My ship girl, my world

Chapter 515 Tangled

"Commander, are you still thinking about what Frederick the Great just said?"

While patrolling the guard area, Hai Tian looked at Qin Ge who was in a daze and couldn't help but say.

Qin Ge did not turn his head to look at Hai Tian, ​​but nodded gently facing the distance, "Yes, I know what Frederick the Great said is right, but I must maintain absolute integrity under such a choice. Rationally, I feel like I still can't do it.

Most of them came here with me in college and almost have unconditional trust in me. If you really go to Guam in the future, you will definitely be in great danger. Unlike me, they all have their own families.

If I adopt the method mentioned by Frederick the Great, I will indeed make them follow me, but I always feel sorry for them. "

Hai Tian smiled and said, "Commander, you are actually thinking too much, maybe your ambition is not big.

I heard Zhenhai tell a story before. She said why in ancient times, whenever dynasties changed, so many people joined rebel organizations?

Don't they know they are in danger? If you fail, it will be a death penalty, but many people still have no hesitation? "

Qin Ge shook his head, "I don't know, I think maybe they want revenge in their hearts?"

Hai Tian shook his head, "Everyone in the world is prosperous and prosperous, and everyone comes here for fame. When people live in this world, what they pursue is fame and fortune."

Although there are many excuses to cover up this behavior, the essence is still the same.

Although most of the commanders are very religious, they only participate in order to expel the sirens. But the continuous progress is always driven by the word fame and fortune.

This is something that no one can escape, including the commander. So when there is an opportunity before them that can make them stronger than other commanders in the world and more famous than other commanders in the world, do you think they will care about those dangers?

What's more, the commander's strength is displayed here, and with you as his backing, what else do they have to worry about and fear?

Therefore, Commander, we don’t need to worry so much about their affairs. Instead, we only need to do our own affairs well. With the help of our fleet, they will live better than other frontline commanders. "

Qin Ge looked at Hai Tian in surprise, "I didn't expect you to have such a point of view, Hai Tian, ​​and see this so clearly?"

Hai Tian quickly shook his head and said to Qin Ge with slightly red cheeks, "No, Commander. Didn't I tell you just now? Zhenhai told me these. She has studied this point. It’s very clear, I’m just borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha.”

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Zhenhai does have a very thorough grasp of human nature. It has been like this several times before. Then I believe in you. To make iron, you must be strong. As long as we build our fleet into a powerful fleet, then Don’t worry about these things!”

"Well, that's the truth." Hai Tian smiled.

"Okay, then after we finish patrolling this circle, we will go to the warehouse to take out the materials and Rubik's Cube, and prepare to go to the construction center to summon." Qin Ge said.

"Okay, Commander." Hai Tian smiled, "I hope I can summon the Donghuang sisters this time."

"Your sister Haiqi and Zhaohe's sister Yingrui, right? I remember it." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Thank you, Commander." Hai Tian said.

"It doesn't matter."

Although Hai Tian said this, Qin Ge didn't dare to give her a guarantee because he was not sure whether he could summon these two people.

But this time Frederick the Great has given more places, so maybe they can actually be summoned.

The two of them walked forward together, but when they passed by the Free Ship Girl's dormitory, Qin Ge was stunned for a moment when he saw the scene in front of him, and then he couldn't help but become funny.

Hai Tian on the side was also surprised and said, "Hey, North Carolina has such a good relationship with Washington in our fleet?"

"Don't you know?" Qin Ge asked strangely, "Many people in our fleet know this. North Carolina has been coming here frequently since Washington and Zhaohe joined our port area."

"I don't know, because I always read in my room when I have nothing to do. Except for a few people in the fleet who are familiar with each other, the others just meet and say hello." Hai Tian said embarrassedly.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I saw you were so talkative when you were with me, and I thought you were the same when you were with other people. Who knew it turned out to be like this.

If Zhenhai is a military advisor, then Haitian, you are equivalent to a boudoir, right? Artistic girl, haha. "

"Commander..." Hai Tian whispered with a blush, obviously shy.

However, the voices of the two people obviously attracted the attention of Washington and North Carolina not far away. They turned their heads and found that it was Qin Ge and Hai Tian, ​​and walked over.

"Hello, Commander Qin Ge, and Miss Haitian." North Carolina said with a smile.

"Commander." Washington raised his hand and said, "And Hai Tian, ​​are you on patrol?"

"Yes, the two of us are patrolling now." Qin Ge smiled and said, "I just saw you two talking. What were you talking about? Are you so happy?"

"I have some questions for North Carolina," Washington said. "That's all said and done now, so let's go together."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Can you ask me a question?"

"Um, Commander, you don't need to know this." Washington said helplessly.

However, Qin Ge did not listen to Washington and instead looked at North Carolina.

North Carolina smiled, "Actually, before nothing happened, wasn't Washington doing smiling exercises?

Now she felt that she had achieved some results, so she wanted to come over and let us see how she was doing, so I gave her some of my own insights, hoping to help her. "

Qin Ge was stunned, and then looked at Washington, "So that's what happened, so what are you embarrassed about?"

"It just took so long to have some effect, so I feel a little embarrassed," Washington said.

Qin Ge smiled, "But why not find other people in the fleet instead of coming here to find North Carolina?"

Washington opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ge learned something. So he turned to North Carolina and said, "North Carolina, the free ship girls led by you have always been a pillar of the port area.

But there is one thing I have forgotten to ask you. Do you have the intention to join a fleet led by a commander? "


Qin Ge's question made North Carolina stunned for a moment, and even Washington on the side was a little stunned.

Can it still be like this?

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