My ship girl, my world

Chapter 485 Newcomers Arrive in Hong Kong

"I know about the Dido class, but why did I see the Kent class wearing maid uniforms? Are they also members of your maid team?" Qin Ge asked.

"Oh, the commander is talking about Kent and Suffolk?" Hermione smiled, "Actually, they are not part of the maid team. The maid outfit is just their hobby, although sometimes they do it. Go and do some cleaning, but it's not under the jurisdiction of the maid team.

In fact, in addition to us at the Dido level and the city level, there are also maid teams from the older generation. For example, the seniors at the Grain Goddess level are the maid teams from the older generation. "

After hearing Hermione's words, Qin Ge roughly understood the scope of the Royal Maid Team. I couldn't help but smile, a team of maids can do so many tricks, they are indeed a royal family.

After chatting with Hermione for a while, Qin Ge got up and went with her to patrol the port area today. It was another fulfilling day after that.

However, there hasn't been much going on in the Minato area these two days, and everything is operating as normal.

However, after the patrol, Qin Ge had a sudden idea. He called over the commanders who were still idle and held a small meeting. The content of the meeting was about the welcome ceremony for the new commander.

After all, he was joining their Star Sea Fleet, so it would be unreasonable not to hold a welcome ceremony.

So this idea was supported by many people. During this period, apart from normal patrols on the sea, no one else had anything to do, so they were still very interested in this welcome ceremony.

So we got to work, and it took two days. The whole station looked a little festive.

Not only were the places where the five commanders needed to stay were cleaned and organized, but a very conspicuous red banner was used at the gate of the station to welcome the new commander.

Finally on the third day, Li Chenming brought the new commanders to the port area of ​​Riyue Island.

Because the radars in the port area were all on, their fleet had already been identified as soon as it entered the monitored waters.

Immediately, Qin Ge immediately called the rest of the fleet to come to the port, including Wasp from the Maritime Safety Administration, to greet him.

Although Li Chenming did not expect that as soon as they entered the sea. He might be discovered by Qin Ge and others, but the scene in front of him still surprised him.

And not only him, but also several new commanders who came to the port area were also surprised.

Looking around, Qin Ge and Wasp stood at the front, while the other commanders were holding banners behind them.

Then Li Chenming hurriedly walked up to Qin Ge and said to him in surprise, "Commander, this is..."

"Haha, how about it? Isn't this welcome ceremony good?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"It's good, but it's a bit too exaggerated." Li Chenming said with a bitter smile.

"Is it an exaggeration? I feel pretty good. Don't you think they are all quite moved?" Qin Ge said and looked at the commanders following Li Chenming.

Li Chenming couldn't help but shrugged, then turned his head and said to all the new commanders, "Let me introduce to you, this is the fleet commander of our Xinghai Fleet, Qin Ge.

And this one is the Maritime Safety Administration's agent on Riyue Island, Wasp. "

Although these new commanders are still a little cautious, they are not bad at being polite, and they immediately said to Qin Ge.

"Hello Commander, hello everyone!"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Welcome to join our Star Sea Fleet. From today on, we are a family.

After running around for the past few days, you must be a little tired, so I have asked people to clean your residence before. Now you follow other members of our team to your own residence to have a rest.

In the evening, we will hold a dinner party for the fleet so that everyone can get to know each other.

As for work matters, we will wait until tomorrow when we have a group meeting. Finally, I wish everyone a successful service career in the Star Sea Fleet. "

Qin Ge's words were very brief and not too lengthy.

Because the commanders of these large fleets just came here today, they don't understand everything very well. Talking too much at once will make them have a bad impression.

So it’s better to take a break and have dinner today, not to talk about work, and wait until tomorrow.

Qin Ge's arrangement also surprised some commanders who had joined other large fleets before, but they quickly responded and applauded in thanks.

Needless to say, the other commanders in the Star Sea Fleet took the new commanders back to their resting places and sorted out their things.

However, Qin Ge and Li Chenming did not follow them. They stood on the side of the port, watching the commanders walking away and chatting.

"Five commanders, fifty-seven ship ladies, and many battleships inside, are all these commanders old?" Qin Ge asked Li Chenming.

"Not entirely, you will understand after you look at this file." Li Chenming handed the file in his hand to Qin Ge. Qin Ge looked at it with some confusion and immediately discovered something fishy.

"Yun Zi, haha, interesting." Qin Ge smiled and said, "This person's luck seems to be a bit good."

"His luck is indeed very good, but it is much worse than yours." Li Chenming shook his head in amusement.

Qin Ge smiled. Most people could not imitate his luck, but for ordinary people, this person named Yun Zi was indeed a bit outrageous.

"But this person named Guan Xue, are you sure there is nothing wrong in the information?" Qin Ge asked.

Li Chenming shook his head, "How could this be written incorrectly in the Maritime Safety Administration's files? Moreover, this person was two years ahead of us. We only entered the Commander Academy when he graduated. It may be because we have had bad luck in the past two years. Bar.

However, he is quite passionate and energetic, so I feel that he has strong execution ability and dares to go to the front line, so I included him in the list. "

Qin Ge nodded, "It doesn't matter, I told you to take full responsibility for the recruitment this time, so I have no objection to your decision.

Now you go and have a rest, and then prepare to attend the dinner party together in the evening. "

"Haha, I thought the commander would hand over those things to me as soon as I came back, but he actually gave me a period of grace." Li Chenming joked.

Qin Ge coughed dryly, "I shouldn't be lazy usually, am I that shirking responsibility?"

"No, I think you will tell me that you will attack tomorrow." Li Chenming said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "We won't launch an attack tomorrow. At least we need to train these new commanders. Wait until the day after tomorrow or a few days before launching the attack. Only after everything in the fleet goes smoothly can I rest assured. leave."

"Yes, then I won't be polite today and will go to rest first." Li Chenming said.

"Go quickly, otherwise Z1 will come to my office every day and ask when you will come back, and I will be bored to death." Qin Ge said with a smile.


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