My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 621: Master of Hallucination

Liu Di was stunned when he heard it.

Then he concentrated and sensed it for a moment, but didn't feel anything unusual.

At this time.

I saw the devil cigar mushroom on the side of the road, which actually began to release spores and made a slight chirping sound, as if a small devil was roaring in it.

The deer flower mushroom that looked like a brain actually began to twitch, as if the brain came alive.

The shape of the blood tooth mushroom began to enlarge, and the red dots in it changed positions accordingly, forming a dazzling pattern.

And the green fluorescent mushroom actually looked like a jellyfish, starting to rise into the air and slowly swimming in the air, like a glowing little umbrella.

At the same time, other strange mushrooms also changed one after another!

Mo Tong also exclaimed, "This young woman is so cruel, now there are at least 20 kinds of neurotoxins in the air around!"

Liu Di recalled a scene.

When he first met Ye Yun, she made the tea leaves spread quickly in the coffee shop and became fragrant. She could even control the dried plants, so it was normal to be able to control these highly toxic mushrooms.

The Mohist School is indeed a great science and technology expert.

There are literary masters, departments that study animals, departments that study plants, and departments that study meteorology, military tactics, etc.

And there are genetic evolutionists in every field.

It can be said that they are both mutant and rich, and they cover a wide range of areas.

And Ye Yun has good abilities, and it would be best if she could find a chance to get some DNA.

"Demon boy, what effect can these toxins have on me?"

Liu Di asked.

"What a coincidence, these are all hallucinogenic drugs, and she probably wants to use hallucinations to keep you here!"


Liu Di was stunned, and he had been tormented by hallucinations recently.

The demon boy patted his chest and said, "But since it is an external drug, I can break it in minutes!"

Ye Yun's soft voice came, "Hehe, Mr. Liu, are you seeing a lot of strange scenes now?"

"Your physical strength is extremely strong, Ye Yun is not as good as you, but your mental strength and the stability of your thoughts are probably no different from ordinary people."

"Don't worry, whether you see the scene of hell or the devil is out of the cage, it's all illusion. You just need to sit here steadily and you will be safe."

Ye Yun paused and smiled, "Maybe even I have become a hideous and terrifying female ghost at this time?"

And Liu Di was confused at this time.

The scene in front of him was just this quiet path and the young woman in front of him.

No change.

"Demon boy, have you dissolved the toxins?"

The demon boy also wondered: "No! And your cerebral cortex is calm."


Liu Di was puzzled and picked up the fragrant tea in front of him and prepared to take a sip.

But Ye Yun reached out to stop him, "Mr. Liu, this tea is not ordinary tea. It contains phenoxylate, which is a special-grade hallucinogen. One milligram can cause hallucinations in three elephants. Ye Yun was prepared before. Don't drink this tea now. Please forgive me."

At this time, in Ye Yun's eyes, Liu Di kept raising his eyebrows and frowning.

She thought Liu Di was hallucinating and couldn't extricate himself, but her husband had a close relationship with Liu Di, and she just wanted to keep Liu Di until the incense burned out.

Little did she know.

Liu Di was wondering, why are 20 kinds of hallucinogenic drugs ineffective for me?

Liu Di reached out and caught a fluorescent mushroom floating in front of him. With a light squeeze, the mushroom broke into pieces. This was just a species like dandelions, light in itself, and took off with the help of the breeze.

Liu Di was more convinced that he did not have hallucinations.

"Demon boy, what's going on?"

Demon boy: "The only explanation is that the ballpoint pen your father left you has trained your brain nerve activity to be extremely strong. Now facing these neurotoxins, it's like facing a weak chicken, and you have no feeling at all."

Liu Di was stunned.

Can those hallucinations before have such an effect?

Does this mean that only I can hallucinate myself, and no one else can do it?

Ye Yun looked at the man in white who sat upright and looked at the front, showing a look of regret.

Mr. Liu is indeed not an ordinary person.

