My science and technology museum

Chapter 231 Give him this chance

Nowadays, future technology companies have a pivotal position in the world, and no one or force dares to underestimate them.

Coupled with the quantum network covering most of the world, even Bei Magnesium, which is recognized as the strongest, has become quiet in the past two years and has no more trouble with future technology companies.

Although Neon has not joined the global quantum network, it does not need to worry about future technological threats.

But the domestic medical system dares to do this.

Report future technology smart medical cabins directly to the WHO.

Demand that its products be removed from the shelves.

It's really bold.

Fortunately, Masahiro Suzuki, as the initiator of the matter, has sufficient influence in the medical community.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will be taken away by the cabinet for investigation.

However, since the people here in Neon have rarely used future technology products, they have no favorable impression or clear understanding of them.

So after seeing Masahiro Suzuki's post, they all expressed their support for it.

We believe that cracking down on false products to maintain the stability of the medical system is a very just thing.

In particular, Masahiro Suzuki is an expert in treating cancer.

It's just a matter of sealing him a cancer fairy.

Moreover, after reading Masahiro Suzuki’s post, everyone feels that the smart medical cabin of Future Technology is simply fraudulent and cannot be compared with excellent doctors in any case.

Since future technology has grown to a certain height, its name has represented absolute popularity.

Whether on the external network or the internal network.

As long as it is related to future technology, it will attract the attention of many platform users.

And the smart medical cabin suddenly became popular on the Internet in this way, how could domestic netizens not know about it.

Unlike most overseas users who follow the trend.

They watched the live broadcast of the surgery with their own eyes and were very clear about the functional level of the smart medical cabin.

Its effect contains absolutely no moisture.

Besides, so many large and small hospitals across the country, including Union Hospital, have purchased this smart medical cabin, which is enough to explain any problem.

After all, no one is a fool.

If there is really a problem with the smart medical cabin, how can it be purchased with confidence?

After all, it affects every patient’s life.

So when you see your own products being so slandered overseas, there is no reason to just sit back and do nothing.

So under this situation, a large number of netizens began to jump over the wall and flood into the external network to connect with those users of Neon, resolutely maintaining the positive image of the smart medical cabin.

Maybe it’s because the number of people in Neon is limited.

Even with the help of many overseas netizens, they were still defeated in the end.

The relevant content below is full of comments praising the smart medical cabin.

Even if a few trolls appear, they will soon be completely covered by new comments, forcing the platform official to come forward to solve the problem.

It can be said to be extremely lively.

"The power of the smart medical cabin is beyond what you little dwarfs can imagine."

"The thinking is really narrow-minded. This is the disadvantage of refusing to join the global quantum network in the first place!"

"To tell you the truth, the effect of the smart medical cabin is not only comparable to that of excellent doctors, but also the effect of many doctors put together."

"I think you know you won't be able to enjoy it, so you are deliberately trying to smear it with jealousy."

"Professor Suzuki's words are absolutely correct."

"If you have the ability, come here and compare to see which one is better, your doctors or our smart medical cabin."

Information on the Internet always spreads very quickly, not to mention that it is still quantum communication.

However, Xu Lei was very calm about what happened overseas and did not take the impact of this incident too seriously.

Tuesday, November 19th.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the president's office, Hange handed a report to Xu Lei and briefly explained it at the same time.

"Mr. Xu."

"The current number of orders for smart medical cabins has exceeded 100,000 units."

"The production base is accelerating production."

"I believe that deliveries will be completed soon, and our smart medical cabins will be used in major hospitals across the country."

After Zhao Lijiang officially took over the Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital, Hange finally got away.

Arranged by Xu Lei to be mainly responsible for the sales of smart medical cabins.

Temporarily connect with the purchasing departments of various hospitals.

After listening to Hange's report, Xu Lei did not read the detailed paper report, but calmly gave instructions to Hange.

"very good."

"The construction of the new production line must be completed as soon as possible."

"Strive to further expand production capacity."

But underneath his seemingly calm face, Xu Lei was actually equally happy and excited.

Because Xu Lei has observed influence in the past few days and found that the increase in influence has little to do with the number of smart medical cabins sold. The key is the number of patients treated by the smart medical cabin.

According to his calculations, the influence of the smart medical cabin will increase a little bit every time it treats a patient.

So wanting to reach millions of influencers.

It is necessary for smart medical cabins to treat more than one million patients.

It would definitely not be possible to rely solely on these smart medical cabins in the Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital. After all, the number of patients that can be received every day is very limited.

