My ship girl, my world

Chapter 377 Blocking out the sky and the sun

"Director Canglong, I want to make it clear, how many of these more than 1,000 aircraft carriers are in full service? How many are in light service?

How many are auxiliary aircraft carriers? How many are the main attack aircraft carriers? "Qin Ge said to Canglong.

"Among these more than 1,000 aircraft carriers, there are more than 400 auxiliary aircraft carriers, and the rest are all main attack aircraft carriers.

Among them, there are more than 400 light sailing ships and more than 600 regular sailing ships. Canglong said.

Qin Ge nodded, turned towards the screen, walked to the side of the display screen, and said while holding a long pole next to it.

"This is our headquarters and the place where our aircraft carrier fleet gathers. According to the sea areas we have marked so far, the main force of the opponent's sirens will basically come from these five places.

These five channels are also the five most important channels in our sea area. The other channels have hidden reefs and are not suitable for warships to move forward.

Then I am going to divide these aircraft carriers into five aircraft carrier groups. Each aircraft carrier group is placed in five different directions outside the command center according to the combination of 120 regular sailors and 80 light sailors.

And now, you notify the commanders of other large fleets to go to these five channels to ambush and wait for our orders. "

Canglong nodded, "Well, this is no problem, so how do they arrange it?"

When Canglong said this, he looked at Essex and York City standing aside. To be honest, Soryu would welcome two awakened ship girls to join this battle, but only if they can obey orders.

Qin Ge turned to look at York City and Essex, "My ship girl Guanghui will be the leader of the first aircraft carrier fleet, Miss York City will be the leader of the second aircraft carrier fleet, and Miss Essex will be the leader of the second aircraft carrier fleet." The leader of the Third Aircraft Carrier Fleet.

The leaders of the other two aircraft carrier fleets hope that Director Soryu can select two fully trained and experienced ship girls to serve as the leaders. "

Canglong nodded, "I know, I will arrange for two fully trained ship girls from the Maritime Safety Bureau to take charge."

Qin Ge nodded, "That's good. Let's arrange the arrangements now. I think the battle will start soon."

"No problem." Canglong nodded, and left the command center with Qin Ge's aircraft carrier, York City, and Essex.

After Cang Long left, Bismarck stepped forward and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, where did you decide to put us? Could it be that you have forgotten?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "How could I forget you? You can drive my command ship out later and be active on the battlefield as a support fleet. I will inform you of your orders at any time."

Hearing Qin Ge's words, the other remaining ship girls breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried that Qin Ge would worry about their safety and prevent them from going to the battle.

You know, it is an honor for every ship girl to be able to participate in such a large-scale battle.

Not long after, Canglong came in again, walked to the monitor and pressed a button, then zoomed out the map on the monitor and switched it to a video.

In the video, at this time, countless large fleet command ships on the sea were slowly sailing into the distance, and in the nearby port, the third aircraft carrier fleet led by Essex jumped into the sea one after another, and a blue light flashed. , the ship uniform appeared beside them.

Beside Essex, an eagle cry sounded, and a bald eagle appeared on her shoulder. And in her hand, a white eagle flag appeared.

"We've already set off." Qin Ge looked at the scene in front of him and said softly.

"That's right." Canglong nodded, "From now on, you will be in charge of the overall situation."

Qin Ge nodded, "I now need real-time updates of the global chart and preparation of front-line intelligence. And a communication device that can connect all commanders and the aircraft carrier fleet."

"It's ready." Canglong said, and then took out a dedicated communication device from her ship's installation space and placed it in front of Qin Ge.

"This communication device can contact all command ships, and there are corresponding numbers on it. These numbers are the numbers of all the large fleets, and the locations of the large fleets have all been marked on the charts and can be quickly switched."

As Canglong said, the big screen in front of him turned and the sea chart just appeared. The sea chart was indeed covered with rows of serial numbers, and these serial numbers were still moving slowly.

"That's no problem, just leave the rest to me." Qin Ge nodded, "By the way, Director Canglong, please give Bismarck a communication terminal. I need her to lead my large fleet. , as a support fleet, to support the large fleets in need of help."

Cang Long smiled slightly, "It seems that Commander Qin Ge didn't want to relax in such a situation."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I must improve my strength quickly so that I can stand on a bigger stage. Not only for me, but also for my ship girls."

Canglong naturally knew what Brother Qin meant by these words, and without saying anything, she directly took a communication device and handed it to Bismarck who was standing aside, expressing her support for Qin Ge with her actions.

Then Bismarck took all the ship girls and said goodbye to Qin Ge and walked outside the headquarters. She now needs to take over Qin Ge's position and lead other members of the fleet to fight in the sea.

When Bismarck left Qin Ge and turned his attention to the big screen, when he saw that the five numbers around the island had stopped moving, Qin Ge not only nodded, but quickly pushed away the five numbered communicators. .

"All aircraft carrier fleets, please note, release all their carrier-based aircraft, and use the five waterways as base points to conduct an all-round search for enemies. If you find a small enemy fleet, destroy it directly without reporting it. If you find the direction of the Siren's main force, immediately Notification.”

Qin Ge said seriously to the communication device. After he finished speaking, five answers appeared on the communication device.




At the same time, a huge roar sounded around the island, which was the sound of engines roaring together. The sky outside suddenly became dark. As the carrier-based aircraft took off, the sunlight shining on the sun was blocked by these carrier-based aircraft.

Qin Ge and the others naturally saw such a scene in the headquarters. He stopped putting down his communication device and stared blankly at the sky full of carrier-based aircraft outside the window.

At this time, the large fleet that had already left the island far away also heard the sound. They couldn't help but stepped onto the bow of the ship and looked in the direction of the island.

The planes that covered the sky and the sun flew into the sky like locusts. Wherever they went, the sea was dark.

"Is this the collective strength of the aircraft carrier fleet? How terrifying!" Zhang Shiping couldn't help but take a breath when he looked at the scene in front of him.

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