Jingle bell…jingle bell…the secretary’s phone keeps ringing! But the big shots were attracted by the battle situation in front of them, so they just waved their hands and arranged for their secretaries to answer the call! "Hello, this is Secretary Tongguo.

""What? ! "What refuge!" ? "Don't be kidding!" "Meteorite?" ! ! "Crashed after 2 minutes and 54 seconds?" "The area near Haishi was razed to the ground?" "Remember http:// for a second. On the side, the secretaries who answered the phone all turned pale! It wasn't until the meteorite approached the atmosphere that the space agencies of various countries belatedly issued an alarm! And they were notified immediately. The leader of his own country! “Tongguo, it’s not good! ! ! "The various secretaries rushed back, their expressions were broken! They found their respective leaders and reported in a panic! But they all summed it up in one sentence: The meteorite will hit immediately, and a radius of 300 kilometers will be destroyed. There is no point in escaping! Then! In the sea city, the air-raid sirens were loud and harsh. Thousands of civilians didn't know what was going on, and they looked out in panic. However, the meteorite was still invisible to the naked eye! .. Something strange happened in the sky! The air began to tremble! It was as if the whole world was being put into a vibrating instrument, and the air was buzzing! It was making people feel numb! In the distant sky, there is the sound of a large jet flying! Of course! This is because the meteorite is still thousands of kilometers away from the surface! Once it is really close to the surface, people near the impact point will not have time to distinguish the sound. Then he would be crushed by the air pressure! Bertram, who had arrived near the steps, was also shocked by the strange phenomenon in the sky! He just turned back for a moment and looked at Brother Liu fiercely again, "No matter what happens, nothing can stop me from killing him." Your determination, haha! "Weird laughter came from the venue! Bertram's momentum is still rising, and is even about to reach G level! "The new name is Emperor Five, right? "The effect of this potion is beyond my imagination. Not only are you taking my life today, but none of your punishers will survive either!" "Bertrand roared! Step by step up the steps! At the same time, the speed of the meteorite was astonishing! Now you can faintly see its body! Above the blue sky, a huge flaming stone, dragging a long black tail flame, rushed towards the ground Come on! Brother Liu was stunned on the spot! This crisis was beyond his imagination! How could such a situation happen? It was simply not possible to solve it with his current strength! The extent of human resistance! "Demon boy!" what can we do! "The devil boy pounded the ground with his hands and looked up at the sky, "Enjoy the last 1 minute and 58 seconds of your life! "And the many big shots at the scene were surprisingly stunned on the spot! They forgot to escape, and there was no need to escape! They looked up at the sky, their expressions indescribable! The scene was very quiet, as if all sounds had disappeared, even if It was the furious monster Bertram who seemed to be speechless! Suddenly! The water drop pendant on Liu Di's chest shone slightly! A strange light spread on the surface, and then slowly rotated into a gorgeous shape. The whirlpool! The demon boy exclaimed: "Brother Liu!" It’s that small black hole again! There is energy from other dimensions emanating from it! "Liu Di didn't know why! The next moment, a powerful dizzy feeling came from his mind! It seemed that his body rose for an instant, and then fell for an instant, creating the illusion of weightlessness! Then! Ripples appeared on the surface of the water drop pendant, and the liquid metal continued to flow. Come out! It spread from Liu Di's chest and slowly covered every inch of his body! There was a roar in Liu Di's mind! His own DNA chain quickly appeared in his view! DNA, changes rapidly! The golden part starts to grow automatically! In the blink of an eye, the entire DNA turns golden! Brother Liu, the second phase of the new human being’s liberation is 100% complete! Second level gene lock breakthrough! "Brother Liu!" "Every cell in your body is operating at overclocking speed, squeezing the potential of cells beyond the limit!" "Responsiveness is no longer limited to the nervous system, but depends on the absolute speed that the mind and body can achieve!" ! ! "But! The roar in Brother Liu's mind did not stop! With a bang, another invisible shackle was broken! The devil boy covered his face with his hands, his expression extremely shocked! "Brother Liu, the third stage of the new human race, the thinking simulation is 100% completed. ! Level 3 gene lock breakthrough! "Be able to initially control biological fluctuations!" Stress awakens the knowledge and technology once mastered by the ancestors, horizontally supplementing the individual's ability and breadth of wisdom to cope with any possible crisis! "Boom! There was another loud bang in Brother Liu's head! The devil boy's eyes widened, he was extremely shocked, and murmured in his mouth: "The fourth level gene lock...

Gene recombination!!! "From the evolutionary information discovered at the gene level, carry out gene recombination, or precisely manipulate power to exert influence on the molecular scale!" "You completely transform and become another organism, overlooking everything, and have a state of mind that exists in parallel with the creator!" "Oh my God!" "This is almost the same as my guess!" "Brother Liu, you have become a god!" "Oh my God!!!" At this time, Brother Liu was spinning and his mind was banging! Countless complex information rushed into his mind at a rapid speed! Now Brother Liu could hardly withstand this crazy indoctrination! Suddenly! A voice in Brother Liu's mind covered everything! Clearly audible! "I am you! Now that the order of the plane has been destroyed, I will help you resolve the crisis!" In an instant! Brother Liu got rid of panic and his mind was stable! He slightly sensed the present! The feeling inside the body cannot be called power! But it is the kind of rampant consciousness that can play with the world in the palm of your hand! This feeling is indescribable! "Hahaha!" "Brother Liu, die! "I saw Bertram had come to the podium, swung out his one arm, and the sharp nails on his five fingers scratched towards Brother Liu! Brother Liu turned his head silently, "You ant, don't make trouble!" He narrowed his eyes suddenly! Clang! There was a crisp sound of metal hitting in the air! The sound was not loud! But it passed through the air and was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears! It was as if someone was holding a piece of metal and knocking on their ears! Everyone was instantly attracted by the sound! All looked at it! The next moment, everyone's face changed drastically! I saw Brother Liu frowning and looking at Bertram! Bertram's body was stiff, and his claws were frozen in the air! There was a sound of broken glass in his body! Boom! Bertram fell on his back! His drooping head just faced everyone! Everyone was shocked again! Bertram's eyeballs had turned completely white! As if he had lost his soul! His body was unharmed, but he was obviously dead!

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