My shadow can evolve

Chapter 185 Mysterious Man

This was not a problem for him at all.

He started to move directly and entered the divine tower.

With a burst of white light flashing here, Fang Xiu successfully entered without feeling any obstacles.

In the divine tower.

Fang Xiu felt a strong energy as soon as he entered.

It was much thicker than outside, and there were many of them, as if they were everywhere.

If you stay in such a place, the fighting power you burst out will obviously be one level higher.

Of course, this is the same for everyone.

Moreover, when you are here, as long as you have a little idea to practice, the improvement of this divine power is not without problems.

"What a good place, no wonder everyone wants to enter here." Fang Xiu sighed after feeling it.

After that, he did not continue to linger here.

Rushed directly to the depths, it was already like this here, there must be more inside.

Flying in the air.

At this time, Fang Xiu was in a sea of ​​clouds.

This is not how high he flew, but the clouds seemed to come down by themselves.

He was surrounded by white.

The sight was not clear at all, if it were not for the fact that he could still sense the energy.

Ordinary people don't dare to enter here.

And in this sea of ​​clouds.

Soon Fang Xiu felt a strange place.

Small guys.

Originally thought that this thing would be a threat or something.

In the end, it was not. On the contrary, it was beneficial.

When touching these white little guys, these guys began to release energy to Fang Xiu.

It made Fang Xiu feel like someone was helping him practice.

Or it was delivered to his door.

Small white things gathered together.

The world had changed like puffing clouds and mist around.

The condensed energy was much stronger than the spiritual energy.

Even if it continued to develop, it might directly become divine power.

Time passed slowly.

Fang Xiu also stayed in this sea of ​​clouds for a long time.

He was reluctant to leave.

Until the sea of ​​clouds began to disperse.

Only then did he have the idea of ​​going to other places.

"Is it over?" Fang Xiu retracted his shadow and did not continue to explore the four continents.

And the degree of condensation of this energy has already felt like a qualitative change.

It has begun to be like a divine crystal.

If he continued like this, it would only be a matter of time before he reached the level of the Divine Crystal, or even surpassed it.

As the sea of ​​clouds disappeared, those little white things seemed to disappear too.

It wasn't a feeling of leaving, but a feeling of being directly integrated into the world.

He suddenly felt guilty.

Was he sacrificing himself to help others? ? ?

Of course, it was just a feeling.

People are like this, and they will have such emotions from time to time.

And he soon stopped feeling guilty here.

Instead, he quickly left here and went to search for other people.

This Divine Tower was much bigger than he thought.

Moreover, there were indeed quite a few layers of white clouds.

Many sights were blocked.

Those little things, not all white clouds existed.

There were only white clouds in many places, and there were no little things that could help people improve their strength.

In this regard, Fang Xiu just expressed helplessness, and soon he didn't care.

If he encountered something that could be improved, he would improve it, and if he couldn't improve it, he would forget it and go directly to the next target.

Anyway, the resources here seemed to be really inexhaustible.

White clouds could be seen everywhere.

"King Bo Tao, don't think we will be afraid just because this is your home ground."

"We have three of us, and you only have two."

When Fang Xiu was taking action, he obviously encountered someone and had a conflict.

And the fight was already very intense.

The cloud layer had been damaged in many places at this time.

But none of them left just like that.

The two men in blue robes were obviously at a disadvantage, but they had no intention of retreating.

They fought desperately and became more and more courageous.

Even the other three people were more and more restrained and fearful.

Although they can gain the upper hand, it does not mean that they can kill.

If they fight desperately at that time, I don't know who will get the advantage.

"Master Guangyue, if you want to take advantage, then defeat us first."

"Otherwise, don't waste time."


The battle affected more than ten kilometers away.

But other people who felt the situation here just watched from a distance, or even left directly, and didn't get close at all.

Maybe because they approached so hard, the other party stopped.

Fight, it would be best to kill some people.

Of course, this is what everyone thinks, waiting for others to fight and kill some people, but ideas are ideas, and everyone is still quite restrained.

Fang Xiu originally planned to go over to see the situation, but he felt that there were other people nearby and their situation, so he thought about it and gave up.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the people there is not low.

It would be difficult to take advantage of it.

Maybe he was taken advantage of.

Just like others, choose to run away.

Anyway, there are really many good brothers here.

Everyone comes here for their own purpose.

There are even some people who have come more than once, and their targets have been locked long ago.

A large round ball cloud like cotton.

"Is this it?"

"The mark is correct, let's act directly." Several people came here one after another.

After taking out the corresponding props, they began to move one by one.

Each person had a prop, and after activating it, a passage opened in the cloud.

In an instant, several people entered directly, and as they entered, the passage quickly disappeared.

And their actions had already been seen clearly by others.

"So it's here." A thin and clean man looked at this scene.

With a smug smile, he began to contact people.

Soon, one person after another received the message and gathered quickly.

And the situation inside the cloud.

"How could this be?" At this time, the place where they were did not look like a cloud.

Instead, it looked like some kind of ruins.

Earth and stone, stone statues, stone pestles, and even altars.

All in it.

"This is the place? It's completely different from the record."

"There must be something wrong with this, let's look for it first."

"See if there are other passages."

Everyone asked questions.

Quickly searched the situation here.

Nothing happened at first.

But when they walked onto the altar.

An accident occurred, and they walked onto the altar.

The stone statues around them burst out with power and tied up the people who entered the altar.

