Brother Liu watched Professor Wang through the window.

It’s inevitable that I’ll feel something in my heart.

It's like time has gone back in time, and I'm back in college class.

"Tsk...his theory is not correct.

“Artificial intelligence also has high and low levels.

"Just like me, I am the product of the combination of electronic crystal elements and your brain."

"Half crystal element, half biological nerve, I am you, you are me!" "I have the speed of a computer and the unfettered way of thinking of a human being!" "So, all my power must be one level greater than what he said!" "For example, although I have weak artificial intelligence now, when I reach the 4th sequence, I will be able to compare with the strong artificial intelligence he talks about!" "After the demon boy finished speaking, he stopped making any sound.

On the upper right side of Liu Di's perspective, a progress bar appeared: 1%...2% in sequence upgrade... Professor Wang continued: "Of course, students, the above theories about artificial intelligence are also The imagination of the industry! "The so-called artificial intelligence on the market today is just a 'fake' artificial intelligence that has been programmed in advance, and they don't know how to think at all!" "There is no real artificial intelligence in the current technology field. Intelligence, no one has such research and development capabilities at present!" Professor Wang sighed heavily and said: "I wonder if I can see a real artificial intelligence with my own eyes before I close my eyes?" He chuckled. : "Students, imagine if one of our artificial intelligence friends will wait for you outside the classroom door after class, and then drink tea and catch up with you. What a magical thing it will be. ? "Ding ding bell... the bell came.

"Class, get out of class is over!" Professor Wang greeted the students, picked up his textbooks, and pushed out the door.

As soon as he went out.

I saw the figure wearing a white shirt and jeans.

"Brother Liu?" Professor Wang wiped his glasses and confirmed again, "Is it really you? Where have you been in the past few years? Why haven't you even contacted the teacher?" Brother Liu was Professor Wang's most proud student three years ago. , and even became famous throughout Hainan! "Haha, teacher, I just had a small problem, won't I come back now?" Liu Di chuckled and summed up the three years of dark experience into a simple sentence.

"Oh, that's great!" "I just said in class that if there is artificial intelligence waiting for me outside... Haha, it would be nice to have my own students waiting for me now!" Then the two came to Professor Wang's room office.

After the two exchanged greetings for a while, Professor Wang looked at his beloved disciple, pushed up the myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "You brats are all clever and weird, and you don't do anything to the Three Treasures Hall!" "Say it, you. Did you come to me suddenly as a lobbyist for that guy Guo Qian? "Lobbyist?" Guo Qian? Brother Liu was confused.

Guo Qian is a good brother of his dormitory in college, and his relationship is second only to Ah Jia! But since the accident three years ago, Liu Di has not contacted Guo Qian.

I just heard that Guo Qian has been prosperous in recent years relying on his family connections.

"Teacher, you misunderstood.

"I do have something to do here this time, but it's not for Guo Qian."

Brother Liu scratched his head, "I want to buy my abandoned experimental product exhibition hall. Well... it's the 'experimental cemetery'!" "You stinky boy!" Professor Wang smiled helplessly, "You said it wasn't for Guo Qian?" "That guy Guo Qian has been pestering me these days, asking me to help him convince the dean to sell the land to him!" "Now that it's over, you've come to intercede on his behalf?" Professor Wang rubbed his temples and said seriously: "I'm saying it for the last time, we are a university, not a commercial institution!" Our goal is to educate talents for the country, not to make money! "Although the experimental cemetery is deserted, that land will be reserved for scientific research projects in the future. Do you want to use it to build a villa?" I don’t have the shame to tell the dean! Then, Professor Wang patted Brother Liu on the shoulder and said, "Remember, you are all top students, going into society, don't know who can make money every day!" "Why don't you compare who has contributed more to the country?" "Who has made several technological innovations for the country's scientific and technological development?" "Brother Liu was stunned for a moment after being taught by his mentor.

I didn’t dare to refute, so I had to listen patiently! Afterwards, Brother Liu said helplessly: "Teacher, are you still doing the same as when you were in school? You have to do your homework and get credits before I can ask you for conditions?" Unexpectedly.

After Professor Wang heard this sentence, his eyes suddenly darkened.

He sighed and said: "Brother Liu, don't think you can hide it from the teacher. The teacher already knew about the accident you had. You don't have to worry about your brain injury now.

"You, you should find a job and be down-to-earth. Don't think about those lofty goals!" “If you need it financially, just talk to the teacher.

"Brother Liu was even more helpless.

No excuses.

...After leaving Haishi University.

Liu Di inquired about information about Guo Qian.

Unexpectedly, after three years of not seeing each other, this kid has become the chairman of a real estate company! The experimental cemetery is their next development plan! Brother Liu smiled happily.

Dial Guo Qian's phone number.


"The phone was picked up, and a familiar voice came, but it was much more mature than before.

"Guo Zi, I am Brother Liu.

"Brother Liu said these words slowly, but there were uncontrollable emotions in his heart.

"Brother Liu? Which Brother Liu?" The person opposite hesitated for a moment, seemed to have thought about it, and replied calmly: "What do you want from me?" The other party's indifference made Brother Liu frown slightly, "I heard you want to buy The experimental cemetery? I happen to have this plan, we can discuss it.

"The other party was silent at first, and then suddenly there was a low mocking sound.

"Brother Liu, I heard before that you were stabbed in the eye and had a brain disease, but I still didn't believe it.

"Now, I have to believe it. You are really stupid!" "You still want to buy land?" Do you know how much that land costs? Say it and scare you to death! "You are making me laugh so hard!" "You still thought you were the brilliant genius in college!" "I thought you would achieve great things, so I became brothers with you!" "Now that your brain is gone, you are still pretending to be here with me?" "I heard that you are having a rough time now?" "Haha, as long as you beg me, for the sake of being an old classmate for many years, I can give you a few thousand yuan..." On the other end of the phone, Brother Liu never spoke, but hung up gently.

Everything is self-evident.

Alas... people's hearts are separated from each other.

I didn't expect that my former classmates would become so mean and mean just after not seeing each other for 3 years.

I wonder if it was society, the big dye vat, that dyed his nature black? Or is this person born to put interests first and be narrow-minded? but.


The friendship between classmates is over.

Next, don’t blame me for not showing mercy to you!

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