My science and technology museum

Chapter 369 Rewards from Planet Setan

"The process at the House of Representatives will take some time. You can go back to the solar system first, but remember to apply to the Administration to become a second-level civilization as soon as possible. It will be more convenient to travel within the galaxy after you have your own star gate."

Qiao Xiuer finally agreed to Xu Lei's proposal and gave a special reminder.

After all, the solar system is still a first-level civilization, and without its own second-level star gate, it is very inconvenient for Xu Lei to go back and forth.


Xu Lei also knew this situation.

Anyway, before leaving Setan Planet, he planned to go to Green Planet to purchase medium-sized battleships in bulk.

This, together with the three large Star Destroyers, is enough to promote the solar system to a second-level civilization. At that time, it will go directly to Setan through its own star gate, which will not take too long.

Speaking of which, Xu Lei was worried that this opportunity was very important and would be gone if he missed it.

Hearing Qiao Xiure say this, he felt a lot more relieved.

As long as you can ensure that the opportunity is there, it doesn't make much difference whether you condense the eternal body sooner or later.

Anyway, his current strength is pretty good within the Orion spiral arm.

And Xu Lei didn't think this matter would go smoothly.

After all, the significance of living gold to Setan is self-evident, and it is a non-renewable energy source.

How could it be easily used on outsiders?

Besides, to condense the eternal body, the entire body needs to be replaced by living gold, and the amount of living gold required must be a very large number.

It's not something that Qiao Huer can decide on his own.

Otherwise he would not need to apply to the House first.

At this point, things are basically coming to an end.

According to Xu Lei's follow-up plan, he planned to return to Thousand Stars City first, tell Xishuo about the situation on Blue Scale Star, then go to Green Star through the third-level star gate in Thousand Stars City, and after purchasing the warship, they would head to Proxima Centauri together.

Speaking of which, his Golden Crow curvature light speed spacecraft is still waiting near Proxima Centauri.

But just when Xu Lei was about to say goodbye, the familiar voice of Qiao Xiuer rang in his ears again.

"And one more thing."

"In view of your outstanding performance in the war between the Blue Scale Star and the Zerg, on behalf of the Setan Planet, I officially grant you the status of a Setan Planet. From now on, you will enjoy the same rights as a Setan Planet."

"The identity of the Setan people?"

Hearing Qiao Xiure's words, Xu Lei was somewhat confused. He didn't expect that there would be such a reward.

After all, as a human being in the solar system, he would have some grudges in his heart to accept the identity of other intelligent civilizations.

His expression instantly became complicated.

And this performance was naturally noticed by Qiao Xiuer.

Perhaps he guessed the worries in Xu Lei's heart. The next second he saw Qiao Xiuer smiling and explaining: "Actually, you don't have to worry. Accepting this identity will not create any restrictions. On the contrary, you can enjoy the benefits of Setan Planet." Many special rights, whether applying for the opportunity to condense the eternal body or supporting the civilization of your solar system, will play a big role."

"Of course you can also give up this reward. This is your right."

After listening to Qiao Xuel's words in his heart, Xu Lei naturally understood what the other party meant. It would be a bit pretentious to choose to refuse after saying this.

What's more, he couldn't refuse just the support for the solar system.

You must know that Setan controls the distribution of crystal nuclei.

The manufacture of medium-sized battleships, large Star Destroyers and light speed spacecraft requires the addition of crystal cores to ensure performance.

If the solar system can be supported by Setan, the benefits are self-evident.

Green Star relied on this to cultivate two warship manufacturing companies, Chenxing Group and Halo Heavy Industries, which accounted for most of the Orion spiral arm market. Their development speed was equivalent to being hit on the double speed button.

I don’t know how many second-level civilizations envied me at the beginning.

So taking this into consideration, Xu Lei no longer hesitated and immediately said: "I am willing to accept the identity of a Setan."

This time, the first fleet of Setan Star achieved a major victory in the battle against the Zerg, completely wiping out the sea dragon lice group on the Blue Scale Star without any damage.

And kill its queen leader.

