My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 918 I will only recognize you as my younger brother once

Dust filled the sky.

Outsiders could no longer see the battlefield.

Liu Di found a little boy who had been separated from his parents in the middle of a window.

With only one arm left, he held the child in his arms, and then the liquid metal turned into tentacles, pushing the direction of the entire building's collapse towards the man in hemp clothes.

Amid the rumbling sound of shattering.

Liu Di fell to the ground, and the little boy, who was about seven or eight years old, stood beside him.

One of the broken arms was dripping with blood, and the other hand stretched over the boy's head to help him block the falling rubble.

He had no time to leave the scope of the landslide.

Because the barefoot man had already walked slowly into the dust.

His real attack was the punch just now.

It broke the liquid metal armor and shattered Liu Di's arm.

Mo Tong calculated that this guy's ability, including strength, speed, and defense, was at least 60 times that of Liu Di.

And he also had a weird defensive body method that was unpredictable.

The air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

The child beside him widened his eyes, looked at the figure slowly approaching from a distance, and then looked at Brother Liu. The child knew that the big brother beside him had saved his life.

And the figure walking over was a bad guy.

He trembled a little and said, "Big brother, doesn't your hand hurt?"

Brother Liu kept his eyes on the hazy shadow of the barefoot man and shook his head slowly, "I don't hurt, but are you scared?"

The child's eyes were also shaking, "A little scared."

Brother Liu chuckled and diverted his thoughts and said, "What's your name?"

The child hesitated for a moment, "My name is Mu Lie."

Brother Liu nodded, "It's a very special name, where do you study?"

The child glanced at Brother Liu's white bones and the wound that kept dripping blood. This was enough to make ordinary girls scream and faint, but the big brother didn't seem to care at all, and didn't frown at all.

The boy's eyes flashed, "I study at f19 Middle School."

Brother Liu nodded, "Mu Lie, classmate of the 19th Middle School, you will be safe."

The huge building on one side has touched the ground.

But many walls are still collapsing, and the dust has formed an independent area here.

Brother Liu has immediately sent a message to Xiao Xia and others through their headphones - don't take any action.

But the barefoot man stepped out of the dust, turned sideways to face Brother Liu, and showed one side of his face, still expressionless.

"You're still okay."

The barefoot man's voice was flat, and he slowly turned his head, but the expression on his other cheek was extremely hideous, the corner of his mouth twitched angrily, and his eyes were no longer flat, emitting a faint red light.

Moreover, on this side of his cheek, a straight wound about 5 cm long suddenly appeared, and it was bleeding.

There seemed to be a dividing line on his face, half calm, and half furious.

"No one has been able to hurt me for a long time."

He touched his wound, "It turns out that at this point in time, you met Liu Zhengqing and learned high-dimensional power."

He glanced over, and the temperature dropped sharply.

The child next to Brother Liu staggered uncontrollably.

"The title of brother has two characters, and I will only admit it once."

"The first character, in exchange for the lives of your men."

"The second character, in exchange for your current life."

The barefoot man looked at Liu Di like a demon, "I promised to give you time to grow, and I will keep my word, but you have already made me pay attention. At 44:00, 83:00, I will come to kill you. By then, you will only be a time criminal."

At this moment.

The barefoot man opened his mouth, and the light around him was blurred. He turned into an indescribable hideous beast, with black fangs in his mouth. In an instant, he crossed a distance of several meters, with an extremely terrifying momentum, and rushed towards Liu Di to bite him, as if he could swallow him in one bite!

Liu Di's heart trembled, "Demon boy, plan B!"

But in the next moment.

The whistling wind disappeared, and the monster transformed by the barefoot man suddenly disappeared, as if nothing existed.

Only the little boy next to him was frightened by this scene and his face turned pale, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks!

Demon Child: "He disappeared in a very strange way. It was not a normal body movement, but a biological reaction, even the body surface temperature, which was cut off instantly!"

"This phenomenon can only be achieved by a time breakpoint!"

Liu Di frowned deeply.

He knew that this man was extraordinary, but he didn't expect it to be so confusing.

At the beginning of the battle with Barefoot, Liu Di made a plan.

It is a fact that he is stronger than himself.

So, on the premise of retaining his own strength, he must let him expose his strength.

After that, after calculation, determine the extent to which he wants to reveal his trump card-if the trump card is not enough, he can only run.

And Liu Di's two trump cards are Xiao Xia's 30 times enhancement and Hell Vest's 50% restriction!

If all restrictions are opened, Liu Di will have 60 times the growth space of strength.

But he didn't expect that just to force this man to throw a punch, Liu Di used 15 times the enhancement.

The price was an arm.

At this moment, Liu Di was in a state of turmoil. The guy's only punch was definitely not his full strength, and his limit could not defeat him.


Physical strength is only one of the reasons.

He seems to be able to control time.

Liu Di quickly browsed the battle scene recorded by the demon boy.

The barefoot man used the time breakpoint more than once. He disappeared from one moment and appeared in the next moment.

This is why he can defend against all of Liu Di's attacks.

It literally predicts your predictions.


He thought of the word 'brother' and let himself go.


44 hours, what is 83 minutes?

There is no such time in reality.

In his words, he became a 'time criminal'.

He also knows about Liu Zhengqing and the five dimensions. Does this mean the difference in time flow rate between the brain world and reality?

But he heard the voice of the devil boy, "Brother Liu, theoretically time is a four-dimensional element, and your master of the brain world is a five-dimensional existence. You can play with time as you like! We are not afraid of him. If you didn't see it, let's put it to him." Have you scratched your face?"

Brother Liu smiled silently.

It seemed that he had really meditated on the sharp blade just now, but this was reality. He had cut off the induction of mental power and had no idea how to operate it.

Although the brain world is five-dimensional, reality is three-dimensional. I have reduced the dimension!

Looking at Xiang's broken arm again, Liu Di smiled bitterly, "Yeah, let's cut his face."


Brother Liu's face was full of worry, "44 o'clock and 83 minutes should be unrealistic time points. The conversion ratio is unknown. In other words, he will rush out at any time and kill me?"

The devil boy muttered: "It seems so."

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