My ship girl, my world

Chapter 859 Files

The black figure flashed on the vast sea like a ghost. She looked around at the silent sea around her, and then stepped out firmly in one direction.

But in the blink of an eye, the scene in front of him changed essentially. The empty sea surface suddenly transformed into a very technological fortress.

However, for such a scene, the black figure seemed to be very familiar with it. He did not show any surprise and walked inside with an immersed expression.

Not long after, she appeared in a conference hall-like place in the core. She paused for a moment, but didn't stay too long, and then walked in.

"You came."

A cold voice appeared inside the hall, and then several people turned their heads to look at the black figure who gradually walked in.

"Yeah." The black figure hummed softly, sounding emotionless. "Calling me here now means that the first phase of the plan has been completed?"

"So be it." A white figure said. If you look closely, you will see that it is an observer of this world.

"If you follow your plan, the development of the current target port area is still very ideal."

"That's right... he is indeed the same person as that one. Commander Qin Ge's Rubik's Cube is highly adaptable, and even maritime legends like Musashi Hu Teng can be easily summoned.

And with Helena's help and the information searched there this time, I believe that the planning ships will soon appear in batches. "The person who spoke was surprisingly Hermit, who was wreaking havoc in the sea of ​​this world before.

"So when will the second phase take place?" the black figure asked.

"Key point G... No, enterprise, there is no need to be too anxious. Everything requires a certain amount of room for development. Although Commander Qin Ge's current fleet strength has developed well, it has not met the requirements for starting the second phase.

According to Laplace's prediction, it will take more than a year to wait before he can complete the conversion of most of the ships. "Dream Weaver's cold voice sounded, just like what she said when she just welcomed the company in.

"More than a not a short period of time," the company said.

"But it's not too long. At least it's much better than the future where there was only a glimmer of hope before." Dream Weaver said.

"...So what's the reason for calling me here this time?" Enterprise asked.

"You Embers can start taking action. In more than a year, try your best to integrate into Commander Qin Ge's port area." Dream Weaver said.

"Understood." The company nodded. These things were all arranged at the beginning. And in order to better provide a stable living environment for ship girls in various time and space in the future, this must be done.

"How is it over there in the original world?"

"Everything is within the normal scope of development. The adult has balanced the energy of the Rubik's Cube and made it purer. There is nothing else to worry about now.

Moreover, after experiencing such a war, mankind has become more rigorous in examining the unknown, and mistakes like before will not happen again. Dr. Anjie is still responsible for the development of highly intelligent AI. There is no pressure in a job like this, and you don’t have to worry too much. "Dream Weaver said.

Hearing that familiar name, the atmosphere of the company became much gentler, not as cold and solemn as when he first entered the door.

"That's good." Enterprise turned around and started walking outside, "Just let me know if anything happens later."

As the company left, calm returned to the hall.

At the same time in Guam, the environment here was completely different from that there.

He has not been in the port area for several months, and the accumulated work naturally requires Qin Ge to work hard for a day.

Although the company takes care of the daily work, some decisive documents have to be kept for Qin Ge's personal review.

For this reason, basically no one came to Qin Ge on the first day, and he was happy to relax, looking at the documents and thinking about the future development of the port area.

"Commander, take a look at this document." Seeing Qin Ge finish reviewing the document, the company handed a document to Qin Ge and said.

"Huh? Is there any more? I thought it was all gone." Qin Ge took the document in confusion and turned to the company and asked.

"'s indeed gone, but this document was signed by everyone in the port area. Maybe it can be called the next activity plan." The company was a little hesitant when he said this, which made Qin Ge a little bit. I’m confused, is there something special in this document?

With doubts, Qin Ge opened the folder and was immediately attracted by the title of the document.

"Swimsuit party?" Qin Ge read out slowly, looking sideways at the company, "This..."

"Well, this was Dafeng's proposal, but it was approved by everyone's unanimous vote." The company explained.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, Chongying's ship girl could always do something unexpected. But it looks quite interesting. Guam has a Pacific monsoon climate and is also a famous resort.

The temperature at this time is neither hot nor cold, so if you hold a swimsuit party, it won't be a problem.

Qin Ge soon read the entire document, looked up at the company and said, "How did I find that there was only a proposal, but no venue, required props, and other information?"

"Because they wanted the commander to also participate, the location and required props were personally matched by the commander," the company said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Well, I quite support this. After all, everyone agrees. In this case, while ensuring safety, the address should be on the beach we often went to before.

The beach there is relatively fine, and it is considered the best beach in Guam. The scenery is also good. As for the props and the like, I'll leave it to you to make statistics. Just get as many as you need directly from the Kitchen Goddess. "

"So the commander agreed?" Enterprise asked.

"Haha, since it is everyone's unanimous request, then I should naturally agree. The weather is so good at this time, so it is natural to relax and play with everyone for a day or two.

And if you want to hold it, hold it bigger. In addition to the swimsuit party, you can also add barbecue parties, beach volleyball and other competitions. If you want to have fun, just have fun. " Qin Ge said.

"That's fine. Then I will inform them right now to provide more entertainment projects so that everyone in the port area can enjoy this party." The company nodded.

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you. Let's arrange the time in the next few days. Didn't there be a storm coming in the past two days?" Qin Ge said.

"Understood. It just lets them think about it and prepare what they need. Then they can start at any time."


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