My ship girl, my world

Chapter 463 Eugen’s questioning

Looking at Bismarck who was directing the battle not far in front of him, Qin Ge smiled and nodded.

If there is one biggest difference between the iron-blooded camp and the royal camp, it is that in the current iron-blooded camp, he is not as hands-on as when he was in the royal family. Instead, he has more time to rest.

The cause of all this is naturally the Bismarck in front of him.

A leader is a leader, and Bismarck was a born leader.

Even if they were as sharp as Zeppelin, as cunning as Prince Eugen, or as Peter Strasser who pursued efficiency, they were all very obedient to Bismarck's orders.

And Bismarck can indeed lead this fleet very well, so Qin Ge does not need to say too much in this fleet, he only needs to fulfill his responsibilities as a commander.

Leave everything else to Bismarck, and she will do a great job.

Just like the battle in front of me, it was clean and neat, without any sense of sloppiness. Every attack hits the enemy's vital points directly. Although the current overall training level of the Iron-Blooded Fleet is slightly weaker than that of the Royal Family, its demonstrated strength is no weaker than that of the Royal Family.

Not long after, the three fleets in front of them had been wiped out. After the other ship girls commanded by Bismarck cleaned up the supplies dropped by the Sirens and some materials on the sea, they led the team back to the command ship.

"What a beautiful battle." Qin Ge said to everyone with a smile.

"Thank you, commander." Bismarck nodded.

"Let's all take a rest. We have been in a tense state since the morning, and it will take a long time for the next Siren fleet to arrive from the map sent by the Wasp, so the next step is left to me. "Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Commander, it's okay. You have been participating in the battle for a long time. Leave the rest to me." Bismarck said.

Qin Ge shook his head, "As the flagship of this fleet, especially you should rest and stay in sufficient condition so that you can better command everyone in battle. I believe that as a leader, you don't know this, right? So there’s no need to fight, just go and rest.”

"I think the commander is right. Bismarck should go and rest. The commander and I will be on duty here." Prince Eugen smiled.

"This" Bismarck still hesitated.

"Let's go, Bismarck, the commander is right. There are still four hours until the next target, please don't reduce efficiency due to hesitation." Peter Strasser said.

"Okay." Bismarck nodded, and then walked towards the cabin with the others.

Qin Ge turned around with a smile, skillfully maneuvered the command ship to the target course, and then stopped.

"Actually, you can also take a rest, Eugen." Qin Ge said to Prince Eugen standing next to him.

"But rather than rest, I want to be alone with the commander, don't you?" Prince Eugen smiled, and then moved slightly closer to Qin Ge.

"Uh." Qin Ge was speechless for a moment, but did not refuse.

"When we left the port and went to sea that day, I saw several red marks on the commander's wrist. What happened?" Prince Eugen said pretending not to care.

"That...that's nothing." Qin Ge said in an evasive tone. Did he tell Prince Eugen that he was kidnapped by Akagi?

"Huh? Commander, does he like to be tied up? It just so happens that I have a Holy Son here, otherwise, why don't I tie up the commander too?" Prince Eugen said jokingly.

Qin Ge looked at Prince Eugen and saw that she actually took out a rope from her ship's space, and immediately shook her head.

"Who would like to be tied up? Please don't express such dangerous thoughts."

Prince Eugen smiled and tied the rope around his wrist, "Commander, please tell me what happened at that time? Otherwise, I would really know how to tie it."

Qin Ge had no choice but to tell Prince Eugen what happened that day.

"Oh? The one from Chongying?" Prince Eugen frowned, "That would be more difficult to handle."

Qin Ge saw that Prince Eugen no longer wanted to tie him up, so he nodded, "Maybe this is the price. We now have super strength, but we have to pay something accordingly."

"Oh, the commander is quite open-minded. Have you already fallen into Akagi's offensive?" Prince Eugen said with a smile.

Qin Ge quickly shook his head, "No, it's just that there is nothing we can do now. With the current situation of our entire fleet, we can't find anyone who can compete with Akagi.

Do you want me to be bullied by Akagi and then go find Amagi? That's impossible, so I can only delay as much as possible, or try to change Akagi bit by bit, or else cultivate a person who can compete with Akagi Kaga. "

"So who is the commander's target? Are the camp leaders the research ship Monarch, the Glory, or the gray ghost that just entered the fleet?" Prince Eugen smiled.

Qin Ge shook his head, then turned and pointed at the table beside him, "Her."

Prince Eugen understood for a moment, but there was a puzzled look on his face, "Commander, you don't even know her name. How do you know that her personality will help you in the future? Or should you just say Are you betting everything here?"

Qin Ge shrugged, "Then I have no choice. Now I can only rely on her. The first point is that because she is used as an excuse, I can be more stable in the past few years.

The second point is that as a decisive battle plan, he is fully trained as soon as he is born. As long as his personality is not very bad, he should be able to compete with Akagi Kaga and find a support point for the stability of our fleet. "

"Haha, it seems like your day is not easy either." Prince Eugen smiled.

Qin Ge smiled bitterly and said, "No one would know that Chicheng, who was generous and well-reasoned when he was in power, would become like that once he became his own ship girl. The key to me now is that I don't There's a way. If I had my way, I wouldn't be so sick and in need of medical treatment now."

Prince Eugen smiled and said, "Commander, otherwise sacrifice yourself for the benefit of our fleet. Anyway, you will not lose anything, and you will gain a beautiful beauty."

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "I didn't expect that Ogen, who was full of tricks before, would now learn to betray the commander."

"This is not called betrayal." Prince Eugen smiled, "But let's just follow the commander. Anyway, now you are on our iron-blooded ship."


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