My science and technology museum

Chapter 107 Can it really be restored? 【Please subscribe】

"According to the latest statistics from several Internet security protection companies, nearly 600,000 terminal devices have been attacked as of this morning, and the damage caused is currently unknown."

Binjiang City, Future Technology Company.

In the president's office, Chen Shihe stood in front of his desk and reported to Xu Lei the ransomware incident that had caused heated discussion across the Internet.

Xu Lei listened to these words in his heart, frowned slightly and fell into thought.

In fact, yesterday, Xingtong had already discovered this virus program on the company's internal terminal equipment. In addition to reporting it in time, it directly intercepted and deleted it according to the scheduled process, so it did not have any impact on the company's data information.

Because the company has encountered many attacks before, it is considered a common occurrence, and it is nothing to make a fuss about.

I just didn't expect that this time it was not just an attack on future technology, but also covered all terminal equipment across the country. It was obvious that there were forces behind it that were fueling the fire.

After Xingtong's analysis of this program, it can be basically determined that it is an advanced version of the ransomware virus that has appeared before.

Not only does it spread faster and the encryption of stored information is more complex, there is no page for blackmailing users to buy keys.

From these points, we can see that the person who designed this virus program is just trying to cause trouble.

And has the world's top technical level.

If we really have to wait for domestic companies like Singularity Penguin Security to update patches to prevent attacks by this virus, I am afraid that millions of terminal devices will be damaged by then.

The losses caused are absolutely terrifying and incalculable.

After all, it is too difficult to crack the key.

While Xu Lei's mind was running at high speed, Lu Hongbo, who was also standing next to him, said with emotion: "The appearance of this upgraded version of the ransomware virus is really inexplicable. It took less than two days. There are so many devices that have been compromised.”

"Fortunately, this virus program cannot break through Xingtong's real-time protection, otherwise we will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"Should we try to crack the impact of this virus program? Many people on the Internet have mentioned our company." After hearing Lu Hongbo's words, Zhang Xia couldn't help but take over and add something.

Because Future Technology had previously announced the overseas network attacks it had suffered, it had intercepted all of them and uncovered the other party's real address.

This proves its strong security protection capabilities to some extent.

Some netizens mentioned this matter by the way when discussing how to prevent viruses and recover encrypted information, hoping that technology can intervene to help solve this matter in the future.

Naturally, Xu Lei would not sit idly by and ignore this.

He didn't know whether the mainstream Internet protection software such as Computer Manager Security Guard in China could deal with this virus, but with Xingtong's ability, he could easily protect it and recover the file data by cracking the key through powerful intelligent computing.

Before Lu Hongbo, Zhang Xia and the others entered the office, Xu Lei had already given instructions to Xingtong.

Let her compile a program that can effectively prevent virus attacks based on her own powerful security protection capabilities.

Try to crack the key by the way.

According to the estimated time given by Xingtong, it will take about two days to complete.

Although this will lead to a continued increase in the number of devices under attack, as long as the encrypted and locked stored information can be recovered, there is no need to worry about loss.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei stopped delaying and immediately told Zhang Xia: "Use the company account to announce the announcement. Future Technology will launch a security protection program in two days, which can effectively prevent attacks by viruses and Trojans, and lock information Crack recovery.”

"It's Mr. Xu, I'll do it right away."

Zhang Xia was naturally very happy when she heard Xu Lei's order. She immediately nodded in agreement and then turned around and exited the office to carry out the order.

Even Lu Hongbo couldn't help but sigh sincerely after hearing this: "My understanding of Mr. Xu is indeed very superficial. There is still a lot to learn in the future!"

In Lu Hongbo's view, Xu Lei must do it himself if he wants to develop a program to protect against viruses. After all, he has the strength and technology.

Intelligent assistant Xingtong is the best proof.

However, it can be completed in just two days, and this ability is worthy of admiration.

From the initial artificial intelligence to the top domestic lithography machines to the current safety protection procedures, Xu Lei is like a huge treasure trove, keeping it mysterious and surprising everyone at the same time.

Taking such a person as the target of one's studies is bound to lead to fatigue and suffering, but Lu Hongbo never tires of it.

It can only be said that the intelligent assistant Xingtong that the company's employees have access to only has basic permissions. Although it has a mode of imitating human communication with independent personalities and can play a supporting role in project development, in fact it is only among the abilities that Xingtong has as an artificial intelligence. The most basic stuff.

Outsiders don't know how far Xingtong has grown now.

Not long after.

When Xu Lei was the only one left in the office responsible for the basic framework of the security protection program, Xingtong's voice suddenly came from the computer.

