My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 299 Robbins's Big Gamble

Fei Guo moved too fast! No wonder.

Perseus once issued a declaration of war to 14 countries one after another, and successively destroyed the people of many countries.

It has already aroused public outrage! Now there is news in the world that the unstoppable Perseus, who swept everything, was actually destroyed by the fic group! What a delight! Fei Guodeng shouted, and everyone responded immediately! Instantly pushed fic to a whole new level! Didn't even give them a chance to explain! Robbins asked in confusion: "Um...hasn't anyone come out to clarify this matter?" "No?" mfic members said respectfully: "The commander of the African War Department is very sure that our fic came to help in this matter! "Captain, your move is really clever!" "Block all the news and send someone secretly to defeat Perseus!" "That's really great!" "Did you send the number 5 of the hero group?" "Assassin?" "Only he can do all this without anyone noticing!" Robbins' mouth twitched, "Haha..." Assassin? Robbins had thought about sending assassins before.

But when that guy heard that the boss of the hero group was tortured and became disabled, he refused to accept his orders whether he was alive or dead! "Oh, by the way, captain!" the fic member said again: "The president also sent a message, saying that you did a good job this time, and announced the reward!" So.

The North American branch of fic unknowingly became the international hero who destroyed Perseus! Only Robbins himself knows the situation! fic did take action! And it was three attacks! but.

Nearly 40 of his A-level cyborgs died! Three of the hero group died, one was seriously injured, and the rest were terrified! One side is miserable, the other side is glorious! Robbins, who couldn't explain anything, waited quietly for 10 hours.

I haven’t seen any organization issue a statement! No one clarified that this incident was not caused by fic! It’s as if this master behind the scenes really doesn’t exist! And Robbins.

Quietly watching the congratulatory messages from other countries.

And cooperation requests from major consortiums and research institutions! There are also all kinds of internal media flattery from international high-level officials! The League of Nations is even considering awarding fic the annual Peace Award! Robbins couldn't resist the temptation! He gritted his teeth.

Things have come to this.

You can only take a gamble! He asked the Afrikaner commander Malo about the fighting situation.

Commander Marlowe remained tight-lipped, only saying that a young man single-handedly killed the leader of Perseus in a deserted place, and no one saw the battle! Robbins' eyes flashed.

There are no witnesses, so this is easier to handle! He came up with a plan.

No matter whether the mysterious master exists or not, it will not affect his fic reputation! Through a secret channel, he contacted the No. 5 fic hero, the ‘Assassin’! Meet the assassins! It was the assassin who lurked near the leader of Perseus and found the right moment to give him a fatal blow! Moreover, the assassin also secretly assassinated many members of Perseus! Thus.

It can confuse the audience! Even if the real master shows up, it does not negate fic's contribution.

After all, our fic is a secret assassination! As for the assassin, the number 5 character in the hero group.

After hesitating again and again, he finally failed to resist the temptation of honor! Agreed with Robbins! Phew...Robbins let out a long breath.

Sit quietly for three minutes.

Finally, I opened the email and sent a reply to several national leaders who had sent congratulatory messages, as well as the president of fic: "This is our obligation.


Various countries received reports of fic battles.

It focuses on the assassin's ambush and assassination, and does not mention anything else.

This caused the commander of the African War Department to exclaim repeatedly! fic is indeed thoughtful and even sent an assassin to help secretly! for a while.

fic has become a hero in many countries! Their strong strength makes them flock to him! The original fic is not recognized by all countries! Its origin is similar to the International Environmental Protection Association.

A force organized in the West supported by several countries in the Americas.

It wants to become an important regulatory organization after the era of human transformation comes.


For several years, there has been no chance for fic to shine! Under the ordinary.

Many funders have even stopped funding fic! In addition, the black and white joker massacred fic's North American headquarters some time ago, which completely caused fic to lose face! Even more so! These are also one of the reasons why Robbins takes desperate risks! But today, everything is different! fic defeated Perseus who left countless countries helpless! Instantly hot! The achievements are frequently reported to the unification offices of various countries! The consortia that want to support have also lined up! More countries have joined the fic agent agreement, giving the green light to fic agents! There are even many cyborg organizations that want to send cyborgs whose experiments have been successful to fic and turn them into heroes! And the fic hero group "Assassins" secretly assassinated the shepherd.

Became a legend in people's eyes.

Countless agents and reformers set him as a role model! There are also constant invitations from fic headquarters! Not long after, there was an international humanoid competition sponsored by multiple countries.

On the surface it was a discussion.

In fact, they are secretly competing for the strength of the reformers in each country! fic's top executives were invited to be judges! The hero group ‘Assassin’ was named and asked to represent his motherland, the Great Eagle Empire! Saw this news.

Robbins' brow was sweating.

But after this incident in Africa, he found that the assassin was as timid as a mouse! Moreover, the assassin's strength may not be enough to gain a firm foothold internationally! By then...Robbins can't even imagine it! We can only use troops to cover up the water and earth! Good thing.

The above knows that the hero group of fic's North American branch has been severely damaged, and is ready to send some more manpower to help them! Looking at the hero group list, there are three death tags and one retirement tag.

Robbins sighed slightly.

He has just rejected requests for help from many countries.

Because now I am strong on the outside but strong on the inside! "Captain, this person...has lost contact with us for a long time.

"The fic file manager on the side pointed to a name on the hero group and said hesitantly: "Look, this time the organization is reorganized, should you cross out his name? "Robbins frowned.

He rubbed his temples vigorously, "He, I invited him to join me so sincerely, but now it's useless at all!" "Forget it.

"Robbins pondered for a moment and said: "Let's keep his name for now, at least it can make the list look less bleak.

The file manager nodded and recorded: "Active fic hero group, Emperor Liu."


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