My ship girl, my world

Chapter 872 Love is a long-lasting companion

"Actually, Her Majesty the Queen invited the master to attend the tea party, but I think the master would refuse, right?" Belfast said with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "You've already said it for me, so what else should I say?"

Sighing, he took out his beach shorts and threw them on the bed, then closed the cabinet door and said, "A lot of things happened this week, there was a beach party, and Ember joined again. And you should have heard about it, Helena He's been in my office a lot lately, which makes Skyhawk a little unhappy.

So I finally got rid of her this afternoon and planned to go to the beach to make amends to Tianying. If I go to Elizabeth's tea party now, what will Skyhawk think? "

Belfast smiled, "I knew the master would say that, but don't frown, otherwise it won't look good."

With that said, Belfast stepped forward and hugged Qin Ge, "Originally, my master found it very difficult to deal with such things, but now that so much has changed, don't you still feel that it is not enough? "

Qin Ge touched Belfast's hair with his hand, "Well, it's true that sometimes I have too many resources to do. It's okay to be like you. At least I can see you every day and chat with you every day.

But like Aquila, or to put it further, such as Shensu and the others, Wichita and the others, Myoko and the others... in fact, sometimes they are really unable to do what they want. You need to learn to deal with some official duties every day, which will take up most of your time, followed by patrol, and after that, go on a date with the secretary ship.

By the time we come back, it's already evening. We may only see a dozen or so ship girls in a day, and sometimes only dozens. To be honest, I think that more and more people in the fleet is a good thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing. "

Belfast smiled and shook his head, "Master, the problem here is that you are too responsible, you want to share your heart equally with everyone, you want everyone to be happy, everyone is happy.

But there are no such simple things in the world. Nothing can be said to be perfect. There will always be regrets in people's lives.

Just like our ships, capital ships are not as flexible as our destroyers and cruisers, but our cruisers also do not have as powerful firepower as capital ships. Everything requires trade-offs, and not everyone can be so happy.

And now you have done a good job. Everyone lives happily in Minato City every day, everyone has something to do, and everyone has a strong sense of belonging. This is enough.

It doesn’t mean that everyone has to be loved by you, cared for by you, or be alone with you. Don't walk into a dead end. Sometimes two people being together doesn't have to be about love. It can be friendship, or it can be a feeling of working together for a common goal. "

Qin Ge was stunned, "Is that so? Have I really entered a dead end?"

"That's right." Belfast said with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "Then since you clearly knew that I had entered a dead end, why didn't you tell me earlier? You had to make me feel so uncomfortable."

Belfast said with a smile, "Because I thought the master was going to create a big harem, so I always got along with everyone in an emotional state."

Qin Ge was speechless, "Spare me, the harem is really not suitable for me... Well, although my current situation is no different from that of the harem, I really don't plan to give rings to everyone in the port area, at least I have no plans to marry everyone in Minato."

Belfast smiled, "So, seeing the master looking so troubled, I am here to remind you.

Sometimes a good relationship doesn't necessarily require a vow, and sometimes a vow doesn't mean marriage.

We are ships, similar to humans, but also different from humans. We are born with the nature of ships. As long as we live in one place, we are content.

The port area is our safe haven, and the place with the owner is our port area. Sometimes we don’t need much communication, as long as we let our eyes see you and see you here, that’s it.

So these are what the owner should understand. Sometimes it is vigorous and sweet, and it is not suitable for everyone. Long-term companionship and warm smile are the ways to make everyone happy. "

"Long-term companionship and warm smile?" Qin Ge said slowly and thoughtfully, "Maybe I understand that companionship is the longest confession of love, and staying together is the most romantic love words. Maybe that's what it means?"

"Haha, it seems that the master finally understands." Belfast smiled, and then left Qin Ge's arms, "In that case, I have to say goodbye."


"I also want to repay Her Majesty the Queen and tell her that the Commander cannot attend her tea party because of something else, otherwise it would be very rude." Belfast explained, "What's more, the master is not going to accompany Miss Skyhawk. At this time, I guess she is already a little anxious waiting? "

Qin Ge nodded, "Indeed, then Befa will apologize to Elizabeth for me and wait until next time when I have time to attend his tea party."

"Yes, Master." Belfast bowed as a maid, and then smiled, "I hope you have a pleasant afternoon."


After Belfast left, Qin Ge picked up the beach shorts and left the room. Sure enough, when I got downstairs, Tianying was already waiting there.

"Commander!" Tianying breathed a sigh of relief and immediately came forward.

"Sorry, Befa just came over to tell me that Elizabeth wanted to invite me to her tea party, which delayed me for a while." Qin Ge said to Tianying.

"Eh? Are you going to the tea party, Commander?" Tianying's heart suddenly lifted.

Qin Ge smiled and shook the bag in his hand, "Now, I have brought the beach shorts over, where else can I go? I can't wear beach shorts to Elizabeth's place, can I?"

Tianying blushed, "Indeed, but doesn't it matter if you refuse Queen Elizabeth's tea party?"

"Ha, just go there next time, it's just a tea party. Besides, I've already told Belfast that she will help." Qin Ge smiled and comforted, "And I think I have to accompany you today. Otherwise, I would feel bad.”

"Thank you for your understanding, Commander. It's just a little too difficult." Tianying said with a smile.

Qin Ge couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, it's indeed a bit too difficult. Let's go and enjoy the afternoon beach time."

"Yes, Commander." Tianying nodded.

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