My ship girl, my world

Chapter 476 Diplomacy and Balance

The rest time is always short. Qin Ge and the ship girls spend most of their time on the sea, fighting or resting.

As the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl's training level increases rapidly, the battle now does not take as long to complete as before. Basically, every battle does not last long at the beginning. With Peter Strasser's time lock, all enemies in the sea area cannot move.

With this time, the Iron Blood Fleet can destroy a large part of the enemy, so the battle becomes smoother and smoother.

"Welcome back, it was another beautiful battle." Qin Ge smiled and said to everyone who had just finished the battle.

"Now it feels like the fleet in the fourth-level sea area is becoming less and less challenging. Commander, when will we go to more dangerous sea areas?" Peter Strasser said, "Only more dangerous sea areas can reflect our current situation." The overall strength of the fleet.”

Qin Ge said helplessly, "We have only been on Sun Moon Island for less than a year, and it is impossible to apply for a defense change at this time.

Even though our strength has improved relatively quickly, the strength of others cannot keep up. Although they are now gradually moving closer to the fourth-level sea area, it is still a bit too early for us to go to the front line at this time. "

“Although I don’t know if my suggestion will offend you, I feel that our current existence has far surpassed that of ordinary commanders, even compared to some weaker camps.

The road of the strong is always lonely. I know that the commander is doing it for the sake of the commanders of the large fleet, but their footsteps have seriously hindered our development. ” said Peter Strasser.

Qin Ge smiled, "Why don't I know?"

"Then you still choose this way?" Peter Strasser said strangely.

Prince Eugen said with a smile, "Peter, don't just focus on time and efficiency in everything. Sometimes people's minds are the most complicated."

"What do you mean?" asked Peter Strasser.

Bismarck said in a deep voice, "Even you can see that our fleet is developing too fast, so won't people from other camps notice it? What's more, there are direct personnel from other camps in our port area, who are reporting to us every day. Their camp reported our situation.

For now, our fleet now has three awakened ship girls, and there are five ship girls who are awakening. In addition to the original monarchs and centaurs, Eugen, Noshiro, and Ayanami have all begun to awaken. It is foreseeable that there will be more and more awakened ship girls in our port area in the future.

It is possible to even surpass the sum of the other nine camps. Do you think that under such pressure, if we choose to develop alone, will the nine camps cooperate with us? "

"However, we have not harmed the interests of the nine major camps, and we are also the forerunners against the Sirens. Why can't we cooperate together?" Z23 asked at the side.

Qin Ge smiled, "Because they can't guarantee it. Just like human beings, they are all human beings, but they have different beliefs and thoughts. Why can't the ship girl do the same?

Therefore, having a large fleet means that we will stand together with the human commanders. Our purpose is to fight against the sirens. This is still the option to calm down all parties. "

"But isn't the commander a human? The commander can represent the human commander." Z23 said.

Qin Ge sat down with a smile, and Prince Eugen on the side answered Z23's question, "It's very simple, because the commander is not a human being in this world, so he cannot represent the will of human beings in this world.

In addition to us knowing that the commander is from another world, Yixian of Donghuang also knows this. Although Yixian has not told other camps about this matter now, we cannot place our hope on her not telling it. "

"It's so complicated." Z23 said.

"Haha, this is balance." Prince Eugen said, "Although our development speed has become slower, we have won the credibility of the nine major camps, so we have nothing to worry about.

If we develop alone, without the support of the nine major camps and no human beings as supplies, then where do you think our oil will come from? Where do our supplies come from?

War and diplomacy are not that simple. Even if our strength exceeds the sum of the nine major camps, how long can we last without materials and supplies? Will he surrender to the Sirens in the end? "

"Uh, no way." Z23 said in surprise.

"There is no such thing as yes or no. When faced with a choice, each camp will give priority to the gains and losses of its own camp." Prince Eugen said.

"I have a question." Weiser said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Say it, I'm listening."

"In that case, we can also develop within this framework. Now the last batch of ship girls we have summoned have basically reached the level of full destruction, but why has the commander been reluctant to summon the next one? Where’s the ship girl?”

Qin Ge smiled and said, "In fact, our current fleet strength is approaching saturation. The level 4 sea area we face is only so large. If we summon more people, someone will occupy more resources.

So I want to temporarily control the fleet to this number, and then summon the next batch of ship girls after we change to a larger battlefield.

And now that we have the inventory of ship drill data, even the newly summoned ship girls can reach the full level in a very short time and keep up with us.

It won't take a long time to train like before, or you will have to follow us to fight with fear. "

"It turns out that this is what the commander had in mind. I just said that it has been almost a year and the commander still hasn't summoned the ship girl." Weiser said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Actually, I hope that you will make a qualitative change. In this case, even if we have a relatively small fleet, we can still be proud of the others."

"The commander is right. When the strength reaches our level of full training, the most important thing is to awaken. Only after awakening will we have stronger combat power.

As for whether the fleet is big or not, it doesn't matter. We can't need that many ship girls for the time being. " Bismarck said.

"Well, let's talk about this later. We will go to more dangerous areas and larger seas. By then, the scale of our buildings will be expanded, but that is in the future, not now.

Our main purpose now is to continuously improve our training, awaken as much as possible, and take the resources needed behind the base station. "Qin Ge said with a smile.

"So everyone should go and rest, there will be a new battle later."


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