My School Has Mutated and Can Be Automatically Upgraded!

Chapter 76: The whole network boycotts, not worthy of being a university!

Dr. He's remarks have been recorded by reporters.

At the same time, the reporter was also very angry.

How could a principal say such a thing.

Even if the school does research the drug.

But how can such a guarantee be made to the patient before the results appear.

Everyone knows that there is a lot of uncertainty in scientific research.

No one can guarantee success until the last minute.

Even if it is researched, it will take a long time to test what the side effects are.

Otherwise, no one can guarantee what will happen.

What's more, this research is still world-class in difficulty.

Why would Mond University say such a big thing to a patient.

"Mr. Peng, are you sure the president of Mond University said something like this?

The reporter began to ask Peng's father for evidence.

They also need hard evidence before they report.

Otherwise, don't dare to send it out.

"Well, I didn't hear it, but it was my son's own mouth, and it must be true."

Father Peng is an honest man. Facing the reporter's camera, he speaks his mind directly.

"Mr. Peng, can we meet your son?

The reporter asked Peng's father.

Now the nature of the interview has completely changed.

What was originally just an interview with a hospital doctor has now turned into a revealing report.

They all have to expose the true face of Mond University.

Comparing the two, the reporter will definitely choose the latter.

Shooting the doctor's daily routine, what's there to see.


Father Peng hesitated, he didn't know how to decide.

"Mr. Peng, don't hesitate."

"If a reporter interviews your son, it will definitely let more netizens know about you."

"Maybe, someone will help you to see a doctor. 55

"Are you really willing to put your son's life on the vague cure.

Doctor He persuaded Father Peng.

After hearing these words, Father Peng was moved.

He still wants his son to live well.

It's just an interview, and it doesn't have any effect on them.

On the contrary, the son can increase some hope of survival.

Father Peng no longer hesitated.

"All right!"

Afterwards, Father Peng brought reporters to Peng Lin's ward.

"Dad, have the discharge procedures been completed? 35

Seeing his father coming back, Peng Lin asked.

"It's done, but there are reporters from the TV station who want to meet you.

Father Peng said to Peng Lin.

"Reporter? What did the reporter see me doing?

Peng Lin felt very puzzled.

At this time, the reporter also entered the ward.

"Hello, classmate, can I interview you a few questions."

When the reporter saw Peng Lin, he asked.

"go ahead?"

Feeling inexplicable, Peng Lin replied casually.

"Students, I want to know if your school is really researching cancer medicines."

reporter asked.

Hearing the question, Peng Lin was stunned for a moment.

Did the reporter know about this?

"I don't know the specifics, but our principal did say so."

Peng Lin didn't know the situation, so he could only answer truthfully.

The reporter was very satisfied with Peng Lin's answer.

As long as there is this sentence, he can report.

"Does your choice to be discharged from the hospital have anything to do with this?"

“Your doctor in charge said that you only decided to leave the hospital after listening to the principal. 35

"You have to know that your condition is very serious, and if you don't treat it in time, you are likely to lose your life.

The reporter asked Peng Lin again.

"I have confidence in our school, and discharge is my own idea, not the principal."

Peng Lin said very firmly.

Hearing this, the reporter was surprised.

What makes students believe in their school so much.

Even risking his own life.

"Okay, that's it for today's interview, thank you for your cooperation.

After speaking, the reporter took people away.

Until the reporter left, Peng Lin felt inexplicable.

"Dad, where did you meet the reporter?

Peng Lin asked his father.

"It's when you're going through the discharge procedures. 35

Father Peng explained what happened just now in detail.

"What? How could he say that about our school.

·0 for flowers......

Hear Peng's father tell about the doctor's evaluation of Mond.

Peng Lin was very angry.

The use of such a word is used in Mond University.

As a student of Mond University, Peng Lin knows very well what the school is like.

From the beginning of the year to the present, all he sees is that the school is working for the welfare of the students.

The Mond venue was built for the students.

The Dream Realization Platform was created for students.

Medical labs are built for students.

How could such a school be so wasteful.

Besides, this matter is his own decision and has nothing to do with the school.

At most, the school gave him some hope.

I didn't like the doctor at first, but now I hate it even more.

However, he can't say anything now.

Afterwards, Peng Lin packed up and went home.

That night!

Xunyang TV broadcast a report.

In the report, everything that happened in the hospital was put together.

After all, he is a reporter from a TV station, and his reports are all real.

Nothing maliciously deleted.

But what Dr. He said in the hospital was very inductive.

And this time Mond is working on a special cancer drug.

Everyone knows how difficult it is.

How can Mond say that research can be researched.

So many people support Dr. Ho's point of view.

The president of Mond University said this, completely disregarding the safety of students.

Soon, the story spread.

Originally it was only spread in Xunyang City, but it soon spread to the Internet.

And it caused quite a stir on the Internet.

Especially those Internet trolls, they have no scruples.

"What a rubbish school, how can you say that, isn't this delaying students from seeing a doctor?

"That's right, I'm also researching cancer medicines, and I really see myself very well.

"It's Mond University again, and it's been like this with a little grade recently?"

"A place where teaching and educating people, but disregarding the lives of students, such a principal is not worthy of being in the school."

"Boycott Mond University, my children will not go back to such a school."


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