My ship girl, my world

Chapter 826 Reunion

"It feels like everything here hasn't changed much, it's still so leisurely." Veneto said with some nostalgia as he looked at the entrance of the old street.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yeah, not much has changed, or nothing has changed since we left. Maybe more than two years is a relatively long time for us, but for here, two years is a long time." Years are just two springs and autumns."

"Let's go in first, otherwise it will be a little conspicuous if we stand here." Bismarck said.


A few people nodded and walked inside from the entrance of the old street. Qin Ge came here wearing a commander's uniform. Although there are fewer commanders here after experiencing the Siren Tide, it does not mean that there are none.

So it was not him who stood out, but the ship girls following him.

People like Veneto, Bismarck, Belfast, Amagi, etc. have extraordinary temperaments and figures, so no matter how well they are hidden, they will attract countless glances.

Fortunately, these eyes did not stay on them for too long. After all, people here have seen too many ship girls and commanders.

Along the way, when everyone came to a stall, Belfast stopped for a moment.

"Master, do you still remember this?" Belfast said, pointing to the stall.

"Haha, Mian Man, I remember when the destroyers came over, what they liked most was watching this old man making Mian Men." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, so the masked figure in Miss Guanghui's hand was made here with the Commander?" asked Veneto on the side.

Qin Ge nodded, but his face was a little surprised, "Is the glorious man still there?"

"Yes, Miss Guanghui protects her very carefully. Although after such a long time, the masked man has inevitably been slightly deformed, but the clear outline can still be distinguished." Belfast said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled, remembering the way Guanghui was holding the mask carefully at that time, and felt a little moved in his heart, "Okay."

"Why don't we wait for a while, how about we come over here and make noodles together? We finally need to leave something to commemorate." Amagi suggested with a smile.

"This is a good idea. In fact, I have wanted to have a face man for a long time. Although it is not a cherished thing, it contains an experience we and the commander have gone through." Veneto was a little eager to try.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Then come over later. Now we have to go to Wan's home. Depending on the time, maybe they are still out."


Turning around the noodle maker's stall, we found that it was actually not that far from Wan Lao's home. The number of people on the road gradually thinned out, and after turning around an alley, we finally came to a familiar place.

You can see the inside of the alley from the intersection. As Qin Ge said before, there are still familiar stalls in front of the familiar door. But what is different from what you imagined is that it is now time to close the stalls.

When he saw a familiar figure slowly moving the tables and benches home, a sense of excitement about returning home filled Qin Ge's heart. He walked quickly towards the old man and said loudly when he was close.

"Wan Lao!"

The old man stopped what he was doing, turned his head and looked at Qin Ge, and was stunned on the spot.

But soon, Lao Wan responded, "You kid, how many times have I told you, call me Lao Wan, don't call me Wan Lao, I'm not that old yet!"

"Haha, Wan Lao is certainly not that old. It's very easy to see you moving the table." Qin Ge said with a smile and walked forward.

"You kid." Lao Wan couldn't hold himself any longer, "When did you come back!"

"I just arrived at the Commander's Academy yesterday. I may stay in Donghuang for a while. Why don't I come over to see you two today." Qin Ge said and was about to take the table from Lao Wan.

But this movement was stopped by Lao Wan, "Don't move this. They finished their meal in the morning and there is still a lot of oil on it. It's hard for you to move while wearing your uniform."

"Hey. That's not what you said when I was in Minghai City. Even though I was wearing new clothes, I still ran around holding the table every day." Qin Ge said with a smile, taking the table from Lao Wan's hand Come over.

"It's been such a long time, and you still remember what happened at that time. Are you really so petty?" As he spoke, Lao Wan's eyes turned a little red, "Just come back and be safe."

It was already time to close the stall, so Qin Ge came at the right time. With the help of several ship girls, tables, stools and other items were quickly put in.

Sitting in the living room, looking at some familiar furnishings, Qin Ge looked around and said, "Where's the aunt?"

"Oh, she's not here, she was picked up by her daughter." Lao Wan sat next to Qin Ge, holding the tea poured by Belfast and said, "How should I put it, last year's siren tide caused more losses to your commander. More, and since you haven’t written for more than a year, she is more worried, fearing that you will be like our son...

As this person gets older, he is worried every day, and he is also quite busy on weekdays, so he is prone to poor health. After her daughter found out, she went to Shenhua City to pick her up and live there for a while to recuperate.

Who knew you were back now? If so, you wouldn’t have to be taken back. I believe your aunt will recover faster after seeing you. "

Qin Ge felt a little guilty after hearing this, "When I wrote the last letter, I was still on Riyue Island, and there was a Maritime Safety Administration there who could help send the letter back.

Later I went to Guam, which is not far from the center of the Pacific Ocean, so it was more difficult to get to Donghuang. So I can't send letters or anything, which makes you worried. "

"It's okay, we understand your difficulties. For example, when my son was here, he would often lose faith after being away for a long time. We are already used to it.

It's just that the fighting this time has been too fierce. Even here we can hear the sound of artillery shells coming from the seaside, so your aunt is worried.

But we are relieved to see that you are here intact and well. "Lao Wan said with a smile.

"But Madam Wan has returned to Minghai, why don't you go back?" Qin Ge asked.

"We can't both go back and cause trouble for our daughter. Besides, I'm used to living here, and the people here also like to eat the food I cook, so I stayed. It's a good thing that I stayed, otherwise you would When I came back, neither of us were there, wouldn’t it be a miss?” Lao Wan said.

"That's true, but I remember when you were in Minghai, Mrs. Wan wouldn't leave the stall every day as long as you weren't around anymore. She seems to be a lot more diligent now." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Hey, your wings are stiff, right? Now you're going to make fun of me." Lao Wan said with a smile, "Actually, your aunt left some tasks for me when she left, so I had to go on."

"Haha, no wonder!"

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