Only one person reacted quickly enough and left there directly.

He was also very shocked at this time.

"What's going on?"

The others were even more panicked.

Now they were controlled one by one, and it was very dangerous here.

I wanted to shout something, but I didn't have the chance to speak.

The stone statues had already moved.

The stone statues on the four sides had a weapon, and they pierced the people controlled in them one after another.

According to the altar, it seemed that some power suppressed their energy.

This not only controlled them, but also made their energy unable to be used.

In just a moment, several top combat forces died.

"This..." This made the people who were still alive widen their eyes.

They couldn't speak.

As his accomplices died, props appeared around the altar.

This was exactly what his partner had been holding before.

Now it's all here.

He has the opportunity to get it directly.

In this regard, he hesitated for a moment and began to act.

However, before he touched those things.

He felt that the props on his body released special energy.

Before he could say anything, his face began to change.

"Finally it started." As the man's face twisted strangely for a while.

Finally, he turned into a man with white skin and very delicate.

The energy of the prop directly changed the appearance.

"Return to your position."

After the appearance changed, the man who had just transformed said softly.

Along with his words, the stone statues that had just killed four top-level combat power dissolved directly and quickly, and then entered the man's body.

Let his body further transform.

And the props have also fallen into the hands of the other party.

As the things returned, the strength increased greatly.

"I don't know how strong this generation is."

"Can you wish me to enter the next level." Although the strength has increased greatly.

But it is obvious that this mysterious man is still very dissatisfied.

After absorbing the power here.

Begin to sense and explore something.

He doesn't need to do anything more, he can sense the people who used this divine tower to practice before.

"There are so many people coming here. The reputation has really spread. It's worth all my years of accumulation."

"It's time to harvest."

The mysterious man said.

He picked a person at random.

He moved quickly and left the place.

"I occupied this place first. Leave here, otherwise I will not be polite." Seeing that it was a stranger, the man who was targeted by the mysterious man said unhappily.

But he still didn't do it directly.

There are no weaklings who can come here.

Although he had never seen the other party look a little strange, he was still careful.

"Bad food." Looking at this man, the mysterious man had no expression on his face.

He ignored what the other party said.

"Bad food?" Hearing this, the other party was unhappy.

But before he started to move, the attack came.

A concentrated energy like white appeared instantly and grabbed this guy directly.

Before he could make any move, the mysterious man had already pulled back directly, and no movement was seen.

The man had quickly dissipated.

When he got to the mysterious man, the battle was over.

A master died quietly like this.

"Next." The mysterious man moved quickly.

He didn't want to waste any time.

At the beginning, it was just one person, or two people.

Looking for the lone person.

Later, the team was hunted down.

As long as he found him, he would not hesitate to attack directly.

And there were not many people who could find this person.

At the beginning of the cloud layer.

The top combat power gathered.

"Break it open by force, let's go in."

"Although it will attract a lot of attention, there is no other way. If we continue to delay, all the benefits will be taken away."

One person studied the cloud layer and finally made a decision.

There was no way to open it directly like them.

So he could only...

"I've said it before, let me do it."

"Let's go together."

An irritable man spoke first, but the old man who studied here at the beginning made the decision.

Looking at the situation here, it is very difficult for one person to break it.

The irritable guy wanted to say something, but the others were impatient.

In this situation, it is not a waste of time here.

You know, every minute and every second is a resource.

What if everything in here is taken away?

When they came here, someone already regarded the things as theirs.

One by one, they began to try to destroy it.

Fang Xiu in the distance felt their situation and did not stop anything.

These guys, when they acted before, he sensed it.

I thought there was something, but after so long, the door didn't enter.

This is very depressing.

I've waited for so long.

It feels a bit of a loss to leave like this.

I just studied the situation nearby and them casually.

Although this was a waste of time, it was still...

"It's open, it's open." When Fang Xiu was thinking.

The passage was opened.

Everyone was so excited that Fang Xiu felt a little speechless.

They were still top-level fighters, so excited.

Looking at the passage that was obviously newly appeared, Fang Xiu was also a little interested.

Let the black shadow start to move, be careful, and don't be found.

And inside, it was still the same, stone statues, stones.

The mysterious man at this time had not come back and was not here.

The previous corpse was completely consumed by him.

So now here is actually similar to when they entered before, except that there are fewer stone statues.

"That's all?" Seeing these, everyone observed them.

The initial excitement was visibly reduced with the naked eye.

"The secrets of the Demon-Breaking Family should be more than this."

"They are not here, let's find them first."

"There must be other places and other passages."

Everyone began to comfort themselves, and the task of finding naturally fell on the old man who had been observing the entrance of the passage.

The other party is best at things like traps and formations.

They started looking everywhere, leaving nothing behind.

And when they seemed to have found something special.

A strange voice appeared.

"What are you looking for?"

A gloomy voice sounded.

"I looked for you all the way, and you are all here, and you came to my door." The mysterious man looked at the dozen people here.

A smile appeared on his face.

For him, it was a very good thing for a dozen people to come to his door like this.

"Who are you?"

"Who is it?"

The appearance of the mysterious man scared his people directly.

They couldn't help but be shocked. This guy just appeared, as if he had teleported and came directly to them.

With their strength, they still couldn't find anything.

How terrible would this person be?

When everyone thought of this possibility, their faces turned bad.

I just have some hope.

I hope this is just an illusion or something.

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