My science and technology museum

Chapter 121 Metal all-solid-state battery [Please subscribe]

Xu Lei didn't know how many times he had come to the museum hall. He could only know the location of each booth so clearly. When he saw that a new exhibit had been unlocked, he immediately walked towards it.

Unlike the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine that looked very large last time, the items in the booth this time were smaller.

And the appearance gives people a more familiar feeling.

"Is it a battery?"

After muttering to himself, Xu Lei decisively turned his attention to the information screen next to him.

All of the above contents immediately caught my eye.

Name: Metal all-solid-state battery

Level: Zero level civilization

Evaluation: Promote scientific development and realize power revolution.

Influence: 0/100000

Collection unit: Universe Civilization Science and Technology Museum

As Xu Lei guessed, the exhibits unlocked this time are relatively common batteries.

And he is no stranger to solid-state batteries.

Unlike today's mainstream liquid lithium batteries, solid-state batteries have higher safety and will not heat, spontaneously ignite or even explode during charging and use.


Solid-state batteries also have the advantages of high energy density and long cycle life.

In addition, it does not need to encapsulate liquid and has the advantage of flexibility, making its production efficiency higher than traditional lithium batteries.

It is the next generation product that many battery manufacturers are currently tackling.

However, due to technical limitations and high manufacturing costs, they may not be able to replace traditional lithium batteries in the next few years.

To be honest, Xu Lei was quite surprised by the solid-state battery unlocked this time.

I didn’t expect energy items to appear.

But at the same time, Xu Lei also knew the value it would bring.

There is no shortage of electricity on this planet. What is lacking is batteries that can store electricity efficiently.

If this kind of metal solid-state battery is really produced and used in digital products such as mobile phones and laptops, it will greatly improve the battery life of the device, and there will no longer be a need to carry a power bank data cable when going out.

After all, as the performance of smart devices becomes higher and higher, it is difficult for thin, light and small-capacity batteries to sustain for a long time.

Basically, it needs to be charged several times a day.

Some people wish they had the charging cable plugged into their phone 24 hours a day.

It has quickly become a shortcoming of smart devices.

There are also new energy vehicles that have emerged in recent years. Due to problems such as battery life and long charging time, they can only be driven in cities and cannot travel long distances or take highways.

This makes new energy vehicles unable to compare with gasoline vehicles in terms of sales.

Fossil energy is a non-renewable energy source and will retire sooner or later with the continuous progress of society.

By that time new energy vehicles will become mainstream.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that whoever can achieve major technological breakthroughs in battery research will control the core lifeblood of the industry.

However, Xu Lei also knew that the battery on the booth was of little use. The key was the detailed production technology contained in it. As long as he mastered all the technologies, he could invest in building a factory to produce all-solid-state batteries on a large scale.

When his thoughts reached this point, Xu Lei no longer hesitated and immediately clicked on the note below the information screen.

Carefully review the technical information included with the battery.

Time stands still in the museum, making it impossible to feel its passage.

I don't know how much time passed before I saw Xu Lei looking away from the information screen, without concealing the excitement on his face.

"This time I really unlocked a good thing. It is worthy of being a battery that can be collected in a museum."

While murmuring softly in his mouth, the detailed introduction mentioned in the relevant technical knowledge came to mind.

According to the various technical knowledge in the notes, this metal all-solid-state battery uses a special polymer electrolyte, which is not only thin, light and safe, but also has three to five times the battery life of traditional lithium batteries of the same volume.

In other words, a mobile phone that can play for five hours can have a battery life of up to twenty-five hours after using this battery.

In the same way, if you switch to new energy vehicle batteries, the mileage will be greatly improved.

And its charging speed is very fast. It is about the size of a mobile phone battery, and it only takes a few minutes to fully charge it.

And these data are unknown compared to the semi-solid-state batteries currently studied by battery manufacturers.

The key is that Xu Lei can also reduce costs through technical means.

You can imagine how this battery will change the world when it is applied to various industries. At least the usage rate of fossil energy will show a plummeting trend.

More conducive to environmental protection.

As the museum commented, it can bring about a power revolution.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that Xu Lei feels that unlocking such an exhibit is more meaningful than the technology of a first-level civilization.

After all, in the absence of new progress in basic materials, the technology that will lead to the emergence of advanced civilization may not be possible.

There is also the issue of influence.

The influence requirements are the same as those of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines, both reaching 100,000 points.

This was what he expected.

At least there is no exponential improvement.

Based on previous judgments and experience, if there are no mistakes, it is estimated that it can be achieved by producing 50 million batteries.

