My ship girl, my world

Chapter 380 Intermission

"Isn't this a little too smooth?" Canglong looked at the red dots that were constantly emitting light on the screen and said to Qin Ge who had just put down the communication device.

Yes, it went too smoothly, so smoothly that Canglong even doubted whether this was Siren's conspiracy.

"Why, you are used to living a hard life, and all of a sudden you feel happy and unreal?" Qin Ge said to Canglong with a smile.

"It's true." Canglong said with a bitter smile, "When we encountered the Siren Tide before, everyone would be extremely worried and be careful during the whole process.

We were afraid that any command errors would cause the defense line to rupture and Shenhua City behind us to cease to exist.

But now, seeing the main force of the Siren Tide eating them one by one without any losses on our side, it really feels like a dream. "

"This is the power of tactics." Qin Ge smiled at Canglong.

Tactics, art of war, these are the methods humans have come up with in order to kill more people and kill people faster. From ancient times to the present, as long as it is related to war, these are always given top priority.

Who will win the battle, a person who is good at using the art of war or a strong general who only knows how to charge? Basically, people who know a little bit will choose the former.

And this is the power of military tactics.

You can make the weak defeat the strong, you can make the small number defeat the large number, you can make the general, omnipotent.

Throughout the history of civilization, the generals and marshals who can leave their footprints in this long river of history are all proficient in the art of war. This is especially obvious in the history of Donghuang.

“Although I don’t know how many more miracles you can create in the future, the miracles you have created now are already amazing.

I believe that after the Siren Tide War this time, the other eight major camps may take you to another level. Cang Long said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge couldn't help but touch his nose, "Actually, I want to live a more ordinary life, live with my ship girls, and fight together, but sometimes I really can't help myself."

"Haha." Canglong smiled but didn't say anything. Because she knew Qin Ge was telling the truth, but unfortunately, his dream may never be realized.

Because some people are like this. Once they become famous, they become stars in the sky, and countless people will look up to their light.

But there is another side to everything, that is, after he became a blockbuster, he could no longer live an ordinary life.

The battle on the sea is still continuing. After the initial battle, all the large fleets have tasted the taste of fighting with superior firepower.

So when Qin Ge realized that the large fleets were already familiar with the battle, his subsequent orders became faster.

Almost on the sea, local battles are taking place every moment. And such local battles mean that the main force of the Sirens has been further weakened.

Coupled with the continuous attacks by carrier-based aircraft flying towards the main Siren force, the main Siren fleet on the five routes is decreasing on the radar at a speed visible to the naked eye.

By the time night fell, the main Siren fleet that appeared at noon had been cannibalized. The remaining large fleet is now cleaning the battlefield on the sea under the cover of carrier-based aircraft, waiting for the arrival of the next wave of Siren Tide.

The headquarters is now brightly lit, and the headquarters that originally had only two people now has a few more people. These people were all Maritime Safety Administration ship girls who were transferred after Canglong. The reason was that the annihilation speed of each large fleet was so fast that Qin Ge and Canglong could not send orders at all.

Therefore, Canglong urgently called back several ship girls to continuously issue orders at the headquarters.

"This phase of the Siren Tide is finally over. It seems that the next Siren Tide will be late at night. Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Ge, please take a rest first." Canglong said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge shook his head, "It doesn't matter to me. Night is the most important time. You must not relax during this period. The Siren Tide only has a day or two left. Everyone else is working hard, so I can't rest." .”

“You’re not the same as them, and you’re not the same as what they do.

They only need to command their own fleet to attack, leaving most of it to the ship girl, and you have to coordinate the overall situation and make corresponding countermeasures. The workload is not of the same magnitude.

So when you can rest, you must take a good rest. Only in this way can we maintain enough energy to continue commanding this Siren Tide battle.

And letting you rest is not like going to another place to rest. In this headquarters, no one will bring you a camp bed. You can stretch it out and rest later.

So sleep for a while, and when I find out what's going on, I'll wake you up right away. Cang Long said to Qin Ge.

"What about you?" Qin Ge said to Cang Long. In fact, Cang Long had completely convinced Qin Ge when he was here. Qin Ge also realized that now was not the time to show off. After all, he needed to keep his mind absolutely clear so that he could direct this battle well.

"Us?" Canglong said with a smile, "We are ship girls, can you compare with us in spirit? There is a Mind Cube in our body, which can provide us with a steady stream of power. Do you have it?"

Qin Ge was speechless for a moment. Sure enough, compared to Belfast and Guanghui, what Canglong said to him was more direct. There are some things that only Ship Girl can do, but Qin Ge, as a human, just can't do it.

"Then, I'll take a rest, and remember to call me in time when the enemy appears on the sea." Qin Ge said to Canglong.

Cang Long nodded, pointed to Qin Ge where the camp bed was, and asked him to rest first.

Qin Ge walked to the dark place, pulled out the camp bed and lay down on it without saying a word. He now needs to fall asleep quickly, regain his energy, and be ready for the arrival of the second siren tide.

As the night slowly fell into silence, all the commanders began to take turns to rest. The ship girls were patrolling the sea wave after wave, alert to the possible second wave of attacks.

And at midnight, a flash of blood appeared on the radar, indicating that the second siren tide had finally arrived.

The ship girls who discovered this scene quickly called out their commanders, including Cang Long in the headquarters, who also directly called Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was so alert in his sleep that he opened his eyes when Cang Long approached him. He looked at Cang Long with a serious face and immediately asked, "Are you here?"

"Here we come." Canglong replied.

"Well, what time is it now?" Qin Ge stood up and asked Cang Long while twisting his stiff neck.

"Three o'clock in the morning." Canglong said.

"Oh, these sirens really know how to pick the time." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Notify all large fleets and aircraft carrier fleets and let them prepare!"


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