My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 773: One Step to Heaven

Liu Di stood on the cliff.

A desolate wind blew, and his hair flew.

Nine continents were connected.

Isn't it the portrait of the sun priest Meg? !

This is what he called the paradise, the colorful clown's so-called home court, Liu Zhengqing's so-called dark space, and his so-called consciousness universe?

Zhang Weiguo looked back, his eyes were mixed with pity and tragedy, "You, No. 8 boy, you will spend the rest of your life here. As an ant without any mental power, you can't get out of the barrier of T-one at all. You will be squeezed forever and will lose hope until your consciousness disappears!"

Liu Di looked up at the nine huge shadows in the sky.

He knew that in that last continent, there was a chance to return to reality.

But at this time, it seemed so unattainable.

Zhang Weiguo shook his head, "What I can do for you is to give you a chance to do hard labor. Let's go and prepare for your miserable life."

Liu Di only felt a little dizzy.

After a moment of distraction, he looked back and saw Zhang Weiguo riding a tricycle, rushing out of the cliff in front of him, and floating in the air!

The strong wind blew his beard and white robe. If he ignored the tricycle, he would be like the reincarnation of Taishang Laojun!

He shouted in the wind, "Get on the car!"

Liu Di was stunned for a second.

Then he took a deep breath, stepped into the tricycle, and asked, "Since your car can fly, why did you have to ride it just now?"

Zhang Weiguo waved his hand, and the tricycle flew through the air. He said, "I told you that I have to sympathize with the people. I am very concerned about whether those young ladies have reduced their prices. I am afraid that they are not well fed and clothed!"

A moment.

The tricycle crossed the entire city and came directly to a high mountain on the edge!

It looks very small from a distance, but when you are in it, you will find that there are more than a dozen continuous peaks.

The terrain is dangerous and covered with vigorous ancient trees.

In the middle of the open space, a dozen residents were standing in a daze. In front of them was a high platform made of wood.

On top stood a fat man with a big belly and bright clothes.

It seemed that he was issuing some tasks.

The tricycle landed on the periphery.

Zhang Weiguo said: "Didn't you ask me the method of primitive accumulation of spiritual power? Here, this is it!"

Liu Di glanced at the residents in front of him. They were wearing clothes that seemed to be sewn randomly, and they didn't have any tools in their hands.

Liu Di asked in confusion, "What kind of work is this?"

Zhang Weiguo smiled mysteriously, "Digging ginseng."


Liu Di was puzzled, "In such a world of consciousness, herbs can also grow?"

Zhang Weiguo shook his head, "This is not ordinary ginseng, but ginseng that can be transformed into spiritual power. If you dig up a 10-year-old ginseng, you can get 100 points of spiritual power after swallowing it, 300 points for a 100-year-old ginseng, and 1000 points for a 10,000-year-old ginseng!"

"If you can dig up 5 10,000-year-old ginseng, you can walk sideways in this T-one, and you may even be able to enter the advanced area directly!"

"It's a pity that I have been working for so many years and have never seen a 10,000-year-old ginseng!"

Liu Di's eyes suddenly glowed, "In other words, there are countless spiritual powers hidden in these mountains? This is really great! It's not scary that my spiritual power is zero, but it's scary that there is no way!"


He looked at the vast mountains in the distance, "Professor Zhang, how can I distinguish them?"

Zhang Weiguo said: "The naked eye can't distinguish them."


Liu Di frowned, "Then how to find them?"

Zhang Weiguo also frowned, "Rely on mental induction."

Liu Di was petrified.

Is there any justice!!!

At this time.

The fat man on the high platform in the distance shouted: "If you find ginseng, you can also choose to store it here. My business can give you 13% interest every year!"

The residents below heard it and immediately looked disgusted.

We ourselves are still naked, and we have to save it for you, dreaming!

Liu Di heard it.

Also suddenly felt a little touched.

Exploiting the lower-class people to do hard labor, and then gathering funds through financial leverage.

In addition to the mental currency circulating in the market.

And this inexplicable mental ginseng.

Currency, humble labor, illusory hope

This is very similar to the exploitation of ordinary people by the top circles in the real world!

The rule makers of this conscious world seem to be very good at using power!


Two car horns interrupted Liu Di's thoughts.

I saw a black car slowly coming down the mountain.

Liu Di narrowed his eyes. Isn't this a Mercedes-Benz in the real world?

He then looked at Zhang Weiguo.

You have been bragging to me about tricycles for a long time, but it turns out to be nonsense?

Isn't there a Mercedes-Benz in this world?

However, behind the black Mercedes-Benz, there is a red convertible sports car!

A young man sat in the sports car, hugging two stunning beauties on his left and right!

Zhang Weiguo's mouth twitched, "You don't need to look at me, this convoy does not belong to our area, they are here to pick someone up."

Liu Di's eyes moved slightly, "That young man? What is his identity?"

Zhang Weiguo sighed, "He is a newcomer I introduced a few days ago. He has just lived here for two days. He was valued by the upper class, so they sent someone to pick him up. This kid has risen to the top in one step."

Liu Di was even more puzzled, "Why is he treated like this?"

Zhang Weiguo said bitterly: "Because he was an air conditioner repairman before he fell into a coma and could make air conditioners."


Liu Di took a deep breath.

Then, Liu Di asked again: "Where was he taken?"

Zhang Weiguo looked up at the sky, his eyes full of yearning, "The world above us is one level higher than ours. It is already a modern city, full of elites, and living a comfortable life."

Liu Di shook his head silently.

Sure enough.

This world is controlled by capital.

But the next moment.

The sky was bright, and a huge glass wall appeared out of thin air!

Liu Di then discovered that a huge glass cover covered the entire T-one area, like some kind of energy barrier.

Then a transparent door slowly opened on the glass cover, revealing a dazzling light.

And the Mercedes-Benz team carrying the air conditioner repairman, like a magnetic levitation aircraft, flew into the air and flew directly to the extremely glorious door.

All the T-one residents below who were preparing to dig ginseng looked up with fascination.

The shadow covering the continent above also dissipated a corner because the door was opened.

Liu Di took a few steps forward and looked at the scene in amazement.

There were skyscrapers, clean and tidy, with all kinds of shops. Cars were speeding on the wide road, and pedestrians were dressed fashionably, just like an international metropolis.

Zhang Weiguo's eyes also lit up, "Did you see it? Compared with us, it's a paradise. Everyone's mental power is above 5,000 points. It's a real upper-class life."

A resident said stupidly: "The T-two area is so spectacular"

Liu Di's face was also illuminated by the scene in the door.

Among them, any random building must have at least 200 floors!

The tallest one is estimated to have thousands of floors!

Although the scene in front of him was so bizarre, there was still one weird thing that Liu Di really couldn't understand.

He turned around and said: "Professor Zhang, why is this T-two area upside down and flipped?"

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