This kind of record is worth learning from other intelligent civilizations in the galaxy.

It has strong reference significance.

Originally, the Orion spiral arm was one of the weaker spiral arms in the Milky Way.

If it were not for the deterrence of Setan's mechanical civilization, I am afraid that a lot of resources would be taken away by the other three spiral arms.

Now that something like this is happening on Setan Planet to gain face for itself, it will definitely not be hidden.

We need to let the entire galaxy civilization know about it.

It can be said that almost as soon as the First Fleet returned to Setan, it compiled complete information about the war and submitted it to the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

In addition to affirming Setan, the headquarters of the Galaxy Civilization Administration also uploaded relevant content to the administration's information treasure trove.

This allows intelligent civilizations throughout the galaxy to see it.

But as Qiao Xiure said, this incident successfully made everyone remember the solar system and Xu Lei.

No matter what, it is unimaginable that a civilization originating from the galaxy in the suburbs of the Orion spiral arm could develop a biological agent targeting the sea dragon louse gene chain in a short period of time, and achieve unprecedented results. This is definitely a genius among geniuses.

In particular, the opponent was able to kill the leader of the Sea Dragon Lice Queen on his own, which was truly a combination of civil and military skills.

Many civilizations are envious of the emergence of such top talents in the Orion spiral arm.

What's more worth mentioning is that as everyone has a deeper understanding of Xu Lei and the solar system, they are even more attracted by the Chinese character language used by the civilization of the solar system.

They all started to study it with great interest.

So much so that during this period, intelligent civilizations throughout the galaxy were discussed on the Galaxy Civilization Administration platform.

"This solar system seems to have been registered with the administration on Setan not long ago, and it seems that it was this Xu Lei who did it."

"Being able to synthesize biological agents against the Zerg in such a short period of time is probably not much worse than the Red Rock Galaxy."

"It seems that Setan Planet intends to cultivate this Xu Lei."

"Our Orion spiral arm is finally about to rise, and this incident is the best proof."

"The language system of this solar system civilization seems very interesting. It is much better to study than the official language of the Milky Way!"

"Does anyone know where I can buy this No. 1 biopharmaceutical in the solar system? We have also found traces of sea dragon lice here."

"In the Milky Way, who doesn't know that our Perseus spiral arm is the strongest, and the Orion spiral arm is not qualified."

"This is a good thing for the galaxy. At least there will be a new plan to deal with the Zerg in the future."

While the Orion spiral arm is gaining momentum, the most unhappy one is the Perseus arm, the other three major spiral arms of the Milky Way.

As the largest level three intelligent civilization in the Perseus spiral arm, the Red Rock Galaxy has a population of tens of billions and a high level of science and technology.

This is something that Setan cannot compare to.

Because the third-level civilizations in the other two major spiral arms are all carbon-based life forms and cannot compare with the Red Rock Galaxy in all aspects, I am very reassured about the Red Rock Galaxy.

Knowing that they would never threaten their place in the galaxy.

But Saitan is different.

As the only level three mechanical civilization, their combat power is difficult to make up for with their numerical advantage.

Therefore, the two sides are always fighting openly and secretly.

Originally, the Red Rock Galaxy relied on its strong technological level to develop various pharmaceuticals targeting carbon-based life, as well as biological pharmaceuticals that were effective against the Zerg, and all of them were sold to various civilizations in the galaxy.

But the appearance of Xu Lei and Solar System No. 1 made them feel a crisis.

If Setan really relies on Xu Lei to make up for its shortcomings in the biological field, it will be very detrimental to them.

Under this circumstance, the Red Rock Galaxy federal agency also quickly held a plenary meeting to discuss the follow-up response to the incident and the comprehensive elimination of the impact.

"I have already investigated the situation of this solar system civilization. It is just a first-class civilization that has just been registered with the administration. There is nothing to worry about."

Perseus spiral arm.

Red Rock Star.

Central Special Zone.

In the Federal Building, which symbolizes the highest power, many congressmen expressed their opinions at a round table meeting.

