward with all her strength. A strange light continued to emit from her body, and this state aroused the vigilance of Musashi and others.

"Everyone, stay away from the Eliminator quickly, she is in very bad condition!" Musashi shouted on the public channel.

"Yes." The people surrounding the Clearer's attack quickly retreated, but between this advance and retreat, the Clearer was already very close to everyone.

"Hmph, it's too late! Since you want my life, you must pay the same price and accept the baptism of roar, you and other ships!"

As the Cleaner said this, he approached the ship girls very quickly, and the light on his body became more and more dazzling. Finally, this light approached the critical point and suddenly began to bloom outward.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded in the sea area of ​​​​the stronghold. The fire and waves spread out with the aftermath of the explosion, and severely attacked the retreating ship girls.

Although he was aware of it and prepared a defensive posture, he still underestimated the power of the Siren Elite's self-destruction. The surrounding ship girls were violently impacted by the aftermath of the explosion, flying far in the sky before falling heavily on the sea.

Even Nagato and others who were far away from the center of the explosion couldn't help but stop their bodies to resist the aftermath of the explosion. But even so, they were still pushed by the aftermath and moved tens of meters on the sea surface. You must know that they were fighting the testers now, and they were at least several kilometers away from the purgers.

"How are you doing!" Nagato quickly shouted through the communicator, but there was no immediate answer from the other party.

It wasn't until a while later that Musashi's voice emerged from the communicator.

"Fortunately, most of them are in a neutral state. Several approaching destroyers and light cruisers have lost their combat effectiveness, but fortunately no one died."

"This is the best." Nagato breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, this operation was carried out independently by Shige Sakura behind his commander's back.

If this operation caused unexpected casualties, it would be absolutely wrong for me and others to do so, and I would have to answer to my commander. Although injuries in battle are unavoidable, sacrifice is absolutely not allowed in Qin Ge's dictionary.

"Musashi, please arrange things over there a little, our battle is far from over yet." Nagato said.

"Understood, Nagato-sama should also pay attention to the tester on your side. If there is a strange light on her body, everyone should quickly give up the attack and retreat immediately. To prevent her from self-destructing like the Cleaner, causing a lot of losses. ." Musashi said.

"Understood, I will pay attention." Nagato said firmly.

After the two ended the call, Musashi breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the somewhat disheveled clothes on his body, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Never had I calculated that the Purge would actually self-destruct in the end, and the power of this self-destruction would be so strong.

However, several testers' bodies have been destroyed before, but none of them self-destructed. Could it be said that those bodies did not have self-destruct settings, and only the main body would self-destruct? "

But it was obvious that now was not the time to think about this. Musashi immediately came to his senses and began to arrange the next rescue work in regional communications. And began to gather ships that could still fight, preparing to rush to Nagato.

After all, as Nagato said, the battle is not over yet, and it is not the time to clean up the battlefield. We must do a good job in rescue work and rush to the next battlefield in time.

Soon, the ship girls who were still able to fight in this sea area began to gather, while the ship girls who were unable to fight began to carry out search and rescue work, and cooperated with Feng Xiang to provide temporary treatment for everyone on the battlefield.

After using several emergency repair devices, the still-combatant ship girl had recovered most of her combat effectiveness, and then, under the leadership of Musashi, rushed towards the direction of the tester.

The sky gradually darkened, and this battle had lasted for a day. The huge moon appeared above the sea sky, shining the cold moonlight on the sea through the thick smoke on the sea.

This is a very beautiful picture, but under the current situation, it looks a bit bleak.

After all, moonlight is always accompanied by silence, but the sea is not silent at all now. The roaring shells were like meteors in the night sky, constantly shooting in the direction of the tester.

As other agents and executors in this sea area stronghold were annihilated, the firepower of the attackers became stronger and stronger.

And this battle is coming to an end right before our eyes.

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