My science and technology museum

Chapter 167 Special Gift

According to the members of the Guge Quantum Computer Laboratory, being able to increase the number of controlled qubits several times and officially break through thousands of qubits is a very significant breakthrough.

It is enough to establish their absolute leading position in this quantum computing competition.

It will have a positive effect on the company and quantum research.

So how could Ellis miss such a good publicity opportunity? So after leaving the laboratory, he immediately contacted the world's authoritative magazines and media to publish relevant papers.

Announced that the Goog quantum computer has achieved the control of thousands of qubits.


This is a provocation to future technology.

I want to tell Xu Lei that future technology cannot surpass Guge in the research of quantum computing.

In the past, Future Technology relied on its own advanced technology to firmly gain the upper hand, leaving Guge to be passively beaten.

Now that quantum computer research has finally found a chance to make a comeback, both Ellis and Wu Kangsheng are very happy.

And when the news quickly spread to China, it immediately aroused heated discussion after being reported by the news media.

This made the long-dormant Longfor Light project of future technology come up again, but unfortunately, helplessness was revealed in the words.

"I didn't expect that in the end, overseas would take the lead. The quantum computer jointly developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Science and Technology needs to work harder!"

"When did Guge become so fierce!"

"How about Future Technology's Longfor Light Quantum Computer? Why does it feel like there's been no news for a long time?"

"Isn't it normal that there is no news? It has only been a few months since the Longfor Light project was confirmed. Future Technology has just entered this field and is in its infancy. It would be strange for new news to come out."

"With thousands of qubits, I don't know when we can catch up with Shanghai."

"We can only count on projects from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Science and Technology. After all, their research time is quite long."

"To be honest, it is better to develop other projects for future technology. We are only getting involved in the quantum field at this time. I don't know how many years it will take to achieve results."

Of course, Xu Lei was very aware of the Guge incident and the online discussions, but he did not respond to it.

After all, Guge's computer that controls thousands of qubits is indeed good compared to other quantum laboratories, but in front of the light of Longhu, it is almost like a toddler still babbling.

Can't get on the stage at all.

How could Xu Lei lower his status to use an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes?

You should make the other person happy for a few days.

Anyway, once the quantum algorithm and quantum operating system are completed, no matter whether the world is willing to accept it or not, it will not be able to prevent the arrival of the era of quantum computing.

Soon the time will come to the first of next month.

Because he wanted to attend the anniversary of his alma mater, Xu Lei took his high-end Xingyuan smart car in the morning and set off from Longhu High-tech Park to Binjiang Engineering University.

It is worth mentioning that considering the occasion, Xu Lei did not ask the company's security personnel to follow him.

Only this one car was driven.

After all, with the safety performance of the Xingyuan smart car and Cheng Fei following him, nothing would happen in Binjiang City.

In addition to Cheng Fei, there were two other people in the car, Chen Shihe and Xiao Chengyong.

The two of them, Chen Shihe, were originally from Binjiang Engineering University, so it was natural for them to participate in the anniversary.

As for Xiao Chengyong, he has other functions.

Since Xu Lei wants to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss cooperation with Warwick, he must bring people in related fields, and Xiao Chengyong is a researcher studying quantum communications.

Not long after.

When an ordinary-looking white Xingyuan smart car drove into the campus, principal Yao Liming personally led several people to the car's parking space.

"Principal Yao."

"Welcome, Mr. Xu, to attend the anniversary of your alma mater."

As a junior, Xu Lei took the initiative to reach out and say hello to Yao Liming after getting off the car, and received an enthusiastic response from him.

Xu Lei then turned his gaze to look at the people behind him, and immediately noticed a few familiar figures.

Including Professor Tang Peiqin and his instructor Zhao Hai.

What he didn't expect the most was that Qiao Mu was among them, smiling playfully at him.

So after Xu Lei said hello to Tang Peiqin and Zhao Hai, he immediately came to Qiao Mu's side, put his right hand skillfully on his shoulder and asked with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a while, right? Are Qiangzi and Zhentao here too?"

Speaking of which, Xu Lei couldn't remember how long it had been since there was no new news in their group.

The main reason is that everyone has their own lives and we are not in the same city, so it is difficult to find time for everyone to get together.

Both of them were worried that exchanging messages rashly would disturb each other's regular life, so they had to bury this affection in their hearts and take it out from time to time to reminisce about the good times of their youth.

If we really want to calculate it in detail, the last time they were all together was the time when they went back to school to receive their diplomas.

Compared with the complimentary attitude of those school leaders when facing Xu Lei, Qiao Mu was obviously more natural.