Perhaps it is not easy to achieve this number of batteries used in new energy vehicles, but batteries used in mobile phone digital products are relatively simple.

After determining the next plan, the most important thing Xu Lei needs to do is to acquire a battery factory and conduct research on the solid electrolyte used in batteries.

Building a battery production plant from scratch would require too much time and cost.

It does not conform to Xu Lei's concept.

It is most appropriate to choose to acquire existing production lines to open up the market first, and then build a new factory after demand increases.

The most indispensable thing for future technology now is funds. Investing in a battery production company of some scale is not a problem at all.

As for the issue of solid electrolytes, it is a relatively core technology because it is related to whether the battery can work in common temperature environments, as well as the cycle life and capacitance size.

In addition, it involves some special materials that have not yet been synthesized by the industry. It will take some time and effort to develop them.

"It seems that the laboratory in the park will come in handy." After Xu Lei made a general decision in his mind, he muttered to himself and turned his attention to the information screen in front of him again.

Be prepared to transfer all the technical knowledge involved above into your mind first.

The next morning.

Although it was not the time for the weekly meeting, after Xu Lei returned to the office after breakfast, he still asked Chen Shihe to call in Lu Hongbo, Zhang Xia, Liang Fuxing, Han Ge and others.

"There is nothing particularly important for you to come here today, but I am planning to acquire a medium-sized battery production plant. You will pay more attention to this matter in the next few days."

"Acquiring a battery manufacturing plant?"

After Liang Fuxing heard Xu Lei's words, he was slightly startled subconsciously and couldn't help blurting out.

Mainly he doesn't quite understand this matter.

Future Technology's current business covers game engine chip design, software, Internet security and other fields, and each of them plays a pivotal role in the world.

In particular, Xu Lei himself owns half of the shares of Loongson Group.

Under such circumstances, breaking through to acquire a battery manufacturing plant seems to be a thankless task no matter how you look at it.

But Liang Fuxing was surprised, but he didn't ask further questions.

After all, he also understood that leaders did not like employees who had different opinions. No matter what decision Xu Lei made, as a subordinate, he should give his full support.

Besides, even Lu Hongbo, Zhang Xia and Hange, who were more senior than him, didn't speak rashly at this time, so why did he have so much to say.

In fact, Zhang Xiahange also had doubts when she heard this. But after staying under Xu Lei for such a long time, they knew very well that Xu Lei would never do something without warning.

Every decision made is bound to be well thought out.

On the other hand, Lu Hongbo next to him seemed to have thought of something. Under his shiny head, his face gradually became rosy with excitement. He paused for about ten seconds before speaking excitedly.

"Mr. Xu, are you planning to enter the battery field?"

In Lu Hongbo's mind, Xu Lei is a person who truly cares about the development of domestic technology.

The sudden proposal to acquire a battery manufacturer must be because he wants to develop domestic battery technology. Thinking that Xu Lei, despite being so successful now, still chooses to enter new fields and develop technology from scratch, how can it not be exciting to think about this attitude and persistence.

"That's the idea."

Seeing that Lu Hongbo guessed what he meant, Xu Lei nodded and admitted.

After confirming his guess, Lu Hongbo's heart suddenly beat a few times, and then he said decisively: "Mr. Xu, I am willing to transfer to the newly established battery technology department to contribute to the rise of domestic battery technology. "

For Lu Hongbo, he had long wanted to develop new technical products with Xu Lei, but because he was responsible for the Magic Star Engine business, he failed the first two times.

But now that the Fantasy Star Engine has occupied the vast majority of the global market, and there are no competitors, it will be no problem even if he leaves the responsibility to others.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed again this time.

Xu Lei was quite pleased to see that Lu Hongbo was so concerned about battery technology.

However, considering his professional expertise, as a talent in the field of software development, it is difficult for him to play a role in the research of battery technology.

So in the end he had to shake his head and respond: "I will personally take charge of the newly established battery production company. You should take care of the business of the Magic Star engine."

"That's it, I understand Mr. Xu."

He was rejected again. Although Lu Hongbo felt regretful in his heart, he still responded with this sentence.

He didn't insist too much to embarrass Xu Lei.

At this time, after confirming Xu Lei's determination, others began to focus on this matter and think about battery manufacturers suitable for acquisition.

Not long after, Zhang Xia said in a deep voice: "By the way, Mr. Xu, I know that there is a company in our city that specializes in the production of lithium batteries. Due to poor sales, the current revenue is in negative growth. Maybe we can negotiate."

Thanks to Su Jin for the 100-point reward!

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