My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 584 Can’t go back?

In Norman's heart.

He didn't even think about seizing Jianmen Pass, but directly wanted to destroy China's command center!

There is no need for large-scale conflicts, no need to mobilize troops.

The battle ended in a few minutes, demonstrating the power of Europe to crush everything!

He gave an order, and a total of four electronic jamming aircraft, ef-111 and ea-6b, were installed at the airport in the European base.

A total of 10 B2 strategic stealth bombers are loaded with Tomahawk missiles.

The engines of the fleet are started, arranged in an orderly manner, and ready to take off!

Norman ordered on the intercom: "Soldiers, give you 40 minutes to go back and forth, and then bring me the news of victory!"

3, 2, 1!

The order from the tower came, and European planes took off!

In the observation center, Rep laughed when he saw this scene.

I also put the matter of Emperor Wu behind me and feel that victory is in sight!

He glanced at Mr. Song, and three words were written on his face: gameover.

I saw Mr. Song looking solemn and silent.

The distance of 500 kilometers is either big or small!

The flight trajectory of the European fleet is shocking. They fly in zigzags, relying on precise satellite navigation. Everywhere they pass, they are blind spots in China's air defense!

These aircraft did not appear on the radar until they entered the range of the Chinese Radar Command!

And because of the existence of electronic interference aircraft, it flickers in and out!

However, the sound of the sound barrier breaking could be faintly heard high in the sky!

"There are still 50 kilometers left, and we will enter their missile range. Commander Liu, how do we fight back?"

The communications lieutenant named Han Licheng shouted to Brother Liu.

But Brother Liu crossed his arms and said, "Watch."



"Just looking at it?"

Han Licheng was confused.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Relax, isn't there the Mo family next door?"

as expected.

Mo Jiuli, who was next door, looked in the direction of Brother Liu from the air and sighed slightly, "Liu Shizi doesn't have any defensive troops. Send the order to activate the Rakshasa star."

Looking behind Mo Jiuli, there was not a single Chinese uniformed soldier in the entire command room wearing a clear black robe!

One of them slightly arched his hands and said, "Yes."

Rakshasa star.

Listening to this name, it sounds like an ancient Chinese hidden weapon!

It feels like this thing is an exploding metal ball!

But the next moment.

In the open space in front of the Chinese Command Center, a huge metal secret door suddenly opened!

There was a buzzing sound and dust was flying!

A huge aircraft, black and flat, with propellers all hidden in the body, slowly took off!

From a distance, it looks like a matte Go sunspot, but it is 20 meters long!

Under the fuselage, there is an imperceptible brush font, which is the word "ink"!

The speed of this aircraft was extremely fast, and it flew into the sky thousands of meters in an instant.

Then hover.

Countless square secret doors on the fuselage opened, and whoosh, whoosh, countless small aircraft flew out!

Like a goddess scattering flowers, she casts dense black dots in the sky!

That is at this time.

The European aircraft fleet lowered their altitude, flew below, and prepared for tactical bombing!

Dang Dang Dang!

The European driver only felt a numb scalp!

I thought I had been shot!

Later, he discovered that his plane was suddenly covered with black iron pieces falling from the sky, like powerful magnets, firmly attached to the surface of the fuselage!

"No, my plane is made of alloy, how can it attract magnets?!"

next moment.

I saw those little magnets as if they were alive. They stretched out four drill bits and nailed themselves directly to the European plane!

European drivers were shocked!

What is this!

In an instant, these small things emitted energy respectively and were connected to each other. In an instant, a blue light film visible to the naked eye was formed on the surface of the bomber, like a layer of wax, directly covering the entire fuselage.

At this moment.

Admiral Norman was looking at his screen with a chuckle.

"There was a loud bang, and the Chinese command base was wiped out."

Norman said to himself: "Oh, by the way, the missile does not have an explosion module and will not make a loud noise, but the Chinese headquarters will still be destroyed!"

However, the next moment his smile stiffened.

On the radar screen, 14 green dots disappeared together!

He quickly looked at the satellite imaging again. His military satellite could magnify the ground scene 1,200 times. In theory, he could see the main body of the bomber!

But after a dozen people searched for 2 minutes, they found nothing!

The fleet of aircraft in Europe seemed to have disappeared without any trace!

He was stiff.

Does China have an anti-radar system that blocks our radar signals?

But it’s impossible to block satellite photography!

Unless the plane is invisible!

There is no such technology in the world!

Brother Liu, on the other hand, looked calm and squinted at the group of fighter jets in the sky.

Mo Tong: "Similar to Gemini's canopy technology, small magnets form an electromagnetic screen on the body, integrating the images of the front and back of the object to create a 'transparent' effect, similar to a chameleon."

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "Although it can't fool the human eye, it can fool satellite photography, which is good."

Devil Boy: "I'm a loser in school."


A group of European pilots were in panic at this time. Their airborne radar system failed, their communication equipment failed, and even their missile positioning equipment failed!

Although the operation of the aircraft was not disturbed, it was as if it was put into a muzzle, isolated from the world!

"What kind of weapon is this!"

"Captain, what should we do?"

"If we launch the missile now, we don't know where it will explode. After all, we are still 100 kilometers away from the Chinese headquarters!"

The captain of the fleet was quite experienced, "Return! It's not too late to repair the equipment before bombing!"

The fleet then prepared to turn around.

But they realized a serious problem.

For the pilot, without a navigation system, it is basically equivalent to being blind!

Can't find the way back!

If you fly back along the exercise base, you must fly at a low altitude, but this is the hinterland of the Chinese side. There is only one result, that is, you will be shot down by the air defense system!

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