My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 800 Crazy Harvest


Dull machine guns resounded in the sky!

If you tell any resident of T-n district about this scene in front of you, I’m afraid no one will believe it!

A man in a white shirt stood on a high cliff, chewing an apple, and with a heavy Gatling in his hand, he shot at the black cattle wildly!



The black cattle in the front row kept kneeling on their front hooves, raising a cloud of dust and rolling to the ground!

After the black cow died, a tongue protruded from the huge mouth, and a shining rhombus crystal!


The entire herd is in a state of madness. Even if the black bull at the front keeps falling, the black bull at the back is still going forward!

He even started to trample on the corpses of his companions!

But no matter how brave they were, they all fell down hundreds of meters in front of the cliff!

There are more and more brilliant diamond-shaped crystals in the scene, like stars, shining brightly in the dust!

The entire hunting team was dumbfounded!

Zhang Zai and Zhang Weiguo were also dumbfounded!

The struggling young man was sweating profusely and frantically delivering supplies to Brother Liu!

What the hell, one mouthful of a 10,000-year-old ginseng king, high-end players are so inhumane!

Looking at the crazy herd of thousands of cattle, they were almost finished by Brother Liu!

The level 5 black bull monster at the foot of the Beast Mountain will be completely destroyed in less than 10 minutes!

The struggling young people never thought that the game could be played like this!

No. 8 Sang is definitely a big BUG!

The white-robed immortal Zhang Weiguo's ears were buzzing from the Gatling shock, and he was almost deaf.

When he saw the mental power crystal cores all over the floor, he swallowed hard!

"No, you stay here and don't move!"

Zhang Weiguo picked up his white robe, stuffed it directly into his belt, turned around and ran towards the bottom of the cliff!

Zhang Zai looked panicked, "What are you doing!"

Zhang Weiguo turned his back and said: "Don't worry, fishing in troubled waters is my strength!"

as expected.

When Zhang Weiguo came down the mountain, his body was extremely flexible and he shuttled back and forth on the ground. As soon as the black cow looked at him, he instantly rolled his eyes and fell to the ground to stand up!

The crazy big black bull completely ignored the dead target!

But the next moment.

Zhang Weiguo suddenly came to life, constantly wandering among the chaos of bullets and black cow corpses, picking up things on the ground and stuffing them into his arms!


Gatlin is still outputting like crazy!

Zhang Weiguo returned to the cliff with a bulging chest, shook his clothes, and with a crash, there was a shining rhombus crystal on the ground!

Zhang was so excited that his eyes lit up!

Zhang Weiguo also said with trembling lips: "The crystal core of the beast! It is much higher than ginseng! This thing can increase the level of mental power!"

The struggling young man gave Zhang Weiguo a thumbs up in his busy schedule, "You can really pick it up! Don't worry about your life, will you die in a while?!"

Zhang Weiguo licked his lips, glanced at Brother Liu, picked up a piece of crystal core, wiped it with his sleeve, and handed it to Brother Liu's mouth, "Brother, try it first, for a change!"

Brother Liu glanced sideways, glanced at the crystal in Zhang Weiguo's hand, and became interested.

On the way here, he learned that the watch on his wrist could also switch to another data, which was the mental power level of the residents, and as expected, his own mental power level was 0!

Brother Liu said: "If you eat this, can you upgrade your spiritual power level? Besides, I don't know what the purpose of upgrading this level is!"

Liu Di was about to open his mouth.

Suddenly, in the dark mountains in front of me, there was a strange barking, like the howling of a big wolf dog, but with a hint of hoarseness and wildness!


At the foot of Shenshan Mountain, another burst of dust was stirred up, and densely packed animal figures were seen running down the mountain!

These figures are much thinner than the black cows, but they are extremely fast!

The bald head of the hunting team in the distance squinted his eyes, and then his expression changed, "It's hyenas! They are much more ferocious than black cattle, and their numbers are much larger. What happened to the beast mountain today? This hyena never comes down the mountain!" Why does it look like you want to kill someone?"

On Di Liu's side, the struggling young man was also shocked, "Holy shit, here comes another wave! Boss, be careful, this hyena is a level 7 beast, many times more flexible than a black bull! Its crystal core can increase experience by 20%! "

"Am I so popular?"

"Just in time, take them all together!"

A smile appeared on Brother Liu's lips, and he fired a burst of Gatling fire, killing the last of the crazy black cows. Then he turned his gun and pointed it at at least two thousand hyenas that started and rushed toward them!


Blue fire Gatling rings in the sky again!

8 gun barrels erupted!

But then.

A surprising scene appeared. It was thought that the cliff occupied by Brother Liu was seven or eight hundred meters away from the hyena. In addition, the hyena was small and fast, resulting in Gatlin's bullet hit rate being less than half!

Many bullets hit the ground, splashing up a large amount of dust!

Countless hyenas rushed out from the middle, getting closer and closer to the cliff where Brother Liu was!

Zhang Zai and others changed their minds, "No, they will rush in! We will be torn apart!"

But Brother Liu smiled wildly, "Taiichiro, the ten thousand year ginseng fruit tastes good, I want two at a time!"



The struggling young man quickly bent down and took out a large pile of dazzling ginseng pearls from the sack!

The team of hunters on the opposite side looked at the dazzling light from a distance, "What is that big brother eating? It's not like ordinary ginseng, it's not that bright! Is it a thousand years old? He is so rich!"

But I saw Brother Liu controlling the Gatling gun with one hand, and the other hand stretched out from thin air, and closed his eyes again.

I saw the metal bracket of the Gatling gun in front of me began to grow as if it was liquefied, and even extended a machine gun bracket!

Then, 8 black gun barrels condensed on the top of the bracket again, and then the motor and boxes of bullets were rotated!

Two Gatling guns!

Zhang Weiguo was stunned again, "Number 8, you are so good at playing with metal!"

Brother Liu smiled and said, "In the real world, I often control metal!"

Zhang Weiguo scratched his head, "Control metal? Can that thing still be controlled?"

But it took only two short sentences of dialogue.

Brother Liu once again meditated out the third Gatling gun!

He moved sideways and stood in the middle of the three Gatling guns, and meditated out a connecting rod to connect the three weapons in series.

Pull the trigger!


The barrel rotated at high speed!

Bang bang bang!

The deafening sound of machine guns rang out again, densely packed into a straight line!

Twenty-four gun barrels fired crazily!

Bullets poured down like a torrential rain, sweeping across the battlefield!


The vicious hyenas could no longer dodge, and were shot into sieves one after another!

They kept falling to the ground, spitting out pieces of high-level beast crystal cores!

Zhang Weiguo felt a chill at the bottom of his feet, "This is really perverted!"

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