"Boss, we have completed traceability and determined the original transmission address of this virus program."

"Very good."

When Xu Lei heard the news, his face suddenly flashed with joy, and he quickly gave instructions to Xingtong: "Bring me this address."

After seeing Qiao Mufa's video last night and seeing so many people saying they had the same experience, Xu Lei already felt that this matter was not as simple as a simple virus program.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a premeditated and malicious attack.

So it is very important to determine the original source of this program.

Faced with the massive amount of Internet information, it is very difficult to trace the source of a special program under normal circumstances. Even the top domestic Internet companies cannot complete it in a short time.

Especially if the other party can develop such a Trojan horse program, it will inevitably hide the source of the leakage.

Eliminate the possibility of being traced.

Unfortunately, the deeper it was hidden, the more Xu Lei wanted to dig it out.

To this end, he directly used Xingtong's highest authority to search and trace the source of information on the entire network.

Fortunately, the final result did not disappoint him.

Almost as soon as Xu Lei finished speaking, a location address was displayed on the computer screen.

Washington State.

"This address seems to be..."

Seeing the information on the screen, Xu Lei whispered softly subconsciously, and then quickly realized that this was the building where the security department was located.

At this time, how could Xu Lei still not guess the ins and outs of the whole thing.

It is obviously still a retaliation against future technology.

Future Technology has successively occupied the vast majority of the market share of game engine licensing and chip design software. He himself has developed a top-notch domestic photolithography machine, completely confirming the unshakable position of Loongson Group in the global semiconductor industry.

All overseas forces absolutely regard him as a thorn in their flesh, and they will not stop easily.

He returned to Binjiang City from the Imperial Capital, and has now been working smoothly in the company for almost three months. He originally felt puzzled as to why the overseas forces were so calm this time.

I bet the other party paid attention to this.

But I have to say that this method is indeed very effective. At least it will cause a lot of losses, and even many industries may be paralyzed.

One can imagine.

If the spread of this Trojan cannot be cut off, as more and more terminal devices are attacked, the information and data of important institutions such as subway hospitals and schools will be severely affected, which will be a very terrible thing.

Compared with this kind of trouble-free and simple operation, it is much more complicated to do things with future technology or Xu Lei.

If there is another mistake in the middle, it will only cost the wife and lose the troops.

And Xu Lei finally understood why this Trojan horse program was so powerful and could ignore the detection and killing of major mainstream security protection software.

It turned out to be from the security building.

After all, this place gathers the top computer technology talents from overseas.

What he is best at is cyberattacks.

Now that he knows the source of the virus program, Xu Lei must do something to make his thoughts clear.

"It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. If you want to give me such a big gift, how can you not return the gift?"

After murmuring thoughtfully, Xu Lei immediately made a decision and gave a new command message to Xingtong: "Xingtong, recompile and upgrade this program, and then return it to them."

"Okay boss."

Hearing the familiar voice coming from the computer, Xu Lei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with a playful smile.

After Xingtong has been re-upgraded, I believe that as long as the terminal device is under attack, the stored information files will never be cracked and recovered. It will definitely allow them to experience what it means to suffer for themselves.

The essential.

They couldn't get the attack yet, so they had no choice but to eat Coptis chinensis and break their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.


At the same time, the official account of Future Technology also officially announced online that it would launch a security protection program.

Once the news spread, it quickly aroused heated discussions among a large number of netizens.

The number of views on its topic is almost higher than that of developing a top-notch domestic photolithography machine.

no way.

Who makes this matter closely related to his own interests? Even if he doesn't usually like to pay attention to such things, he must now be aware of the trends in all aspects.

However, some people have doubts about the two days and the recovery of stored information stated in the announcement.

"If you can really launch a security protection program in two days, it won't be as effective as Security Guard Computer Manager, right?"

"I only care about whether the stored information can be restored, otherwise this time it will be a huge loss."

"Ali's Damo Academy and Singularity Security Company have both stated that they will patch the vulnerabilities at most, but the encrypted files cannot be recovered at all. Is it really possible with future technology?"

"Anyway, I believe in Mr. Xu. Don't forget that Future Technology was attacked by overseas cyberattacks before, but it took out everyone's underwear."

"I have given up any hope. Future technology is indeed very strong in some aspects, but in the field of security protection it is estimated that it will not be as safe as the Singularity that has been deeply cultivated."

"By the way, you have actually installed a security guard. I always feel that this thing poses a greater threat to the computer than a virus program."

"I sincerely hope that future technology will launch a powerful security protection program, which will be of great help to small and medium-sized companies and individual studios."

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