My ship girl, my world

Chapter 218 Ship Girl Registration

"Although this is not Iris, and I used to be a training ship to train excellent warriors, but now I will pick up the sword and stand at the forefront of the commander. For the land of mankind and the peaceful sea, I am willing to pay Everything." Joan of Arc stretched out her hand to hold Qin Ge's hand and said solemnly to Qin Ge.

Looking at Joan of Arc's confident and determined face, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile.

Until now, he has summoned three aircraft carriers, a battleship, a battlecruiser, a submarine, a destroyer, and two light cruisers, a total of nine shipmates.

This can be regarded as the successful completion of the previously planned mission. However, the types and details of the ship girl are slightly different from Qin Ge's previous plan, but it does not matter.

Recently, according to Yixian's previous words, I should explore the true personalities and preferred combat methods of various ship girls, and then cooperate with them to adjust tactical combat.

After introducing Joan of Arc to his ship girls, Qin Ge had completed today's construction. When he turned to look at Yixian and the Prince of Wales, he found that they were no longer there.

Perhaps when Qin Ge introduced Joan of Arc to his shipgirl, they left quietly.

Although there was no farewell, when I thought that one was the dean of the college and the other was the commander-in-chief of Donghuang, both of them were important people. Spending so long with me was already a waste of time. There must be something important to discuss now, so I left early.

So, Qin Ge took his ship girl out of the construction hall and came to the warehouse nearby. At this time, Ning Hai was immersed in writing something. When she heard Lin Jing's footsteps, she raised her head and saw Qin Ge.

"Huh? Qin Ge, why are you here now? Are you saying you are preparing to take on the mission?" Ning Hai joked, "I said not to put too much pressure on yourself and the ship girl. We just have a holiday, so why not take a good rest for a few days to prepare for the mission?" You can do it later."

Hearing Ning Hai's teasing, Qin Ge said speechlessly, "Am I a taskaholic in your eyes?"

"Isn't it?" Ning Hai blinked and said.

"Well, it's really not." Qin Ge said helplessly.

"Then why are you here today?" Ning Hai asked doubtfully.

"Originally I planned to build the ship girl tomorrow, but today the dean and the commander-in-chief are here. They are very interested in me building the ship girl, so I went with them to see the ship girl today." Qin Ge explained road.

"So you came here today to report the new ship girl?" Ning Hai said suddenly.

"That's right." Qin Ge nodded, turned sideways and said to Ning Hai, "Hey, the nine ship girls built today are all here."

Looking at the group of ship girls behind Qin Ge, Ning Hai opened his eyes wide, "Nine? Wait, I remember you had eleven before you, so now you have twenty ship girls?"

"Haha, can't you tell, Ning Hai, you have a really good memory." Qin Ge laughed.

"I say, the number of your fleet is a bit exaggerated. With 20 ship girls, there are basically more than half the number of ship girls in a small fleet!" Ning Hai sighed.

"Well, I'm a little lucky." Qin Ge said to Ning Hai.

"Luck? Can this still be called luck?" Ning Hai shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me anyway. No matter how big the matter is, there will still be the dean and the commander-in-chief there. I will only be responsible for the registration. So what will you do today?" Tell me the model and name of the summoned ship girl and the camp she belongs to."

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded and began to speak to Ning Hai one by one.


Unexpectedly, as soon as Qin Ge opened his mouth, Ning Hai interrupted him, "Wait, who are you talking about? Bismarck? The Iron-Blooded flagship?"

Qin Ge nodded and pointed at Bismarck, and Ning Hai followed the position pointed by Qin Ge and saw a woman in a black and red navy uniform looking at her proudly.

"Tsk, it's really Bismarck. Is this second place? Last time it was Vittorio Veneto, this time it's Bismarck. I wonder who it will be next time?

Do you have to summon all the flagships of each camp? "Ning Hai said speechlessly.

"This is not something I can decide. If you throw in two mental cubes and 1,500 units of supplies, whoever it is will be who you are." Qin Ge spread his hands and said.

"You, you got the advantage and behaved well." Ning Hai said to Qin Ge, and then continued to open the registration.

“Amagi, Amagi-class battlecruiser, Chongsakura camp.

Joan of Arc, light cruiser Joan of Arc, Iris Liberty.

Lexington, Lexington-class aircraft carrier, White Eagle camp.

Hornet, Yorktown-class aircraft carrier, White Eagle camp.

Unicorn, Unicorn-class light aircraft carrier, royal camp.

U96, U-boat, iron-blooded camp.

Aurora, Aretosa-class light cruiser, royal camp.

Javelin, J-class destroyer, royal camp. "

As Qin Ge finished his introduction one by one, everyone in Ninghai's register became a little numb. Because all the ship girls that Qin Ge told her were ship girls that were widely circulated among the commanders, except for Bismarck and Amagi.

But now, he was selling the ship girls that others wanted so much but couldn't get, like selling carrots, and he built nine of them in one go. This left Ning Hai, who often had contact with commanders and was responsible for registering ship girls, speechless.

She was speechless, but she still sincerely congratulated Qin Ge for being able to build these ship girls, because the more times they were talked about among commanders, the more powerful the ship girls were.

And a powerful ship girl will give you a leading advantage in the subsequent battles. This is why so many people want ultra-rare ship girls, because most ultra-rare ship girls are more powerful than elite ship girls.

After the registration was completed, Ning Hai put a new number on Qin Ge's oil card according to the school's regulations, and said to him, "Okay, all the ship girls have been registered, and you have been given oil for this week.

From now on, oil will be added to your oil card every week. Now hurry up and take your ship girls back to make arrangements. You have summoned so many ship girls at once. Fortunately, you live in a guest house, otherwise your room would be is a problem. "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "That's true."

"Okay, I will be here all day today. If there is something in the room that is not enough, feel free to come here and get it." Ning Hai said.

"I understand, thank you." Qin Ge smiled.

"This is what I should do. Goodbye." After Ning Hai finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to write the previous things. Qin Ge took a glance and found that it was something similar to a report, so he stopped paying attention and took his own The ship girl left the warehouse.

On the way home, Qin Ge introduced the things of the academy to the newly joined ship girl while chatting with his own ship girl.

Just like that, with a bit of joy, I walked towards the guest house not far away.

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