My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 247 Twin Firewalls

"Brother Liu, let's see how long your twins can last!" Sun Dongming shouted anxiously from a distance! Gemini? The Creator Twins? The 80 technicians on site, as well as Xielong and Lin Yi looked up in shock! Is this guy a Gemini? wrong! In this case, it will not be ordinary employees who can come to the Cybersecurity Bureau! Either the business owner, or the core technical director! Gemini's code is called the handwriting of God in the industry! Not to mention it has super powerful functions! m Even under the current powerful attack, Gemini's system is still standing tall and is the only one that has not been invaded! Could this guy be one of Gemini's programmers? You are young and your future is limitless! He is a low-key master! But he saw Teng Hualong walking over in a hurry, sweating profusely, "Mr. Liu, I lent you money, do you still remember it?" Brother Liu smiled hoarsely, "Yes, but if I remember correctly, I gave you the money later. The advertising recommendation algorithm increased your group’s stock price by 12%!” “No matter what you say, I also lent you money.

"I beg you, save me Penguin. If my user data is taken away, it will not only be the collapse of my Penguin, but also the disaster of the entire Chinese Internet community!" "Teng Hualong's eyes flashed, and he was about to collapse.

Brother Liu let out a long breath, "Don't worry, I still say what I said. Every company must have its own mission and its own responsibilities. I will not stand idly by!" Teng Hualong nodded heavily! Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, I'm going to do a sequence upgrade, Sequence 7!" "Because I estimate that you are about to make a big move. This upgrade is specifically for regional control. I need to improve the calculations to achieve thousands of things on the PC. Control!" Then, the demon boy became quiet.

An upgrade progress bar appeared in Liu Di's perspective: 1%...2%...3%...Liu Di nodded slightly.

Look at the computer in front of you.

Fingers are flying! Quickly find a secret line and crack an encrypted chat room! at this time.

In the secret chat room that serves as the strategic command of Chinese hackers.

Suddenly a user was automatically registered.

The administrator was shocked! Why was this chat room discovered? He looked again, and his pupils shrank sharply! This person’s registered nickname is—Di Si! Ding dong.

A new message was sent in the chat room.

Emperor Four: "Hello everyone, I'm Emperor Four!" "I'm sorry for causing this Internet war, but I will never run away!" All the hackers in the chat room, including Xielong, shook their fingers! This guy... this chat room is extremely secretive! After the defense bonus of hundreds of hackers present, it can be said to be a piece of iron! How could he get in so easily? Master! 100% super master! But Emperor Si said again: "The current war is something no one wants to see.

"But, this is also a good opportunity for me, China!" "For a long time, China has been regarded as lagging behind in network technology and withering talents!" "In the eyes of international hackers, people have always been their prey, and I have been their prey!" "So, I want to take this opportunity to prove to the whole world that our Chinese network is also a territory that cannot be trampled at will!" "There was silence in the chat room for a moment.

Finally someone spoke: "Emperor Si, we are all of the same mind, it is normal to cause some trouble, and we will not stand idly by in this matter.

"Moreover, I also support your idea and prove to the world the power of China!" "But..." Someone finally couldn't help but send a message: "But the enemies we face this time are by no means ordinary people. They are organized masters, a very big and very powerful force!" "I even guessed that this was the instigation of a certain country!" "They have already started attacking our civilian network software!" "I think..." "We'd better ensure our defense this time to ensure we won't be invaded..." "As for... counterattack or something, let's wait and accumulate some strength... and then we'll talk about it .

"Brother Liu knew clearly.

Chinese hackers are now a little less confident! No wonder, Europe’s attack this time mobilized the world’s top talents! And it’s organized and premeditated! Many network vulnerabilities were found in advance! Chinese hackers are really overwhelmed by their defenses without knowing it! Brother Liu on the other side of the computer smiled slightly and sent: "Don't worry, everyone, I decided to fight back first. If I see results, please help me again!" "Just wait for my news!" Then.

Brother Liu is offline! All the Chinese hackers were a little puzzled! What does he mean? Such a master would definitely not make a joke! Is he going to fight back? It’s a bit difficult! But there is no other way but to take care of the present and fix the loopholes.

Wait for the news! Hai City Internet Security Bureau.

All the big screens were showing factual battle reports.

Monitoring the invasion of the geek army! This is a map.

It is marked with major Internet official units and major Internet companies.

The opponent's attack is red, and your own guard is blue.

I watched the blue firewalls of enterprises being breached.

Everyone is on pins and needles! Finally, the greedy red attack pointed the finger at the Gemini! Everyone's hearts were lifted instantly! And in the dilapidated schools in Europe.

A team of 10 people is responsible for attacking the Twins.

They are so excited right now! Everyone knows that this is an Internet company that is reputed to represent China's top technology! Get rid of it, it will go down in history and boast about it for a lifetime! One hacker licked his lips.

The first step is to find the firewall and bypass it, or find its weakest point! The hacker tried attacking the code several times.

Well, not bad.

The firewall is very strong! Haha.

But there is no firewall that cannot be broken, there will always be weaknesses! The firewall is like a wall, surrounding the outside of the main program.

The larger the main program, the longer the wall must be! If the wall is infinitely extended, it will not be strong and tall forever! The hacker, like a thief, disguised himself and slowly explored along the twin firewalls.

Find loopholes! 10 minutes later.

The hacker drank a cup of coffee.

Not bad! The wall now looks very strong! Half an hour later.

The hacker rubbed his eyes.

Still no loopholes? 2 hours later.

The hacker's eyes were already bloodshot! The wall in front of him was towering into the sky, a copper wall and an iron wall, without any flaws! It was like a powerful pressure, pressing him to suffocate! What the hell! Is this something that can be made by humans?

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