The mushrooms that he "raised" are extremely toxic and can evoke people's inner fear through hallucinations. No matter who you are, you can always "tailor-make" horror scenes for you.

Ordinary people inhale these mushroom spores. Within 20 seconds, they will cry for their parents, roll and crawl, and some even have incontinence!

And Liu Di can face these hallucinations and keep his body still, with a spirit of not changing color even when Mount Tai collapses in front of him.


"It's a pity that no matter how strong your willpower is, after inhaling my world's top 20 neurotoxins, your body will be completely distracted by hallucinations and lose its ability to move."

Ye Yun smiled frequently and said to the little flower girl next to her: "Shui'er, go and boil some more water. When Mr. Liu wakes up, make him a pot of green tea to refresh himself."

"No need."

But Brother Liu, who had just been lost in thought, suddenly spoke and directly picked up the teacup in front of him.

Ye Yun's expression changed, "Sir, no, there is a phantom poison there!"


Brother Liu drank the tea in one gulp, and it seemed that it was not enough. He actually picked up the purple clay teapot and drank it all upside down!

Ye Yun was stunned!

Brother Liu moved so quickly that she had no time to stop him!

The little flower girl next to him widened her eyes, "Master, if he drinks like this, his brain will be damaged!"

Ye Yun's face suddenly became ugly, and she ordered: "Hurry up and prepare the Baijie tea!"

Brother Liu clicked his tongue.

Sensing with eyes closed.

Then, Liu Di sighed heavily, and he confirmed that his current mental state was much more normal.

It’s not a problem to write a prose or a song on the spot.

Brother Liu stood up slowly and said helplessly: "Miss Ye Yun, I have passed this test for you. Goodbye."


Ye Yun shouted loudly, "Mr. Liu, everything you see now is not true. Be careful of falling down the mountain if you walk like this. You'd better stay!"

As he spoke, Ye Yun waved his hand, and the moss-covered ground beneath Liu Di suddenly stirred. On both sides of the road, a handful of large green leaves suddenly merged!

Hua Hua Hua

A long and narrow path was wrapped with countless green leaves, like making rice dumplings, wrapping Brother Liu layer by layer, tightly wrapping him in it, making his body invisible.

It was only then that the true identity of this long and narrow path was revealed. It turned out to be a huge plant, with the path as a stem and green leaves growing side by side on both sides!

Ye Yun breathed a long sigh of relief, "Mr. Liu, don't worry, this is just a bigger mimosa. It won't hurt you. You can sleep for a while first!"

At this time, when they reached the top of the slope, several tut-tut sounds came from the huge figure.

He seemed quite bored, "I was poisoned by Ye Yun's hallucination poison, and my body was restricted. I think this competition is just that."

"Lord Juzi, are you so boring?"

"Then just wait for me at the top of the slope!"

It was among the layers of green leaves that Brother Liu's chuckle came from!


There was a sound like the tearing of fabric!

Countless black spikes instantly emerged from the inside of the 'big rice dumpling', piercing the green leaves and tearing them apart!

At this moment, Liu Di was like a black metal hedgehog, with a penetrating cold light at the tips.

And the next second, these spikes retracted into Brother Liu's body like water patterns and disappeared!

The man in white was calm as usual, took a few steps forward, then turned back.

When he came to the little flower girl, he bent down, pinched the little girl's chubby cheeks, and said with a smile: "The little elder has such magical powers."

The little girl was only four or five years old. She seemed a little afraid of this man with a glowing right eye. She immediately approached Ye Yun, hugged her thigh, looked at Brother Liu with timid eyes, and whispered: "Master, I'm afraid."

at the same time.

The white mist covering both ends of Sanzhi Slope suddenly surged violently, like a calm river suddenly turning into turbulent waves!

Even Mr. Song and the others down the slope could feel a manic force awakening in the white mist.

"what happened?"

Mr. Song asked in surprise.

Mo Lan also looked horrified, "He saw through the Shui'er giant."

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