"My queen, hahaha!" A sudden and sharp voice rang out! In the bushes in the distance, a ragged human figure, like a beast, suddenly rushed out on all fours! Its target was Lisa Fei and the little boy! Qiu Beiming frowned and stopped, "Is there anyone else coveting my child?" "Stop right there!" Qiu Beiming turned his body and punched the 'beast'! Boom! A loud bang! It has to be said that Qiu Beiming's strength has increased by at least 10 times compared to before! The sound of bones breaking rang out! The 'beast' screamed! His body exploded back! The two claws took Qiu Beiming's punch, which had been twisted and deformed, and curled up on his chest! The beast's eyes flashed with ferocity, "You... Who are you, how dare you stop me?" "Whoever touches my child shall die!" Qiu Beiming narrowed his eyes slightly, but was surprised to find that the beast's palm made a crackling sound again. In an instant, his arms straightened and recovered! "Yiwen, go get the child back, I'm here!" Qiu Beiming realized the seriousness of the situation, roared, and rushed towards the beast again! And Liu Di.

Enduring severe pain in the radiation space, staring at the monitoring screen nervously! "Mo Tong, increase the radiation, the maximum! I can withstand it!" "Even if the maximum amount of irradiation is used, it will take at least 5-8 minutes!" "Then hurry up!"...Outside the field.

Yan Yiwen obeyed Qiu Beiming's command and came directly to the little boy! Lisa Fei naturally did not allow this inexplicable woman to take Liu Xiaodi away and fight with her! And Qiu Beiming.

But he showed his strong strength! Under the heavy punch! The limbs of the beast were broken! At this time, the beast's limbs were broken, leaving only the chest and head! But it was still alive! It let out a creepy laugh! Then, a sharp cry came from its mouth! The next moment! More than a dozen naked figures with limbs climbing rushed out of the bushes in the distance! Each of them had sparse hair, as if they were malnourished! But the face is almost exactly the same as the previous beast! Including Qiu Beiming, several people were shocked! What kind of monster is this! However, these monsters don't allow people to breathe! Like zombies! They pounced directly at Qiu Beiming! Qiu Beiming's eyes were also red, and he fought hard! Boom boom boom! The loud noise continued! Although Qiu Beiming was powerful and heavy! But facing the siege of more than a dozen crazy monsters, he was overwhelmed! His chest was scratched by sharp claws, and blood splattered! A monster was blasted and flew backwards! Qiu Beiming's thigh was scratched with three bloody marks! Buzz... Brain erosion! The instrument between Qiu Beiming's eyebrows glowed brightly, releasing interference brain waves! However, facing these monsters that have no intelligence and only know how to tear the enemy apart, it has no effect! "Hehe..." The main body of the beast fell to the ground, although the body could not move, but laughed sinisterly, "These 'limbs' of mine... just want to kill you..." Crack! Without paying attention, the power supply device on Qiu Beiming's waist was crushed by a beast! He was even more embarrassed! Moreover.

Five or six monsters rushed out of the woods! They all looked like wild beasts, but they seemed to be not fully developed. Some lacked arms, and some had not grown their facial features! They looked like deformed children! These five or six wild beasts bypassed Qiu Beiming and rushed towards Lisa Fei! Lisa Fei was fighting with Yan Yiwen and was busy with her own business! Crisis moment! Aww... the machine made a sound, and an electronically synthesized dog bark resounded through the sky! I saw a mechanical dog more than 2 meters tall rising from the experimental cemetery! Woof woof dog second generation! It smashed down, and its heavy body instantly smashed a deformed beast into meat paste! Then, it bit another deformed beast and threw it away! In the radiation space! Liu Di clenched his fists, and sweat and blood flowed from his forehead! Xiaoxia was not there! The mechanical dog was his only support now! He must wait until I showed up! ... Little did he know! In just 3 minutes, the battle situation took a sharp turn for the worse! The beast climbed onto the back of the mechanical dog, biting off some key circuits! Half of its body had failed, and its movements were blocked! And Qiu Beiming.

was also defeated! The wounds on his body were getting more and more, and his whole body was stained with blood! Squeak! A deep wound that reached the bone was cut on his thigh, and the pale leg bone was already looming! Boom! He knocked another beast away! There were not many beasts left, but they kept healing and joining the battlefield! Endless! "Beiming!" Seeing Qiu Beiming shaky, Yan Yiwen shouted and left the battlefield to rescue him! The beasts that surrounded Qiu Beiming also heard the news and were ready to kill the little boy! "You are not allowed to leave, come at me, don't even think about touching my child!" Qiu Beiming shouted! He jumped out of the encirclement with all his strength, grabbed the head of a beast, exerted force with both arms, and crushed its head with a click! Chi Chi... Qiu Beiming's back was pierced by a sharp claw, and then suddenly cut open! In an instant, his intestines were about to flow out! Yan Yiwen was also terrified! He rushed towards Qiu Beiming regardless of everything! Unexpectedly, a wild beast approached him, and a claw shadow slashed across! Yan Yiwen's neck instantly exploded with snowflakes, and half of her throat had been torn off! On the white neck, there was a fist-sized hole left, and blood was gurgling! Yan Yiwen suddenly froze, and her eyes were blank for a moment! The vitality quickly faded! She stood still, looked back at the little boy who was huddled behind Lisa Fei, and then looked back at Qiu Beiming who was covered in blood.

"Beiming..." "Our child..." The words were not finished.

Yan Yiwen's body fell down with a bang. Before she closed her eyes, hot tears flowed out! "Yiwen!" "No!!!" Qiu Beiming was heartbroken and screamed to the sky! He wanted to move forward, but was held tightly by the beast under him! His hamstrings were bitten off by a beast! He knelt down with a bang! He covered the wound on his back with one hand to prevent his intestines from flowing out, and stretched out his other hand to grab the fallen Yan Yiwen through the air! However, the distance of more than ten meters between the two was like the farthest distance in the world! Yin and Yang separated! Even if he wanted to touch Yan Yiwen's body, he was blocked by countless cruel beasts and could not move! Qiu Beiming didn't know how much blood he had shed! At this time, his whole body was in great pain, and his head was dizzy! Hiss... Hiss... Blood splattered! The wounds on his body were constantly increasing! Bones were exposed everywhere, and his skin was torn! He had forgotten to resist, and his eyes were full of despair that the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing!

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