My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 923 The Saint's Story

At this moment.

A melodious horn sounded from a huge palace at the end of the street.

Countless worshippers heard it and immediately prostrated themselves in that direction.

Then a row of monks wearing cassocks, with similar stature and handsome faces, walked out slowly with their hands clasped together.

After hundreds of monks, there were elephants wearing batik Buddha statues, walking slowly.

The ivory of these elephants was not cut, but was exquisitely hollowed out on top, and vaguely visible were the images of the Buddhas.

The four elephants looked up to the sky and cried, and the aura of the entire team spread out in an instant.

Then countless people on the street took more pious postures and chanted more loudly.

Then there were palaces made of gold foil paper carried on people's shoulders, shining brightly in the golden light of the sun.

This grand ceremony is actually a parade for believers to admire the gods in their hearts.


A dozen graceful women wearing gauze and with their faces covered by gauze walked out slowly.

Their arms and lower abdomens were exposed to the air, very thin, without a trace of fat.

Lei Pu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

But the people kneeling around him did not have any blasphemous intention in their eyes.

These were all maids, and they were also low-level "holy women", but in the hearts of believers, dedicating their bodies to monks was an extremely sacred thing.


There were two adult elephants with even larger bodies, wearing a lot of gold ornaments, extremely luxurious. They walked side by side, carrying a wooden pavilion on their backs, with carved beams and painted buildings, and colorful silk flying in the wind.

The background board of this pavilion was painted with a three-headed and six-armed god with the sun on his back - the god Brahma.

In front of this backboard, there stood a beautiful woman wearing a white gauze skirt, a golden mask on her face, and her hair was standing high.

Her every move was filled with a strong sacred aura, like a goddess with brilliant light.

She stretched out her hand in the air and tapped the heads of the kneeling people.

All the people around her chanted Sanskrit scriptures loudly, then kowtowed and said in Indian non-language: "Welcome to the Saint!"

"It's been 6 years, 6 years, and you finally woke up!"

Many devout believers were already in tears.

And beside Lei Pu and his companions, a strong believer suddenly raised his head, pointed at the fat European man and shouted loudly: "Who are you, why don't you kneel down!"

The next second.

A mechanical finger emitting a chill directly pressed against his forehead.

As a DN ace, Cooper was proficient in various languages. He lowered his voice and said fiercely in Indian non-language: "Don't meddle in other people's business."

The strong believer trembled and knelt down quickly, his forehead touching the ground, not daring to look directly.

But he saw the huge parade walking slowly.

When they came to Liu Di and his companions, the three straight figures were very obvious in the middle of a group of kneeling believers.

Several maids walking around immediately cast curious glances.

But the ‘Main Saint’ standing on the pavilion was a little stiff in an instant, staring blankly at the young man in a white shirt.

Brother Liu said nothing.

He was puzzled, very puzzled!

As a Chinese, why did Gu Fan come to Yinfei City, and why was he selected into the temple as a ‘Saint’, and played such a filthy role!

Until this parade gradually passed by the three people, the Saint kept looking back.

Brother Liu was a little lost.

Lei Pu's eyes swept back and forth between the Saint and Brother Liu, and he felt an invisible pressure spreading from Brother Liu.

Not good.

Lei Pu swallowed his saliva and said, "The secrets of this saint are recorded in the scriptures of the Sutra Building. They are definitely not available on the Internet, but I asked someone to investigate it before. Are you interested in learning more about it?"

Liu Di frowned, "Speak."

Lei Pu carefully said, "This girl was kidnapped from China by some radical believers 16 years ago."

Liu Di suddenly turned his head and became furious. "I don't care how your European country is in turmoil, but I, the Chinese, kidnap people whenever I want. What are you doing as the leader of the country?"

Lei Pu's body trembled, "Brother, I hadn't taken office at that time."

But Cooper couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily, "Brother Liu, please watch your words!"

Liu Di's right eye suddenly brightened, and a cold light stared at him, making Cooper's whole body stiff and unable to move!

Cooper was shocked. My body is 85% mechanical. How can my muscles be stiff? !

Lei Pu swallowed his saliva, "Don't be angry, let me finish, there is a turning point."


Liu Di's brows relaxed, "Then you continue."

"Then, this girl whose birthday is exactly the same as that of Lord Brahma was sent to the palace of the Indian religion and presented to Lord Brahma's contemporary servant."

"This messenger is lustful and likes young girls, so on a dark and windy night, he carried out an inhumane"

Lei Pu said to himself.

But Liu Di's face was already twitching hideously, "This is the turning point you mentioned, why don't you die?"

Lei Pu quickly reached out to stop the furious Liu Di, and continued: "As a result, the Chinese girl was extremely stubborn. She actually hid a dagger early on, and directly stabbed the messenger three times and six times, and hung him outside the palace with a rope!"

"She was wearing a white dress, standing on the window and shouting to the hundreds of believers downstairs - she would not accept this fate!"

Liu Di's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, "Oh, so that's right!"

Leip also looked at Liu Di and nodded heavily, "Then hundreds of Indian Buddhist believers were furious that this girl dared to hurt the messenger, and they all rushed over, ready to give the girl the most cruel punishment of piercing the skin."

"As the name suggests, the punishment of piercing the skin is to hook up her skin with countless iron hooks, and then beat and hang her to death!"

Liu Di's face twitched. Now Gu Fan was standing on the float with great vigor, so the so-called "punishment of piercing the skin" was naturally unsuccessful.

He sighed, tried to calm down, gritted his teeth and said to Lei Pu: "Don't give me these ups and downs, just finish it in one breath!"


Leip smiled awkwardly, "As a result, under the crisis, this girl actually displayed a kind of ability, which shocked all the believers at that time, so that these believers bowed on the spot and worshipped her as the Supreme Saint, and this identity has been used until now!"

"In short, this is a legendary story of the guest turning the tables!"

Leip seemed very satisfied with his narration, nodded to himself, but then fell into thought, "What was her ability called at that time? Anyway, it was mysterious, it seemed to be called something like ohyes? I didn't remember it"

Liu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

The anger dissipated, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up.

She is worthy of being the woman I like, excellent.

He looked at the figure in the distance, his expression flickered, and he said: "Buddhist term, 'Alaya consciousness', the Mahayana Yogacara school divides inner activities into eight categories, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and Alaya consciousness is the eighth consciousness, it is the spiritual origin of everything in the world, it contains the 'seeds' of all phenomena."

"All things in the world, all the material world, and the scenes of the spiritual world are born from Alaya consciousness, the so-called 'everything is mind', 'all dharmas are consciousness'"

Leip was stunned, "What are you talking about"

Liu Di smiled with relief, "In layman's terms, this is called the embodiment of mental power."

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