Due to the strength and pride of the third-level civilization, I really can’t imagine what kind of threat a weak first-level civilization can bring to the Hongyan Galaxy.

As the chatter box was opened, other congressmen also expressed their opinions.

"The civilization of the solar system is indeed not worthy of our attention, but the individual life form named Xu Lei from this galaxy has very strong potential. He can synthesize the No. 1 potion of the solar system on his own in a short period of time. I am afraid that his technological level has surpassed ours by many. the scientist."

"In addition, this civilization is a semi-carbon-based, semi-mechanical life structure. Even though it is very rare in the entire galaxy, I am afraid it will have some connection with Setan."

"Soon will be the day when the Galactic Civilization Administration will allocate resources for the new era. We must remain vigilant about the Orion spiral arm."

"I suggest that you can have appropriate contact with this living entity named Xu Lei."

After all the members finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to the person in charge.

What he saw was a young man with a strong face and red hair. Although he looked very young, his overall aura was very mature and steady.

It seems to have survived for thousands of years.

The reason why everyone has to wait for his final decision is because he is the oldest member of the Red Rock Star.

Speaking of which, the Red Rock Galaxy, as a carbon-based intelligent civilization, is no different from humans in terms of appearance. This is because they all have fiery red hair.

Even the pupils look very strange because of the red color.

Hero listened to everyone's opinions in his heart. As everyone said, it won't be long before the Galaxy Civilization Administration will divide resources in the new era, including the allocation of crystal nuclei.

no doubt.

The number and power of battleships in the galaxy is the fundamental factor that best reflects the strength of a civilization.

The possession of crystallized cores determines the number of battleships manufactured, so this allocation is particularly important to the four spiral arms.

Although the allocation pattern is different in each era, their red rock galaxies always obtain the most resources for the Perseus spiral arm, and this result has lasted for many eras.

But at such an important time, Setan not only attracted a lot of attention, but also launched such a special life form.

It really makes people have to pay attention to this.

After all, if something unexpected happens during this resource allocation, the Perseus spiral arm will inevitably be ridiculed by the other three spiral arms.

This is something the Red Rock Galaxy never wants to happen.

Therefore, after a slight hesitation, Congressman Shiro officially stated his position: "Then Congressman Longshan will represent our Red Rock Galaxy as an envoy to Setan. While inquiring about their situation, he will also meet with the life form named Xu Lei. Try to make contact.”

"Okay, Congressman Hiro." Longshan responded immediately after hearing his name.

Compared to Heroon Mountain, it looks rougher and has a stronger body shape. Although it has to go to other spiral arms without any trouble, it doesn't show any displeasure.

Immediately after the meeting ended, all the members stood up and left, and Longshan wanted to leave as soon as possible.

As for Xu Lei, he naturally doesn't know that because of his performance on Blue Scale Star, the entire civilization of the galaxy has been affected.

"It is indeed a right that third-level civilized citizens can enjoy. It is really enviable!"

Thousand Star City.

In the hotel room, Xu Lei was studying his newly acquired Setan identity.

After seeing the relevant rights clauses, I murmured a few words softly to myself from time to time, and even felt a little lucky that I had accepted this special reward.

After leaving the Seitan City House, he took special transportation directly back to Thousand Stars City, and also made a special trip to the Security Administration Bureau.

He informed Xishuo that he had developed Solar System One and received hundreds of millions of contribution points.

However, the relevant information has long been uploaded to the information treasure house of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, so Xi Shuo naturally already knew about this.

At the same time, I feel lucky to have chosen Xu Lei to realize my dream of condensing an eternal body on my behalf.

And he also specifically asked Xu Lei to seize the opportunity to condense the eternal body no matter what, and enter the deepest part of the House where the resources of Setan are located.

Although Xu Lei had long been determined, what Xi Shuo said made him even more sure that it would not be too easy to get this opportunity.

And he will never be intimidated by difficulties, but feels eager to try.

Generate a desire for knowledge about unknown things.

Because Xishuo didn't have time to do other things, he just returned to his place of residence and couldn't wait to study the final reward for eradicating the sea dragon lice.

