My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 123 Body of Dragon God, Black Sea Mysterious Coffin

Even the power of the Supreme Corpse Guard cannot withstand the impact of a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

Knocked down by Mo Bai's blow, the two figures who were as noble as the kings of the Snow Tribe a moment ago were now as chaotic as two barbarians fighting.

Whoever has greater strength will be better!

Night Ghost's palm grasped the frozen ice, and the ice and snow turned into an ice sword in its hand, stabbing Mo Bai's heart just like last time.

But Mo Bai allowed it to attack him.

With a metallic cracking sound.

Under the dragon scales and the dragon scales generated by the power of the Dragon God, Night Ghost's sword broke into pieces in his hand.

Mo Bai didn't have control over the elemental power and couldn't command the elements to attack.

His most powerful offensive at this time is his fist!

Looking at the face that always seemed to be mocking him, Mo Bai's fear turned into endless anger.

Punch the face between ice and ice stone, breaking its tissues and shattering its bones!

Each punch is enough to break the spine of a king-level sea beast.

Every punch landed.

They all rang like Honglu bells.

The height of the entire Death Ming Peak would even sink an inch with the force of his fist!

Qingtian Longweiao looked at the fist power that shook the world.

Silently sank back into the sea.

"The power of this family comes a step late every time, and each time it turns from a brain that is more sane than anyone else's to a devil that is crazier than any monster!"

To be dominated by legend and sorrow at the same time is nothing more than this.

Night Ghost could no longer endure this kind of brute force bullying.

It is Prince of Evernight.

It is the Supreme Death, and it does not allow a beast to scream in front of it!

The black ice grew ferocious vines that spread from all directions, entangled Mo Bai's dragon-shaped body, and turned into an airtight ice prison, sealing Mo Bai inside!

This is transformed by the ultimate power of death and the ice of eternal winter.

No human can break through!

The ferocious scars on Night Ghost's face gradually recovered, and then he recited a spell that was incomprehensible to human ears.

Several sharp ice spikes sprung out from underneath the ice prison. They were neat and sharp as if they were made of steel!

Anyone can imagine how the people inside would be stabbed.

The night ghost makes a proclamation;

[The unknown power makes you powerful, and the anger makes you just want revenge. Different from the despair at first, you are so desperate that you are fearless]

At this time, Prince Yongye, who had regained his composure and indifference in a few breaths, faced the ice thorn bush and spread out his arms covered with thin ice armor;

[Your power is pitiful compared to the real King of Eternal Night, all because of your offense. When the true King comes, you are not qualified to join the Night Clan! 】

behind him.

The execution area of ​​the death circle is the largest.

Above the formation of light that shattered the sky vertically, there was an iron-colored black coffin connected to the depths of the unknown black sea.

At this moment, half of the mysterious coffin has descended into the sky!

An existence that can make the Supreme Ghoul so awe-inspiring.

You can imagine what it is.

god? Or is it beyond the existence of God?

boom--! The only thing that responded to the night ghost was the sound of ice breaking instantly.

An incredible scene appeared!

The silver monster that was supposed to be pierced to death tore through the shackles of the ice vine.

The body has been pierced.

But the rapid recovery power of the dragon transformation made the blood hole as thick as a bowl quickly disappear under the scales.

Let his recovery speed make all night ghosts fear him!

Weak flesh and blood.

Can you also achieve immortality?

Mo Bai's bloodshot eyes came close to him, and the two pairs of blue eyes that seemed to be burning with ice looked at each other for a moment.

The fists covered with silver scales poured towards Ye Gui's chest. At this time, his speed and strength were hundreds of times higher than that of Mo Bai, who was at the supreme level.

Take the initiative in all attacks!

If this punch hits, it will definitely dig out the heart with the dragon's claws and completely break the heart!

It crossed its arms like a human warrior, blocking the heavy punch of a thousand mountains.

But this is destined to make it lose even more embarrassingly.

Mo Bai jumped up, and with the increase in speed and strength, he learned the fatal moves without any teacher. At the speed of light, he raised his severely dragon-shaped knees and poured them on its ice-like arms, shattering the black ice all over his body. In addition to the general armor.

It also makes night ghosts feel like shells coming out of a barrel.

Flying all the way out of the not-so-large area of ​​Death Peak.

Its sharp claws scratched the ice stone, and it used its hands and feet together. Finally, it managed to grab the ice on the edge of the cliff and failed to fall.

What's even more ridiculous is.

This is the place where it pushed Mo Bai down with arrogance and disdain.

The devil with forest-white scales growing all over his body made a hoarse sound.

That was Mo Bai talking;

"Even from this height, I can't knock you to death. In comparison, you seem to be more afraid of me."

"It seems that I also taught you to feel fear!"

I saw Mo Bai approaching slowly.

In the thousands of years of existence.

Night Ghost finally understood the lesson.

Facing a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated, that kind of despair!

Of course, this young man who signed the soul power contract only has a soul power cultivation level of level 25.

But the strength he displayed at this moment, this body has unbreakable strength and recovery speed.

It is an existence that even the legendary level cannot compare with!

This is the power of the Supreme Dragon Clan, a power that is on par with the true gods, and no one can compete with it!

It unclenched its claws embedded in the ice.

He gave up guarding the death circle behind him.

The body fell toward the darkness below.

A dragon swept through the darkness and caught it.

Mobei Undead Dragon caught it.

The giant dragon slowly flapped its remaining wings and rose.

The night ghost stood on the undead dragon flying in the air.

The ice blue ghost eyes flashed with determination.


The undead dragon's broken giant wings shook.

Night Ghost directly gave up holding on to the death circle.

It flies away from the dragon.

Soar up!

At this moment, whether inside or outside Fuhai Island.

Everyone can see it.

The huge undead dragon flapped its wings and soared up along the formation of the death circle.

"No, what is that monster doing?"

"It's approaching that mysterious coffin!"

Everyone has instinctive fear.

Because just one Supreme Corpse Guard is enough to cause a disaster in the entire history of beast control trials.

Not to mention what kind of monster is sleeping in the mysterious coffin in the endless black sea!

Changes occurred because of Mo Bai.

Therefore, it is impossible to wait for the death circle until it ends.

So for night ghosts.

It can only speed up the ceremony of the arrival of the true king!

The Mobei Ice King Dragon flapped its 500-meter-wide wingspan, and its withered dragon pupils seemed to be burning with the power of death.

A pair of ferocious dragon claws clung to the iron-colored mysterious coffin bound by iron locks. The dragon wings vibrated, trying to pull out half of the mysterious coffin hidden in another space!

The night ghost looked into the simple and old black coffin, revealing his eyes with the awe of a believer looking at a saint.

Welcome the arrival of the true God!

Since Mo Bai now has a body comparable to the Dragon God.

Then let the real God of Death come to punish you!

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