The best way is to spread smart medical pods to tens of thousands of hospitals across the country as soon as possible. By then, with so many smart medical pods treating patients and performing surgeries at the same time, it will be very simple and easy to earn millions of influence points.

Now, most hospitals across the country have basically purchased smart medical cabins under the instructions from above.

It's just that the number varies depending on the size of each hospital.

That is to say, there is currently no way for future technology to produce hundreds of thousands of smart medical pods at once.

Otherwise, the influence would have been enough to unlock new exhibits.

It is for this reason that Xu Lei wants to build additional production lines, hoping that production capacity can be doubled.

This way the progress in the middle can be much faster.

You must know that there are no small voices calling for the opening of private purchase channels for smart medical cabins. Many users with relatively well-off family conditions want to install one at home.

At least when the body encounters an emergency, the smart medical cabin can be used for first aid.

This is equivalent to having a life-saving means.

The sense of security is great.

But in the end Xu Lei did not pass this proposal.

After all, no matter how many smart medical pods are sold for private use, the number of patients treated will not increase significantly.

Xu Lei can't think of any other benefits besides making money for the company.

The essential.

The most important thing the company lacks now is money.

Therefore, according to Xu Lei's plan, it is better to wait until it has enough influence to meet the needs of domestic hospitals before opening up private purchasing channels.

Anyway, after the new production line is completed, this time should not be too long.


Although the smart medical cabin will not be sold to families for the time being, Xu Lei shipped two units to his parents.

In this way, if the parents' health suddenly becomes unwell, they can rely on the smart medical cabin to turn the crisis around in time, so that they can feel more at ease when they stay in their hometown.

After Han Ge didn't have to worry about the hospital's affairs, he worked very hard on the sales of the smart medical cabin, and he seemed to maintain a high level of enthusiasm at all times.

The main reason is that he is not from the medical field and has no interest in managing hospitals.

Fortunately, Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital does not require doctor treatment, and only relies on smart medical cabins. Otherwise, things in the hospital will definitely increase exponentially.

In that case, Hange really might not be able to persevere.

Now that I can do the work I am interested in, I will definitely not slack off.

So when faced with Xu Lei's instructions, he naturally did not dare to hesitate and quickly made a confident assurance.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu."

"I will fully cooperate with Professor Hu to ensure that the new production line is completed in the shortest time."


"If you have nothing else to do, just go and get busy."

After listening to Hange's words, Xu Lei nodded and told the other party to go about his business.

After hearing this, Hange stopped staying in the office too much, and then turned around and exited the office, preparing to go to the smart medical cabin production base to discuss the construction of a new manufacturer with Hu Xinren.

Not long after.

When Hange's figure completely disappeared from sight.

Xu Lei turned his attention to Chen Shihe next to him and took the initiative to ask about the commotion overseas in the past two days.


"How's it going over there in Neon?"

"And Masahiro Suzuki, has he come up with any new tricks?"

In fact, when he first learned about this incident, Xu Lei was a little confused. He did not expect that a medical professor from Neon would jump out of nowhere and express doubts about the function of the smart medical cabin.

After all, the condition of the smart medical cabin has nothing to do with them.

After Xingtong's investigation later, Xu Lei knew that the other party was worried that the smart medical cabin would one day completely change the global medical system, but by then his status in Dongjing would be reduced.

Also, out of confidence in his own technology, he didn't take the smart medical cabin seriously at all.

I don’t even believe that a machine can perform surgery better than an excellent doctor.

If he can expose the true face of future technology, he will definitely attract the attention of all forces around the world.

Of course, Suzuki Masahiro's behavior is equivalent to a clown in Xu Lei's eyes, and he is too lazy to waste energy and pay too much attention.

But Chen Shihe's next answer surprised him a little.

"Mr. Xu."

"Masahiro Suzuki is still active on the Internet in the past two days, and is currently trying various methods to prove that our smart medical cabin cannot be compared with doctors."


"The WHO intends to send an investigation team here."

Hearing that the investigation team was coming, Xu Lei suddenly realized that Masahiro Suzuki was not the only one behind this incident. After thinking for a while, he made a decision.

"Masahiro Suzuki just wants to prove that their doctor's skills are great, so let's just give him this opportunity."

"Invite them over as a company to compete."

"Let's see which one is their neon doctor's technology, or our smart medical cabin is more powerful. We will broadcast it live globally for everyone to witness."

Xu Lei's idea is very simple. Since there are so many people overseas who question the functions of smart medical cabins, he just takes this opportunity to completely make smart medical cabins famous around the world.

Once they see the effect of the smart medical cabin with their own eyes, they may have a different attitude.

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