He immediately replied: "Although they didn't attend the school anniversary, I brought them to Binjiang City. Let's get together privately after the school anniversary is over?"

Qiao Mu is now a relatively famous anchor. Although his status is not as good as that of Xu Lei, at least he is not short of money.

In this case, he didn't need to go out of his way to curry favor with Xu Lei. All he really cared about was the affection.

After hearing that Qiangzi and Wang Zhentao had also come to Binjiang City, Xu Lei was undoubtedly very happy and agreed to Qiao Mu's proposal without saying a word.

"No problem, it's settled."

It wasn't until Principal Yao next to him reminded Xu Lei that he needed to go to the school anniversary venue that Xu Lei temporarily stopped talking.

Follow Yao Liming towards the venue.

It has to be said that Xu Lei is the focus of the audience no matter where he goes nowadays.

After arriving at the school auditorium, he immediately attracted the eager eyes of many people.

These people include business tycoons, industry upstarts who have just started their businesses, outstanding student representatives and news media personnel who are carrying long guns and short guns.

Xu Lei was not stingy about this, he smiled and said hello to everyone and the camera.

What Xu Lei didn't expect was that he saw Yu Hongliang in the front seat.

However, the two only made eye contact and did not talk about anything.

As for Qiao Mu, who was at the back, his eyes were fixed on Xu Lei, who was radiating light in the crowd, and a bright smile could not help but appear on his face.

Because he understands that although Xu Lei is now a national academician and everyone admires Mr. Xu, he is still the familiar Brother Lei.

This has never changed.

The entire school anniversary process is actually nothing special. After the principal has finished speaking, outstanding graduates will give speeches, including Xu Lei.

In addition to simply giving a speech, you must also express your support for your alma mater.

After all, after making such great achievements outside, we must help the school cultivate the next generation of outstanding talents.

Future Technology has always done a good job in this matter.

Many of the outstanding personnel who graduated from Binjiang Engineering University have entered future science and technology jobs. Xu Lei's funding of his alma mater can be regarded as a disguised form of cultivating talents for the company in advance.

But this time he had prepared something special.

Just after Xu Lei came on stage and said those motivational words according to the speech script, he suddenly spoke again and made a decision that surprised everyone in the audience.

"I know that Binjiang Engineering University has opened a new quantum computing major this year. As a senior, I will build a quantum computer for these juniors for daily teaching and research."


In addition to the quantum computer in Longfor Park, Xu Lei also plans to build a second quantum computer in Binjiang City.

It is natural that the address should be chosen as the School of Quantum Computing and Communications of Binjiang Engineering University.

To realize the popularization of quantum terminal equipment, it may be difficult to rely solely on quantum relay stations, and a certain number of superconducting quantum computers must be built.

Cities such as the imperial and magical cities of Yangcheng and Shenzhen will become cities with quantum computers.

In this way, several quantum computers are linked to each other, and with the help of quantum relay stations, their quantum signals can even cover the world, creating a true era of quantum computing.

Mainly this year, Binjiang Engineering University has just opened a major related to the quantum field. Having a quantum computer at this time will undoubtedly greatly increase the value of the major. After completing your studies, you will be able to join the quantum computing communication business of future technology.

Anyway, no matter where the quantum computer is built, it will mainly provide powerful computing power support for future technology businesses, and the school will not take up much of it.

As Xu Lei finished speaking, the students in the audience were undoubtedly excited to hear it. They did not expect that they would directly assist a quantum computer for a new major in the school.

Suddenly, he couldn't help shouting slogans commonly used by young people.

"Mr. Xu is awesome!"

But as the saying goes, laymen only see the excitement but insiders know the rules. Many professors who were engaged in related research and development work did not show much surprise on their faces.

Because in his opinion, the quantum computer Xu Lei mentioned is probably not as powerful as what he is studying, and it is not certain whether it can control double-digit qubits.

As everyone knows, it has only been a few months since Future Technology entered the field of quantum computing.

To what extent can we develop a quantum computer from scratch?

However, everyone doesn’t know it at the moment. It won’t be long before the quantum students of Binjiang Engineering University will become the most envied objects of college students across the country.

However, when the entire school anniversary process was basically over and Xu Lei was about to go to Ren Yuanwei to discuss cooperation, he saw principal Yao Liming leading two middle-aged men who looked like professors and seemed to want to discuss something.

Seeing this, Xu Lei had to stop temporarily and wait for them to come over.

Perhaps because he was worried that it would affect Xu Lei's time too much, Yao Liming did not deliberately show off. He immediately took the initiative to introduce Xu Lei when he came near.

"Mr. Xu, these two are professors from HKUST. They are responsible for the research and development of optical quantum computers and superconducting quantum computers respectively."

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