My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 944 New Technology

15 minutes later.

Under the operation of the medical staff, Rep's back was wrapped with hundreds of gauze. The bleeding had stopped and his complexion improved slightly, but it was still much paler than normal.

At this time, Brother Liu.

He has been observing the two mechanical spines in front of him.

It can contact the nerves around the human spine through steel needles, and then through precise computer control, it releases electric current to stimulate the nerves and complete passive muscle operation.

The devil boy said: "This thing is similar to the Hell Leather Armor, but the Hell Leather Armor can only resist your own muscle power, but this device can control muscles, like an upgraded version of the Hell Leather Armor."

Brother Liu frowned.

This device seems to be ahead of its own technology, but it is not a revolutionary invention, and it is not impossible for itself to do it.

But another feature of this device shocked Brother Liu.

It doesn't use the Internet.

To be precise, it does not use humankind’s existing wireless network!

The WiFi used by humans uses electromagnetic waves to transmit information through the air.

And inside the thing in front of you, there is no equipment for sending and receiving electromagnetic wave signals!

The network module in it was just a box flashing with black light, something Liu had never seen before!

The devil boy is also unprecedented!

In other words, the demon boy cannot inquire about its origin and discover his existence!

This is a network transmission technology that does not belong to today!

Extremely scary!

But why was Brother Liu able to cut off the signal source of this mechanical spine before?

It's because of Brother Liu's understanding of Rep!

I saw Rep asking: "I sent people to check all the locations around here, but I couldn't find any network abnormalities. How did you crack this thing?!"

Brother Liu looked solemnly and looked out the window. In the gardens surrounding the white palace, there were several tool houses.

From the outside, it looks like a small room where gardeners store their tools.

But in fact, it has the world's top network firewall equipment inside, surrounding the white palace, forming an invisible network barrier.

Brother Liu pondered: "You ordered the construction of those things specifically to defend me, right?"

Rep's face froze, then he smiled stiffly and said: "You always abuse me, this white palace, you come and leave whenever you want, haha, besides, didn't that also prevent you?"

Brother Liu's eyes flashed, "In order to prevent me, you didn't let anyone get close to those devices, but you never expected that those devices would be invaded by outsiders, right under your nose, and controlled without anyone noticing. Mechanical Spine.”


"So that's it!"

"No wonder!"

Rep was horrified, "You knew this a long time ago! And you also controlled those devices, using my defense to defend me against you! Fuck, what a twist!"

Brother Liu turned his head, "Otherwise, how could I enter and exit your palace at will, and how could I save you in time?"

Rep was speechless!

But the next moment, Brother Liu's face turned gloomy, "But I didn't expect that someone could do these things under my nose!"

Brother Liu immediately stood up, jumped from the gap in the wall to the ground, and headed straight for the 'tool room'.

Not to be outdone, Repp ran downstairs in a hurry!

Liu Di opened the white wooden door in front of him, and it was already dark inside, because the way Liu Di blocked the signal before was to cut off the power supply to all the 'tool houses', which caused the mechanical spine to fail!

Stare for a moment.

In the center of the rows of servers, a light suddenly flashed strangely.

It turned out to be some kind of black light, which theoretically does not even conform to the principle of light refraction!

Brother Liu pushed away the huge server and walked straight into the depths without squinting.

As Rep watched in horror, Brother Liu returned with a black box lying in his hand.

It has a metallic texture, with almost no gaps around it, as if it is one piece, except for a round transparent area in the center, like an eye, flickering with black light.

Brother Liu knew that this was a repeater for network signals.

Devil Boy: "It does not emit any electronic waves, but it is undoubtedly one of the devices that control the mechanical spine. It must be sending out some kind of signal, but we can't detect it!"

"Such as dark matter."

Brother Liu felt awe-struck in his heart, "This is a substance that countless scientists have been searching for but can never find a trace of.

"According to the phenomenon of gravity, the formation of cosmic structures, microwave background radiation and other observational results, it is shown that dark matter may exist in large amounts in the vacuum areas of the universe such as galaxies and star clusters, and its mass is much greater than the sum of the masses of all visible celestial bodies in the universe."

"Of course, it could also exist on Earth, all around us."

Brother Liu looked around blankly, "It's just that we can't detect it and can't see it. Now, someone can even use it as a medium for network signals!"

Liu Di looked at the strange black light emitted by the black box in his hand, "It is not composed of atoms and cannot reflect light and radiation. It belongs to another technological level, higher than me!"

Leipu didn't know why Brother Liu suddenly fell silent and his expression changed one after another!

Is it possible that there are things in this world that he can't handle?


There was a slight mechanical sound beside him.

I saw that the mechanical spine brought over by Brother Liu seemed to have suddenly received the signal and started to squirm!

"The signal is still going on?"

"Are we still exposed?!"

Liu Di frowned, not caring about much, and immediately clenched his palms, crushed the black shell, and then released flames to melt it.

The next moment, Liu Di destroyed the mechanical spine and the repeaters in several other safe houses one after another!

No one knows better than Liu Di what the consequences of being exposed to enemy surveillance for a long time are!

Liu Di, who had completed everything, breathed slightly.

He had imagined this matter too simple before.

As for the bodyguards around Lei Pu, they were just ordinary modified people. They were bought by someone first, and took care of their family affairs through online remittances, and then let them inject a drug that made them manic for a long time.

But now Liu Di found that all the behind-the-scenes network operations had come to an abrupt end in some foreign servers. Obviously, the latter part of the operation used undetectable signals, such as dark matter!

"It seems impossible to investigate."

"But there is one person who is different from those bodyguards."

Liu Di suddenly turned around and asked Lei Pu, "Where is Cowper?"

Le Pu was trembling a little, "He hijacked the plane, yes, he hijacked the plane, but I was in a coma afterwards, and he hasn't appeared for several days."

Liu Di narrowed his eyes, "Cowper is much stronger than those bodyguards, but he did not participate in the conspiracy. It is very likely that he resisted."


The demon boy completed tens of thousands of operations in almost an instant, invaded the confidential military archives of the European country, retrieved Cowper's information, and analyzed his personal hobbies, and finally locked nearly a hundred streets where he often appeared.

Then there was an endless search of surveillance footage.


A unique picture was selected.

12 hours and 46 minutes ago, Cowper appeared and staggered into an apartment!

Location, suburbs of Hughes City, Europe.

The next moment.

The Silver Shuttle landed with a surging airflow.

Le Pu shouted: "I want to find Cowper too, and I haven't ridden this flying saucer yet!"

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