My ship girl, my world

Chapter 854 The enemy appears and the war begins

"By the way, Feilong, do you know where the host server in this city is?"

When Qin Ge was preparing to retreat, he suddenly thought of something and said to Feilong.

Feilong was stunned for a moment, "Commander Qin Ge, what do you want to do when you ask where the host and server are?"

"Ahem, take it away!" Qin Ge coughed lightly and said, "The technology of the original world must be stronger than the technology of our current world. If this is the case, then we can expand further based on their design.

Moreover, this place is protected so secretly. There must be something we don’t know that has not been discovered yet, so if possible, the hosts and servers in this facility must be the most worthy of taking over! "

Feilong's face twitched, even the counterattacks and reputations on the side couldn't help but look sideways. Qin Ge's actions were like plucking the feathers of a goose. He would never let himself return empty-handed or fail to meet the standards he needed to harvest.

"Haha, Commander, this suggestion is good, but I'm afraid that the hosts and servers here are relatively large, and we may not be able to bring them back." Bismarck said.

Feilong breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "Bismarck is right. I know the computer room here, but it is relatively large. With our load, we still can't bring it back."

Moreover, the data was destroyed when I escaped, so there is not much information on the host and server now, otherwise it would not be possible for you to ask the recording agency just now, and she would not know many questions. "

"Tsk, that's really a pity." Qin Ge said regretfully, "Then let's get ready to leave."

Hearing Qin Ge say this, Feilong and others breathed a sigh of relief. Is it really because the server and host are too big that we can't go any further? I'm afraid only they themselves know the truth of this matter.

While everyone collected the information files they had just collected in each room, they walked towards the entrance of the facility. As soon as he stepped into the exit waters, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The sea is now covered with mass-produced Siren warships, and there are many Siren elite humanoids in between. In addition, dozens of powerful human figures wearing huge ship uniforms stood on the sea, looking in the direction of Qin Ge's group with cold eyes.

"How come there are so many arbiters!" Qin Gingerzhong held a telescope and looked at the human arbiters above the sea. He couldn't help but gasped and said in surprise.

"Indeed, and what's even more strange is, Feilong, didn't you say before that the arbiters were all separate individuals? Why are there so many copies here?" Tiancheng also asked in confusion.

"Oh, that's it." Feilong nodded and said, "Only one of these arbiters is real, and all the others are copies of the arbiters, but even the clones are still ordinary ships. It’s hard to compare, so you still have to be careful.”

Just as Feilong finished speaking, a burst of electric current appeared in the communicator, and finally an arrogant voice rang out from the communicator.

"Hmph, I thought someone had entered here, but I didn't expect it was you little bugs."

"Empres, I didn't expect your true form to be here!" Feilong's surprised voice rang out, obviously she was surprised that Arbiter Empres's true form was here.

"Haha, interesting. If that's the case, then the subsequent battle won't be so boring."

Just as Empress finished speaking, a huge beam of light ejected from her ship in the distance and shot exactly towards the position of the flying dragon.

Facing the huge beam of light coming at an extremely fast speed, Feilong snorted coldly, and rushed forward as soon as her feet touched the sea. A long black knife appeared in her hand, and she slashed towards the beam of light with a fierce attitude.

As the beam of light and the long knife exchanged each other, there was no huge explosion. Instead, the beam of light was cut off by the flying dragon's fierce attack, causing Empress's attack to turn into nothingness.

At the same time, Sheng Sheng also followed Fei Long with his long sword. Only Counterattack looked back at Qin Ge, dropped a word and followed.

"Commander Qin Ge, we will leave Arbiter Enpres to us. As for the clones and Antix, we will leave them to you to deal with."

Seeing the three Feilongs rushing forward and the barrage erupting across the sky, Qin Ge's mind immediately fell silent, and he quickly said through the communicator, "All personnel, prepare to fight!"

"Yes, Commander!"

A neat voice rang out, and following this voice, everyone entered a fighting state.

As an aircraft carrier, Shinano was the first to release carrier-based aircraft. Because she was the only aircraft carrier on Qin Ge's side, her main purpose in this battle was to serve as the main air defense force. He constantly uses his own abilities to control carrier-based aircraft to appear in all directions on the battlefield and defeat the carrier-based aircraft released by enemy aircraft carriers to ensure that his main fleet is not harassed by enemy aircraft carriers.

The remaining battlefield is handed over to several maritime legend-level battleships.

As the battleship headed by New Jersey rushed forward, colorful rays of light also appeared in front of Brother Qin, rising up to attack the Siren fleet and the Arbiter clone in the distance.

"Comrade Commander Qin Ge, please use our power in this critical moment. We will obey your command and let us fight together!" Soviet Bellaros turned to look at Qin Ge at this time.

Qin Ge nodded on Belfast's back, "I understand, then Soviet Belarus, Kirov, Tallinn, Hongliang, Leiming, you are temporarily under my command, let us win the battle together!"


Everyone in the Northern Alliance made a unified voice, and then rushed forward impatiently.

Qin Ge frowned as he watched the personnel retreating away. While observing the situation in the distance with a telescope, he quickly adjusted the attack posture of the entire battlefield through the communicator.

"Forward guard, Musashi, pay attention. To your left, Ayanami is receiving the impact of Arbiter Hermit. Quickly adjust the muzzle to provide fire support!"


"Attention Shinano, the opponent has assembled three waves of carrier-based aircraft groups to attack in the direction of the Northern Alliance. Immediately adjust the air defense priority and try to defeat the carrier-based aircraft groups!"


"Noshiro, Atago, you two should not charge so far. Destroying the enemy is not your first task now. The most important thing is to provide coordinates for the rear battleships and ensure your own survival."


"Everyone, please note that the clone of Arbiter Strenkus releases the gravity field and adjusts the ballistics in time to avoid excessive ballistic errors and waste of attack efficiency."


Although Qin Ge's current posture is a bit embarrassing, it does not affect his command of the overall situation at all. Even with the help of Belfast, he can roam on the battlefield...

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