That is, the identity of the Setans.

The so-called identity of a Setan planet simply means being able to possess relevant permissions.

For example, relying on the civilization management system to achieve cross-galactic communication, all planets with star gates can exchange information without barriers.

In other words, when the solar system has a star gate, Xu Lei can contact Qiao Xiuer Xishuo and the others on the Earth star and grasp intelligence information in a timely manner. In a way, the role of the star gate is a bit like a quantum relay station on the Earth star.

Xu Lei only knew about this.

Unexpectedly, Stargate has such additional functions.

It can only be said that the first-level civilization in the solar system alone is not enough to enjoy these rights.


Thousand Star City's third-level star gate will also be free for him to use from now on.

Xu Lei feels good about this.

You must know that after purchasing the medium-sized battleship, plus the size of the large Star Destroyer, the cost of using the Light Star Gate will be a huge number.

Now I can just save this Galaxy Coin.

What surprised him even more was that no matter where the Setan people were treated unfairly, they could apply for support from the Setan planet. This was simply a form of protection to the extreme.

After reading all the rights clauses, Xu Lei finally understood why Qiao Xiuer gave him such a reward.

After all, with the identity of a Setan, it will be relatively convenient in the future whether it is to obtain the qualification to condense the eternal body or to support the civilization of the solar system, and this is exactly what he needs at this stage.

"The next step is to prepare to go to Green Planet and then return to the solar system."

After spending some time to understand all the rights terms of the Setan identity, Xu Lei slowly exhaled and murmured the follow-up plans as if to himself.

Although it will take a certain amount of time to go to Green Star, it is a must.

Mainly, three large Star Destroyers alone may be able to easily defeat the fleet of the Pioneer Empire, but they do not meet the conditions for applying to become a second-level civilization. In this case, they must go to Green Star to purchase a certain number of medium-sized battleships.

Only by forming a complete fleet can one qualify as a second-level civilization.

Besides, he doesn't like to wait.

Last time, Codi, the son of the Chenxing Group, killed him in the Milky Way, and later hired a team of bounty hunters to kill him in the Blue Scale Star. This matter must be resolved before returning to the solar system.

Because next time when the solar system civilization has its own star gate, human beings will officially move onto the big stage of the Milky Way.

Keeping an enemy in the dark is not a smart move.

If something really happens, I'm afraid it won't be too late to regret it.

Anyway, he has already contacted Lina from Halo Heavy Industries, and she is responsible for his trip on Green Planet.

It won't be too much of a waste of time.

When he sold the curvature light speed spacecraft manufacturing technology to Halo Heavy Industries earlier, he received a VIP card as a gift from the other party, which can be put to use now.

After all, you can save a lot of Galaxy coins.

Xu Lei does not intend to spend all the Galaxy Coins he currently owns.

At that time, it will be exchanged into a crystal core belt to enter the solar system.

Crystal cores are a necessity for manufacturing medium-sized and large warships. In the future, humans will definitely build their own complete production lines for large-scale warship manufacturing. Simply buying from outside is definitely not a long-term solution, and Xu Lei believes that when the light-speed spacecraft built by Halo Heavy Industries begins to disappear, he will The influence gained is enough to purchase related technology in the Science and Technology Museum.

that's all.

After Xu Lei was ready, he set off from the hotel to the Star Gate.

Since this was not his first time using the Star Gate, he was familiar with it and completed the relevant procedures quickly.

In addition, he now has the identity of a Setan planet, and does not even need to pay the Galaxy coins required to use the star gate. He then sets the arrival location behind the Green Star and enters the star gate directly.

Let’s talk about Green Star.

Although Ko Di, the son of the Chenxing Group, knew that his assassination operation had failed and that Xu Lei had defeated the sea dragon lice and returned in triumph, he himself was not too worried.

Because in his opinion, Xu Lei couldn't possibly know that he did it.

There is no conclusive evidence pointing to it.

He couldn't find his head, but he didn't know that Xu Lei had already arrived at Green Star.

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