My ship girl, my world

Chapter 452 Hidden Danger

On the way back, the monarch said to Qin Ge, "Commander, I think those two are unsettling factors for our fleet. If possible, I suggest..."

Before the monarch finished speaking, Qin Ge shook his head, "I can understand what you said, monarch. Perhaps Akagi and Kaga are indeed unstable factors for us now, but their combat effectiveness cannot be ignored.

Moreover, we also have Tiancheng in our fleet, who can control them, so within this period of time, they will not be able to make much trouble.

During this period of time, I need you to grow up quickly. After all, it is not good for one family to dominate. There must be checks and balances. "

"Haha, it seems that the commander has also noticed it." Veneto said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "Incorporating Akagi and Kaga into our fleet is a very two-sided thing. The advantage is that the strength of our fleet will be greatly increased, and you have also seen the disadvantages.

The personality of every ship girl is uncontrollable, so for us, this is also a very good spur, allowing us to catch up with them faster. "

"Yeah." All the ship girls nodded.

Qin Ge looked at the serious look of the ship girls and smiled and said, "Although I ask you to work hard to catch up with them, don't regard them as enemies or opponents. No matter what, we are always in the same fleet. Comrades who fight against the Sirens together."

"Understood, Commander. But if they continue to make trouble unreasonably, then we will respond accordingly. I hope Commander can understand." Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "I hope it's best not to be like this."

"Haha." While talking and laughing, everyone smiled and walked back to where they lived.

The fact that Akagi and Kaga officially joined the fleet was not widely spread among the fleet. After all, everyone already knew it before, so they will understand it when they fight together in the future.

Qin Ge fell asleep quickly after returning. What happened during this period also made him a little tired. What's more, we have to go to Akashi's place to deal with Akashi tomorrow, and even build a large number of ship girls, so there are still many things to do, and maintaining a good condition is inevitable.

When he woke up, he saw Belfast standing next to him, looking at him with a smile.

"Do I look that good when I sleep? Every time I wake up, I see Belfast standing next to me and smiling." Qin Ge looked up at Belfast and said.

"Keeping a smile is the basic etiquette of a maid, and it is indeed very interesting to see the master's sleeping face. It has become an indispensable pleasure for me every day." Belfast said with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "Anyway, I can't care about you when I'm asleep. It's up to you. What time is it now?"

"It's already the second day to report to the master." Belfast smiled, "I originally wanted the master to get up for dinner last night, but seeing that you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't have the heart to wake you up.

Also, Miss Akagi and Miss Kaga have moved here, and they are right next to Miss Amagi. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Well, that's it for now. After we wash up, we'll go to Akashi's place."

"Yes, Master," Belfast said.

"By the way, while I'm washing up, you can give Wasp the ultra-rare parts of the scientific research weapon blueprints we obtained from the Mirror Sea. I already made an agreement with the leaders of other camps yesterday, and those things will be treated as part of our cooperation. Partly." Qin Ge said.

"Master, I have given those blueprints of scientific research weapons to Miss Wasp. After Master came back to rest yesterday, Miss Wasp came over.

After asking Miss Guanghui and Miss Bismarck, I got an accurate answer, so I gave it to her on the spot. As for the color grade drawings, I still have them. " said Belfast.

"Haha, you are still attentive. If everyone can be like you, then I don't have to worry about anything." Qin Ge couldn't help but think of Akagi and Kaga yesterday and shook his head.

Belfast just smiled and said nothing.

After washing up and having breakfast, He Wei chatted with the shipgirls beside him for a while, and then Qin Ge led Belfast towards the small shop opened by Akashi at the station.

When Qin Ge arrived, he found that Akashi's shop was closed, but there was a piece of paper on the door.

"If anything happens, please press the cat's paw button on the door, Akashi." Qin Ge said while looking at the words on the paper.

"It seems Akashi shouldn't be here now. Can I contact her by pressing the cat's paw button?"

Qin Ge said to Belfast while looking for the cat's claw button on the door.

"Master, it's here." The sharp Belfast quickly discovered the cat's claw button on Akashi's door and said to Qin Ge.

"Your eyes are better in Belfast." Qin Ge said as he pressed the button on the door.

I heard a cat meowing from inside, and then under the gaze of Qin Ge and Belfast, the door of the grocery store slowly rose.

Akashi with green hair appeared in front of them. When he saw that it was Qin Ge, Akashi's originally smiling face suddenly turned ugly.

"It's you, meow!" Akashi jumped and said, "What do you want to do again? I tell you that if you bring other people here this time, you will definitely be charged, meow!"

Qin Ge couldn't help but rub his nose when he saw this, "Don't worry, I won't bring anyone else here this time. I'm going to discuss a business with you."

"Really Meow?" Akashi said in disbelief.

Qin Ge nodded, "Of course it's true. Do you know the Mind Rubik's Cube that Northern United saw last time? I've got her drawings now."

"Really Meow?" Akashi said with eyes shining.

Qin Ge nodded, "In addition to this, there are also colorful scientific research weapon drawings, and her."

Qin Ge said, pointing to Pang Demeow, who had just jumped aside to play.

"Ah, Commander Meow!" Akashi said in surprise.

"Oh? You actually know how to conduct meow?" Qin Ge also became surprised. He thought Akashi didn't know how to conduct meow.

"Of course I know, but I am also researching it. I didn't expect that you already have Commander Qin Ge? Where did you get this commanding cat?" Akashi asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Of course I got it from Siren, so do you want to do this business? I will let you study those drawings, but the results must be given to me, how about it?"

"Ah?" Akashi's face suddenly fell, "What's the benefit?"

Qin Ge said in surprise, "Letting you study those things is already a benefit. Do you want anything else?"


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