My ship girl, my world

Chapter 445 The Sixth Level

"These scientific research ship girl drawings are the initial state of the scientific research ship girl. They need to be analyzed one by one and then turned into the corresponding scientific research mind cube. I don't need to say anything next, the commander should already know it." The monarch said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "So, as long as we complete the analysis of these scientific research ship girls' drawings, we can have the mental cubes of these ship girls at the same time?"

The monarch nodded and said, "It's like this."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "So Hao, does your royal family need it?"

Hao was stunned for a moment, "Commander Qin Ge, you really put me in a dilemma. As a royal ship girl, I naturally hope that the royal family has stronger strength. But as a ship girl, I think that a ship like this Mom, if it is in the hands of Commander Qin Ge, it can play a greater role."

Counterattack looked at Hao's answer and said speechlessly, "I think if you continue like this, sooner or later you will become like Akagi and Kaga."

Qin Ge couldn't help coughing when he heard the counterattack. The monarch on the side said to the counterattack, "This is the spoils of our fleet. Do we still want to share it?"

Counterattack grinned, "That's indeed the case, and we are now considered the temporary ship girls of your fleet."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Then put this away for the time being. Then go back and give it to Akashi and let her help analyze it together. As for the nine major camps, we can provide some scientific research weapon blueprints, which can also be used in larger projects." Increasing the abilities of other commanders can also give them a say."

Haohe counterattacked and nodded. They also agreed with Qin Ge's solution. At least it would benefit the nine camps, and it would not make the nine camps feel bad. After all, the two sides are now in the cooperation stage.

After saying this, everyone took a rest. After all, the sixth level would soon follow.

The sixth level is the decisive battle. If they succeed, they will pass the siren's test and leave this mirror sea. If they fail, the ship will be destroyed and everyone may be buried here forever.

Therefore, you must be extremely energetic and fully prepared, so that you can have a greater probability of passing.

While Qin Ge and others were resting, Helena seemed to have discovered something outside the mirror sea.

"Helena, what do you mean by that strange signal?" Veneto asked.

"I feel that the signal is very similar to the siren signal, but the wavelength is shorter than the siren signal wavelength. If you don't pay attention, you will ignore it. It was only after several confirmations that I dared to assert the existence of that signal." Helen Na said.

"So you mean to think that that signal is related to the commander's disappearance?" Bismarck asked.

"Yes, because the reason for generating that signal can only have one result, that is, there is a mirror sea in this sea area." Helena said, "If the commander is in the mirror sea, then it can explain why we are so long. Time elapsed to find him, and there was no way to contact him.

Because the mirror sea is unilaterally closed, just like we are facing a mirror, we cannot peek into the other end of the mirror sea, and people in the mirror sea cannot spy on us, and all information cannot be transmitted. "

"I feel that this is the reason in all likelihood. Otherwise, there would be so many awakened ship girls around the commander, otherwise he would not be able to contact him until now." Richelieu said.

"But how do we break through this mirror sea and successfully find the commander?" Veneto asked.

Everyone looked at each other and finally shook their heads, "We have very little research on the Mirror Sea, let alone how to destroy it, so now we can only wait and wait for the commander to successfully get out of the Mirror Sea."

"But it is also certain that the presence of the commander has attracted the attention of the Siren. Otherwise, if we were all in the sea at the same time, why would only the commander's warship be involved in the sea?" Bismarck said.

"It's all in vain now, Helena, take us to the place where you found the signal. At least we need to know the exact location of the mirror sea area," Veneto said.

"Yes." Helena nodded.

As Qin Ge's other fleets integrated and headed to the place where the signal in the mirror sea was discovered, ten hours passed in the mirror sea.

As the sea fog on the sea gradually dissipated, Qin Ge and the others lined up in order and ushered in the sixth level.

But unexpectedly, there was only one enemy in the sixth level, and it was a familiar one.

"Purifier!" Qin Ge said in surprise as he looked at the Siren appearing on the opposite side.

"Yo ho, we meet again, humans!" The purifier's voice reached the ears of all the ship girls through the communication device, including of course the communication device on the command ship.

"So you are the guardian boss of the sixth level?" Qin Ge asked.

"Bingo, that's the right answer. So come on, let's have a good fight and let me see how powerful you are!" the Purifier said with a smile.

Qin Ge grinned, "If you show as much fighting power as Chongying did at that time, then I feel there is no need for us to fight this battle."

"Hey, how could it be!" said the Purifier, "Don't worry, I won't fight like that time. For you, the training level of my model is equivalent to the late awakening stage, which is one hundred and fifteen training. If you work hard, you can still beat it."

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Will you tell me your details?"

"It's nothing. Anyway, this is just an experiment, and what I'm wearing now is also an experimental model. It's no big deal. The most important thing is, let's fight! I've been locked up in the stronghold for a long time!" The Purifier said with a fighting spirit. said.

"Then as you wish!" Qin Ge said, "Everyone targets the Purifier, attack!"


With a loud shout, all the ship girls cheered up and rushed towards the Purifier bravely.

Qin Ge didn't direct this battle, not that he didn't know how to direct, but because pure tactics didn't make any sense here.

He had seen the Purifier's crazy fighting style last time. Compared to long-distance artillery battles, the Purifier preferred close-range chases. This was a pure time to test the strength of his ship girl, and the situation on the sea was changing rapidly, and Qin Ge couldn't take care of it at all.

Therefore, we can only leave it to the ship girls to handle the situation according to the situation. After all, they are the ones on the battlefield, and Qin Ge is just a bystander.

So amidst the roar of aircraft engines, the deafening sound of artillery, and the collision of cold weapons, the war finally kicked off.

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